Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Philosophy Of Nursing Is The Key Component Of...
Compassionate Healing Everyday many nurses remove their private hats at the door to transform into an advocate for patients whom they’ve never met or may never see again. Nurses choose nursing as a profession to make a difference in their patient’s life. Florence Nightingale, a pioneer who defined the evolution of her philosophy in nursing by anticipating the needs of her patients, advocating on their behalf when they could not speak for themselves and educating the public about her theologies (Masters, 2017, pp. 51-52). The core of my philosophy of nursing is compassion. Compassion is the key component of professional nursing; it renders hope, loves selfless, and displays acts of kindness regardless of race, color, creed, sex, or economic status. An integral parent of my nursing is taking time to adequately and compassionately assess where my patient is psychologically and giving them my undivided attention to listen to their concerns, educate them about their illness and allow them to make informed choices about their care. Compassion delineates my personal existence and places the physiological, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of my patients above my own within my professional practice. Choice of Nursing After working part-time as a file clerk in high school for one of the largest investment companies, I realized that this was not making a difference in people lives. I would go to school for half a day and then to work the other half. My prom andShow MoreRelatedPersonal Philosophy of Nursing1500 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Philosophy of Nursing Personal Philosophy of Nursing Pamela Metzger September 11, 2011 Jacksonville University Personal Philosophy of Nursing Nursing Philosophy What is nursing, what does nursing mean to me? After much thought I have put together a few ideas of what the term nursing means to me, along with some supporting ideas from references I have read. Jacksonville University School of Nursing Philosophy One of the primary foundations of the philosophy of JacksonvilleRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing949 Words  | 4 PagesMy Personal Philosophy of Nursing My inspiration to pursue a career in Nursing began at a young age, after reading the biography of Florence Nightingale. I was in middle school, and intrigued at her courage, and dedication to care for the sick. 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