Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Economic Crisis of 2008 and the UK Government Response Essay Example For Students
The Economic Crisis of 2008 and the UK Government Response Essay Outline1 Introduction2 The Economic Crisis of 20083 The UK Government Response4 Decision Introduction The current economic crisis which had its roots in the US sub-primes market produced a profound displacement in UK economic policy, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . The latter suggests that prior to this crisis UK economic policy centred on three rules which included financial prudence, low rising prices and unequal ordinance and supervising of the UK banking sector. However, the consequence of the crisis was so terrible that the authorities refocused economic policy such that big public sector adoption was necessary. This was due to the fact that a figure of big UK Bankss were in problem holding had exposure to the troubled sub-primes market with subsequent bad debts on their balance sheets, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . Therefore, in order improve the wellness of the Bankss the UK authorities became effectual stockholders utilizing revenue enhancement remunerator s money. The Bankss which were assisted include Northern Rock, HBOS and Lloyds TSB every bit good as the Royal Bank of Scotland. Howeve r, the rule ground for authorities intercession was to supply liquidness to the interbank loans market and facilitate Bankss to impart to houses and consumers, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . It was envisaged that one time sufficient liquidness had been provided to the interbank market, so the Bankss would be willing to impart to each other and so the Bankss would be able to impart to the wider economic system. The entire cost of authorities action to debar a prostration in the fiscal markets amounted to 28 % of GDP, Furceri et Al ( 2009 ) . The Economic Crisis of 2008 We will write a custom essay on The Economic Crisis of 2008 and the UK Government Response specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The roots of the fiscal crisis which surfaced in July 2007, and which became worldwide after the collpase of Lehman Brothers on 14th September 2008, Guillen ( 2009 ) , lay in the sub-prime mortgage market in the United States, Lapavitsas ( 2009 ) . It was between 2001 to 2003 that mortgage loaning in the US rose significantly until 2006. At the bosom of the fiscal crisis lay the fact that loans for places were being made to those who would non be able to go on to do refunds on the mortgages either because they lost their occupations or involvement rates increased. The latter may be a consequence of the authorities seeking to stem a short term addition in rising prices. Therefore, the planetary economic crisis of 2008 had its roots in 2007. In the US, fiscal establishments were imparting money to borrowers whose income was deficient for them to comfortably maintain up the payments on mortgages, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . However, as house monetary values were traveling up more and more bad loans for mortgages were being made. It was due to the fact that these mortgages were valuable because the monetary values of houses were increasing that US investing Bankss took the mortgages and securitised them to organize CDO s. Nevertheless, the job started when US house monetary values began to fall, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . In this instance, as the monetary value of US houses began to worsen the securitised debt besides began to lose value. However, by this clip the securitised debt had been cut up into smaller balls and siphoned off to Bankss around the universe, stoping up as liabilities on their balance sheets, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . Some Bankss had larger balls of securitised debt on their balance sheets than other Bankss while some Bankss had no exposure to securitised debt at all. In the period 2004-2006, US $ 1.4 trillion worth of mortgages had been securitised.This represented 79.3 % of all sub-prime mortgages, Lapavitsas ( 2009 ) . Furthermore, harmonizing to the latter securitisation was the procedure whereby morgages were parcelled into little sums puting them into other fiscal constructions and selling the tonss as new securities. These new securities or CDOs were to be held by fiscal establishments around the universe. However, as involvement rates began to lift after 2004, mortgage foreclosures increased.The consequence of the increased foreclosures was that the securities became worthless and Bankss wer e unable to sell or merchandise them and increase their hard currency assets, Lapavitsas ( 2009 ) . The fact that Bankss had worthless, untradeable liabilities on their balance sheets put into uncertainty the solvency of UK every bit good as other planetary Bankss. These fiscal establishments preferred to roll up liquid assets alternatively of guaranting that liquidness to other Bankss was maintained through the interbank market. The ensuing liquidness deficit was characterised by the motion between the interbank loaning rate and the 3 month Overnight Indexed Swap rate. The Overnight Indexed Swap rate was exceeded by the interbanklending rate after August 2007 with the difference making a extremum in the last one-fourth of 2008, Lapavitsas ( 2009 ) . Therefore, liquidness dried up with Bankss unwilling to impart to each other ; and accordingly to houses and consumers. .