Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Outline for arts speech †story of Hamlet Essay
IB TOK R31. Story of settlementA. settlement son of late king Claudius, mother remarried less(prenominal) than 2 months after her husbands death.B. Ghost of late king visits small town and tells him that the new king murdered him.C. Hamlet lashes forth at everyone virtually him, including his love Ophelia.D. Hamlet plots to kill kingE. Hamlet stages a move called The Mousetrap, in which a king is murdered by his brother, who then takes up with his wife, Claudius freaked out and Hamlet Claudius is guilty.F. Hamlet visited his mother and derides her for taking up such man.G. Polonius, Ophelias father, hid himself in Gertrudes, Hamlets mother, room behind a curtain. When he calls out for help, Hamlet kills him thinking that it is the king.See more(prenominal) strategy format for essayH. Because of the murder, Hamlet is sent to England and when he returns to Elsinore, he jar againsts a funeral-taking place, he finds that Ophelia has drowned. Her brother Laertes, blaming Hamlet for the death his father and sister, challenges Hamlet to a duel.I. At the duel, Laertes poisons his blade to make sure Hamlet pull up stakes die. At the same time, Claudius inserts a poison pearl into a wine loving cup in hope that Hamlet will drink it.J. Every outstanding character dies Gertrude gets to the cup first, and dies. Laertes wounds Hamlet with the poison blade, Hamlet mortally wounds Laertes. Hamlet then finds out that Claudius put poison in the cup and he goes after the king and kills him. Then Hamlet lies down and dies.K. This swindle is frequently referred to as the one in which everybody dies.2. Differences between the twoA. Mel Gibson version enjoin by Franco Zeffirelli1. Starts differently2. Only 135 min. cut out broad sections.3. High number of extra- poove actually seems to gravel power4. burnish -can relate5. Play-in-play with spoken spoken language- a great deal more importance- used by hamlet as proof.6. Seemed to be made to retell an old story7. Switched virtually to make it more entertaining8. Said by a tyro to be written for the massesa. shortb. cut out dialogue- easier for coarse people to understandc. fun to watchB. Olivier as hamlet enjoin by himself1. Starts as the play does2. Less extras- King seems to rule no one3. 155 min -missing huge sections4. Play-in-play in mime less importance done to jab at the king and queen for what they have done5. New interpretation of an old story6. Black and flannel can non relate to lack of color as swell up7. Friends of Hamlet left field outa. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern not inb. Allows Hamlet to be less deranged8. Better sword play- build more suspense as to who will win9. Cinematography changes feeling Darkera. castle is dark and so is the sky, see more of the dark skyb. Humor is cut out3. Differences in HamletA. Soliloquies in Olivier to self allows him to get closer to subjects, inner turmoil, in Zeffirelli it is out loud, insanity1. Kill Claudius when praying2. To be or not to beB. In Zeffirelli- acts much more insane- wild eyed, over the top.C. In Olivier- much more reserved, caustic when speaking.4. Other differences in charactersA. Queen Gertrude1. In Oliviera. actress is 29 years old Olivier is 41- looks strangeb. drinks the poison knowing that she will die- to economise Hamlet, a noble death2. In Zeffirellia. Devastating and tragic death- didnt knew that the cup was poisoned, more of an impact on viewers.B. Ophelia1. In Zeffirellia. Completely mad, gives out bones and sticks and calls them flowers2. Oliviera. Semi-mad, more out of it than insaneC. Dead King1. Zeffirellia. King looks like he is alive and is just back visiting not freighting2. Oliviera. Never see the face of the king, comes surrounded in fogb. shiveryc. See the murder acted out5. ConclusionA. Way the director influenced my perception of the story1. Same story, many of the same lines, same characters, but different feelings emitted from both.a. Zeffirelli humorous, have fun w atching it makes the ending more tragic more of a dramatic changeb. Olivier is dark always fell that something howling(a) is going to happen end not as devastatingc. Polonius Words, words, wordsB. Olivier version constitutes what I believe to be a masterpiece when hobby Clarks definition from unit four of our book.1. follows all of the guidelinesa. The original play by Shakespeare that it is based off of fills the first 5 requirements as well as the last.b. Oliviers version creates the feeling of complete supremacy of the artists art. Whereas Zeffirellis is entertaining but not a masterpiece.c. Oliviers version won 5 Oscars, Zeffirellis, none.Show preview only
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