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a , .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .postImageUrl , .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a , .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a:hover , .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a:visited , .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a:active { border:0!important; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a:active , .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc42ac26a32a2ff266c30a17731cb623a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Physical Therapists And Physical TherapyIt is now clear that the jobs in the US lodging market started when involvement rates rose and house monetary values began to fall. At the same clip the cost of borrowing to houses began to increase, doing it more expensive for them to be able do productive investings which maintained current employment and generated farther employment. In this instance people began to be laid away and unemployment in the UK began to increase, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . Furthermore, in the UK people began to lose their occupations demand for goods and services fell and in the US as the figure of lodging foreclosures began to increase significantly as pe ople were laid away. Once people began to acquire laid off they lost their capacity to pay for the mortgages which they had taken out, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . As the figure of foreclosures soared and house monetary values to drop even deeper, the values of the securitised debt which was sitting on the balance sheets of Bankss around the universe besides began to fall in value. A effect of this was that the liabilities side of the bank s balance sheet began to increase. As rumors began to distribute in the market that some Bankss were more exposed than others to bad securitised debt, Bankss became fearful of loaning to each other through the interbank market. The impact of this was reduced ingestion, increasing unemployment and overall contraction of the economic systems of developed states, including in the UK. The UK authorities was therefore confronting an economic crisis which was non alone to this state but portion of a far wider planetary contagious disease whose spread was facilitated by the mechanics and linkages of globalization, Lapavitsas ( 2009 ) . However, the authorities in its response to the crisis had to guarantee that the Bankss did non prostration, continued to impart to each other and to consumers and houses in the wider economic system. The following subdivision will look at the UK authorities policy response in more item. The UK Government Response The UK was one of the European states to be hit the hardest by the planetary economic crisis which began with the US sub-primes crisis. The crisis led to the first tally on a UK bank since the latter portion of the nineteenth century with the whole banking sector confronting near meltdown 12 months subsequently with the prostration of Lehman Brothers on the 18th September 2008, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . Furthermore, the latter suggest that the ensuing recognition crunch and the bursting of the UK lodging bubble have had a profound impact on the UK economic system which has required a UK authorities policy response which has had to be non merely significant but besides has had to put aside regulations such as those associated with competition policy which would non usually have been done, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . It has besides been suggested in the literature that the UK economic system will contract by about 4 % in 2009 with rising prices falling by 1.7 % and unemployment making 3 mill ion before a sustained recovery boots sets in, NIESR ( 2009 ) . Furthermore, the economic crisis has led to unprecedented economic policy co-ordination at an international degree with policy preparation at the national and international degree invariably germinating, Pauly ( 2009 ) . Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) suggests that the policy paradigm which was followed by the UK Labour Party following its 1997 election triumph was basically the New Keynesian consensus on macroeconomic policy, the complex of policies which changed after the crisis. Specifically, the UK authorities relied on financial policy and pecuniary policy although doubtless, the latter was dominant. With respects to financial policy, the chief drivers included the decrease in the VAT rate from 17.5 % to 15 % ; and an addition in authorities adoption. Indeed the authorities s adoption demands increased 5 crease from its degree in 2007-2008 to its degree in 2008-2009 with the adoption demand traveling from2.3 % of its GDP in 2007-2008 to 11.3 % in 2008-2009. The addition in authorities adoption was non due to the work of automatic stabilizers and was in fact outside the work of the automatic stabilizers which caused the authorities to suspend its normal financial regulations for borrowing. On the other ma nus with the usage of pecuniary policy the authorities was able to make far more extended surgery to the UK economic system. First, the Bank of England dropped bank base rates from 5.75 % in November 2007 to 0.5 % in April 2009. This process was meant to do borrowing cheaper in the interbank market and ease general bank loaning to the wider economic system leting houses to borrow to put, while the decrease in VAT was meant to cut the costs of houses so that they would non put off staff, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . In footings of an IS-LM analysis the increased loaning by the Bankss due to take down bank base rates would be reflected by the LM curve switching downwards with national result theoretically increasing. However, the lowering of bank base rates did non work in the mode dictated by theory, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . The latter characterise the impersonal impact of the lowering of bank base rates on interbank loaning by detecting that neither did the volumes of interbank loaning ad dition or interbank rates fall. Furthermore, because rising prices besides fell, the Bank of England was unable to pull strings the existent involvement rate. For illustration, if rising prices is high and the nominal rate of involvement is low, so it is possible to hold negative degrees of the existent involvement rate, Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . However, this may non be possible when the degree of rising prices is falling or really low. This is declarative of the fact that possibly the pre-crisis policy of aiming rising prices was set at excessively lower rate and a higher rate of possibly 5 % should hold been operational to give more flexibleness to the Bank of England when utilizing pecuniary policy. The failure of the usage of involvement rates to decide the crisis led to the Bank of England conveying into action new policy instruments such as quantitative moderation and the Asset Purchasing Facility ( APF ) , Hodson et Al ( 2009 ) . The former policy instrument allowed the Bank t o impart against securities utilizing its price reduction window in order to increase liquidness. Furthermore, the APF allowed the bank non merely to impart against securities but to buy them from other fiscal establishments. .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 , .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .postImageUrl , .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 , .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7:hover , .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7:visited , .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7:active { border:0!important; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7:active , .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7 .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2f8adeb582c6569bf7cea1d2004c27a7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Functions Of A Discourse Community EssayDecision This paper has evaluated the causes of the planetary economic crisis of 2008 and the subsequent policy response of the UK authorities. It has been shown that the crisis began the US sub-primes market and spread globally due to the securitisation of sub-primes mortgages which therefore entered the circulation of the planetary fiscal system. The subsequent busting of the US lodging bubble made the securitised debt worthless and as a effect loaning in the interbank loaning market dried up with Bankss waiting to neglect with black effects. The authorities s policy response to the crisis was at first to utilize both pecuniary and financial policy with financial policy concentrating on an addition in authorities adoption and a decrease the rate of VAT. Monetary policy at first relied on the usage of take downing bank base rates to excite interbank loaning. However, this did non work because rising prices was at a low and so the authorities resorted to utilizing irregular techniques such as quantitative moderation and the Asset Purchasing Facility to increase liquidness in the market. The authorities still faces the jobs associated with the demand for coordinated action amongst state provinces to cover with the crisis every bit good as the chance that there may be a 2nd recognition crisis which involves non Bankss or houses but consumers and autonomous provinces.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
HOPE Foundation essays
HOPE Foundation essays In Georgia, there is a program going on that helps out the student immensely. The Georgia State Lottery is used as a device to send hard-working students to college for free. Since the start of the lottery, over 488,00 kids have gone to college on the HOPE scholarship due to the lottery (Message from the President 1). Also, the lottery helps pay for pre-kindergarten facilities and programs, as well as computer and technology upgrades for their high schools through the HOPE foundation. North Carolina needs to take a serious look at the revenue Georgia brings from its lottery and think how it could be beneficial for North Carolina students. First, the lottery helps out a tremendous amount of students through the HOPE program. The way that the Hope scholarship works is that all Georgia high school students that graduates with a 'B' average or higher becomes eligible to receive a grant to help cover the cost of tuition, book, and mandatory fees at any public Georgia college or university and a $3,000 dollar scholarship to any private college (Educational Uses of Lottery Proceeds 1). Also, they will provide full tuition, books, and fees to any technical institute in the state of Georgia. That sounds like a whole lot of incentive for young adults to make a 'B' average in school. I just don't understand why North Carolina does not have the same incentive for our children. To keep the college student a good student, you must also keep a 'B' average in college to keep your scholarship. Georgia has given more than 1 billion dollars toward college bound students since 1993 (HOPE scholarship 1). North Carolina has no pro grams of this sort. Two years after starting college, HOPE recipients have a higher G.P.A. (grade point average), and have earned more credit hours than their counterparts who do not have the HOPE scholarship according to The Council For School Performance (Council for School Perfo ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Two week Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Two week Journal - Assignment Example I hope I can keep my resolution though. The anniversary of 9/11 got me thinking about the events. What a terrible day it was not only for us Americans but for everyone in the world! Nobody had heard of an attack on civilians of this magnitude. I remember how all of us were stunned and how I could not really think straight for quite a while to come. I can still not make sense of all that happened then. How can someone punish innocent people and on such a massive scale? That is a thought I cannot get my mind wrapped around. The anger is still here, though I do believe that a lot of crimes were committed due to this hatred, against Muslims who were our own countrymen. I believe all of us should still be angry, but we should not lose our minds. Retribution, if we ever do get it, should come from those who committed that crime against us, and not from our own countrymen, or other innocent people, who happen to share the faith of the criminals. I tried to define love to myself; a futile exercise I know, because there is no definite answer to the question ‘what is love?’. If I love someone, is it because I love who they are or because I love being around them a lot? Maybe it is a bit of both. You love not only who the person is, but also the feeling their presence engenders in you. But then there are times when you really like the way a person is based on his qualities, but you really do not like to be around them. So then maybe it is more of how that person makes you feel than who that person is. In a way it is like loving chocolate, you do not really love the physical attributes of chocolate, but its taste. I know there is no one answer to this age old question, yet I really am thinking along these lines these days. I guess I just want to fall in love and experience it for myself to really know what it entails. The person sitting next to my in my psychology class once asked me
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Heart Failure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Heart Failure - Essay Example Heart Failure Precisely, this was the literature gap identified in this study. To establish the research problem, Felter et al. (2014) grounded their arguments on the recent statistical data, which proved the claim of the authors regarding readmissions of heart failure patients. Perhaps, with the supposition to maintain generalisability and include both favoring and opposing data, Felter et al. (2014) also delivered due significance in including information about those strategies, which are adopted by hospitals to prevent readmissions of the patient population, through the implementation of â€Å"transitional care intervention†programs. From an argumentative perception thus, Felter et al. (2014: 774) stated, â€Å"†¦An analysis of Medicare claims data from 2007 to 2009 found that 35% of readmissions within 30 days were for HF [heart failure]†. Although the focus of the study was laid on the evaluation of the health care efficiency in delivering quality treatment to heart failure patients, Felter et al. (2014) also attempted to recommend a few noteworthy solutions to the situation based on the â€Å"transitional care intervention†program that is often practiced to serve the population. Precisely, Felter et al. (2014) stated that their purpose was to â€Å"assess the efficacy, comparative effectiveness, and harms of transitional care interventions to reduce readmission and mortality rates for adults hospitalized with HF†.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Week 4 team paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Week 4 team paper - Essay Example The first control mechanism is the cash register. The cash register keeps track of all the transactions and stores the money temporarily. Keeping too much cash in a cash register is a dangerous proposition because if the stored is robbed the thief will walk away with a lot of money. A control mechanism to prevent this occurrence is to cash out the register periodically. The cash out of cash register should be taken out every four hours. The person that is responsible for the money in this transaction is the manager. The manager must take out the cash and verify that the money taken out is the same amount of money that the register logged. Both the cashier and the manager must sign a paper that specifies the time and amount of money that was taken out of the cash register. Once the money is out of the cash register the manager must put the money in an envelope and store in a safe inside the office of the manager. During the transfer of money the security guard of the store must walk a nd be near the manager until the money is placed in the safe. A second procedure that must occur is for the money in the safe to be deposited in the bank. Every morning the manager must go physically to the bank and deposit the cash the store generated the past day. The security guard of the store should walk with the manager from the store to his car to provide added security. A third control mechanism to verify that no money is missing or stolen internally is performed by the accounting staff. At the end of each month bank reconciliation is perform by the accounting staff to ensure that the paper trail is accurate. The accountants must verify that the bank deposits made by the manager are aligned with the daily cash sales of the company. A second type of asset that is very valuable which is often targeted by thieves is the inventory of the company. In a retail store inventory represents the items that are available
Friday, November 15, 2019
Open Source Software for Creating 3D Visuals
Open Source Software for Creating 3D Visuals An open Source Software for creating 3D Visuals and example for possibility of using Smartphone for Physics Education Abstract There are many students who cannot understand concepts and ideas in physics only with plane static diagrams. The understanding of processes, dynamic phenomena or geometric relations can be enhanced with the use of computer animations POV-Ray is a freely available 3D rendering open source package which has the potential of creating animations not only for physics education but in general for science and technology education. The focus of this paper is the use of POV-Ray to create 3D animations and 3D static illustrations to visualize the packing arrangements, voids and crystal structures which are compulsory in solid state physics curriculum in undergraduate physics and explore the possibility of introducing them to use in smartphones. INTRODUCTION Computers today play an important role in acquiring and applying scientific knowledge, facilitating the learning process. There has been growing research interest in studying the impact of ICT on educational processes, in parallel with the expansion of easy access to many learners around the world [1-4]. Animation plays a major role in ICT based education and it has been demonstrated that animations serves several instructional roles such as attracting and directing attention; simulating dynamic processes and complex phenomena [5,6].As many students are not able to understand 3D environment properly, it very common, crystal structures are explained using commercially available plastic models in many classrooms. Solid State Physics (Condense Matter Physics) course which is compulsory for physics students throughout the world, one of the learning outcomes is underrating crystal structures. Students often fail to understand close packing arrangements, shape and nature of the existing vo ids, number of atoms around and separation of layers by looking at a plane static diagrams accommodated in text books. These particular animations have been chosen not just because of their solid state physics curricular interest, but also to highlight the potential of integrating the POV-Ray rendering package for physics education and science education. As the smartphones are no longer unaffordable luxury gadget for the students, educators embrace the smartphonesto engage with their students and encourage new learning strategies[7-9].The smartphones users are rapidly growing among Sri Lankan undergraduates 3D visual created in this study were checked on smooth playing on smartphone with the intension of distributing among the students in the future. 1.1 POV-RAY OPEN SOURCE POV-Ray stands for the Persistence of Vision Ray-tracer, a tool for producing high-quality computer graphics[10].Ray-tracing is a rendering technique that calculates an image of a scene by simulating the way rays of light travel in the real world. In the real world, rays of light are emitted from a light source and illuminate objects. The light reflects by the objects or passes through transparent objects. This reflected light can form images in human eyes or in a camera. The user specifies the location of the camera, light sources, and objects as well as the surface texture properties of objects, their interiors and environment. POV-Ray scenes are created in a special text language called a â€Å"scene description language (SDL)†. POV-Ray can be used for animation too. Computer animation is the process of drawing objects on a computer screen, that then appearto move around the screen. It can be done displaying a series of stationary scenes with very short time between two scenes. 2. METHOD The production of a 3D images has mainly two stages; writing and debugging source files and rendering. One has to choose the positions to locate the required objects, light source to illuminate the scene and appropriate camera position to capture, more technically called render,the scene. POV-Ray uses a simple Cartesian coordinate (Fig 1) system making easy to identify the suitable location. Figure 1. Pov-ray coordinate system (+Z axis into the computer screen) There are simple Pov-Ray SDL codes to generate almost all geometrical objects such as, box, sphere, and cylinder etc. The object â€Å"sphere†is the most appropriate object to represents the atoms while â€Å"cylinders’ to represent the atomic link.For the creation of scenes and animation described in this paper, exact coordinates of the object locations were simply calculated considering the dimension of the objects. Positioning light source to illuminate the scene, camera was located to get the suitable view. As an example following codes capture the scene, locating the camera at looking at origin, . camera { location look_at } Animations were created generating series of scenes, called frames, looking at the scene from various angles. Movie maker software such as Windows Film Maker, VirtualDub etc.can be used to play the frames continuously to make animation. Animation can be created as either animated jip or as AVI movie.A basic illustration of the process is shown below (Figure 3). Figure 3. Schematic Diagram of Software used to Create Animations 3. SAMPLE CREATIONS The first example portrays the hexagonal close packing (HCP) arrangement of spheres in the space (Figure 4.a). Hexagonal and cubic close packing arrangement (CCP)are explained to the student with the help of static plane diagrams. Many students are failed to understand these arrangements clearly. Even if they are able to explain the nature of alternative layering of the two arrangements, HCP and CCP, few students understand the nature of the voids available in such arrangement. This is valid for any average student, but of cause there may students who can understand those arrangements without any visual aid. The visual are made not for the aforementioned few students but for the majority to strengthen the understanding. These particular animations have been chosen not just because of their curricular interest, but also to highlight some of the features of the POV-Ray rendering package. The first example portrays the hexagonal close packing arrangement (figure 1). As the arrangement is slowly rotates about the vertical axis which passes through the central sphere axis shown, the viewer can interactively explore the symmetry and geometric details for these configurations. (a)(b) Figure 4. Side view of HCP arrangement (b) Top view CCP arrangement Visuals below (Figure 5) illustrate, Body Centered Cubic unit cell (a), and diamond type structure (c)and NaCl structure respectively. These creations are also possible to view from different angles, facilitating to learner to explore the structures. (b)(c) Figure 5: (a) Body Centered Cubic unit cell (b) diamond type structure (c) NaCl structure respectively. Figure 6 shows an interstitial atom which is at an octahedral site, scenes were generated from different visual angles. Figure 6 : An interstitial atom which is at an octahedral site Author has introduced these animations for university undergraduate’s and received positive feedback. Introducing the animations for smartphone users have many advantages than using them only in computers (8). Student can use them freely, anytime any place with their own desire rather using computers. 4. CONCUSION Since 3D visual aid transcends the limitations of static diagrams, it is promising tool to strengthen the understanding of various crystal structures. The animation examples that have been created in this work demonstrate that it is possible to create high quality 3-D animations using open source POV-Ray. POV-Ray visualization provides free access to sophisticated 3-D graphics rendering that could cost thousands of rupees commercially. It is worth explore the potential of Pov–Ray to simulate other complex concepts in physics to make the process of learning more independent and , student oriented. It has been confirmed that there is no any technical incompatibilities embedding these creation on smartphones. The evolution of the modern technology has to be integrated to physics teaching and make learning process more attractive. 5. REFERENCES Muller,D.A, Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education (2008), Ph. D thesis Michael R. Gallis, Ping Wang, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Exposition, American Society for Engineering Aravind, VR and Tangrirala, S Open source software for visualization in condensed matter Physics, Lat. Am. J. Physics (2012) vol 6, No, 4, pp 538-540 Poddar, A, Teaching of the phenomena of free, damped and forced oscillations in physics through an all-inclusive java applet,Physics Education, Vol 29, No. 1, Park, O. C., Gittelman, S. S. (1992). Selective use of animation and feedback in computer-based instruction. Educational Technology, Research, and Development, 40 (4), 27-38. Park, O. (1998). Visual Displays and Contextual Presentations in Computer Based Instruction. Educational Technology Research Development, 46 (3), pp. 18-32. Woodcock, B Middleton, B and Nortcliffe,AConsidering the Smartphone Learner: an investigation into student interest in the use of personal technology to enhance their learning, Student Engagement and Experience,, Journal Volume 1, Issue 1 (on line journal) JISC,Multimedia learning with mobile phones. Innovative Practices with E-learning. Case Studies: Anytime, Any Place Learning. [Online] Online at: Coca, D,M and Slisko, J. Software Socrative and Smartphones as Tools For Implementation of Basic Processes of Active Physics Learning in Classroom: An Initial Feasibility Study With Prospective Teachers, European J of Physics Education,Vol.4,Issue,2,2013 Wikipedia,
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Messages from Hip-Hop Artists Essay -- Music Essays
Messages from Hip-Hop Artists Hip-Hop has come a long way in our generation. From time to time an artist or a video gives a positive or negative message to our viewers. There have been many controversial issues that focus’s on what the rapper is trying to put out. Some people may look at the same song or video, but have a different opinion on it. Artists have different outlooks on things in there life such as the rapper Nas. He has a new song titled â€Å"I Know I can†. This song gives a positive message to all viewers, and more importantly the kids. His message is that he encourages kids to grow up and be anything they set their minds on. For example, the chorus â€Å"I know I can, be what I wanna be, if I work hard at it, I’ll be where I wanna be†(ohhla). Artists like him that makes people want to think positive and feel good about what they want to do. On the other hand, there are artists that give negative messages such as the rapper 50 cent. He is a new artist that hit the billboards. His outlook on life is different from others. In his lyrics, he raps about guns, ki... Messages from Hip-Hop Artists Essay -- Music Essays Messages from Hip-Hop Artists Hip-Hop has come a long way in our generation. From time to time an artist or a video gives a positive or negative message to our viewers. There have been many controversial issues that focus’s on what the rapper is trying to put out. Some people may look at the same song or video, but have a different opinion on it. Artists have different outlooks on things in there life such as the rapper Nas. He has a new song titled â€Å"I Know I can†. This song gives a positive message to all viewers, and more importantly the kids. His message is that he encourages kids to grow up and be anything they set their minds on. For example, the chorus â€Å"I know I can, be what I wanna be, if I work hard at it, I’ll be where I wanna be†(ohhla). Artists like him that makes people want to think positive and feel good about what they want to do. On the other hand, there are artists that give negative messages such as the rapper 50 cent. He is a new artist that hit the billboards. His outlook on life is different from others. In his lyrics, he raps about guns, ki...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Bulworth movie
The movie Bulworth is a political satire that tells the story of US Democratic Senator Jay Billington Bulworth, played by Warren Beatty, of California who was running for re-election in 1996. While doing his usual campaign and electioneering activities, he realized that his life has become superficial with all the lies and dirty tactics he employed to gain votes and favors from various organizations. Even his marriage was just a show to maintain his public image.As he reflected on his life, Bulworth was very much disgusted because he no longer found himself to be an idealist person whose views were shaped by the civil rights of the 60s. Seeing no future in the election, he suffered a nervous breakdown and planned to kill himself during the final days of his campaign by hiring an assassin. He took a $10 million insurance policy in case of death to benefit his daughter. Knowing his days were numbered, the Senator changed his lifestyle dramatically. He decided to speak freely and truthf ully irregardless of the consequences. Truth became his cause anywhere he spoke.In his public appearance with the African-American community, he tossed aside his prepared speech and told the group that he disregarded their needs because they did not contribute enough money to his election bid. There he met Nina who gave him hope to live and an optimistic outlook. Bulworth learned many things from Nina who likewise introduced him to the hiphop culture. In his fund raising event at the Beverly Wilshire, Bulworth delivered his speech to the tone of a rap artist shocking everyone. With the will to live again, the Senator tried to call off the assassination but the mission was already set with an unknown hitman.Nina, who came from a family of Civil Rights, helped the Senator escaped and offered her home for his safety. The Senator then prepared himself for his final transformation gathering enough strength to face the country. In a televised appearance, he lambasted the American politica l process. Reference Bulworth. Prod. Lauren Shuler Donner, Warren Beatty, Pieter Jan Brugge. Dir. Warren Beatty. Perf. Warren Beatty, Halle Berry, Paul Sorvino, Christine Baranski, and Kimberly Deauna Adams. DVD. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 1998.
Friday, November 8, 2019
MR. essays
MR. essays Different types of Numbers and their Properties In 1202 Fibonacci wrote a text called Liber Abaci. The following question was posed.  ¡A man puts one pair of rabbits in a certain place entirely surrounded by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits can be produced from that pair in a year, if the nature of these rabbits is such that every month each pair bears a new pair which from the second month becomes productive? ¡ ('sort=FibonacciNumber) The number of pairs of rabbits in the nth month begins 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... where each term is the sum of the two terms preceding it. Mathematicians define this sequence recursively as follows: u1 = u2 = 1 and un+1 = un + un-1 (n > 2) This sequence, now called the Fibonacci sequence, has an amazing number of applications in nature and art; it also has a tremendous number of interesting properties which is reason enough for the journal "The Fibonacci Quarterly" to exist. The Fibonacci Series can easily be described as a series of whole numbers which progresses by adding the previous number to present one to make the next number in the series. So if we start by adding 2 to 1, = 3, then 3 +2=5 and 5+3 = 8....... and the familiar series unfolds. A Fibonacci prime, is a Fibonacci number that is prime number. By recalling the Fibonacci numbers can be defined as follows: u1 = u2 = 1 and un+1 = un + un-1 ( ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
An Essay on the History of Pickles Essays
An Essay on the History of Pickles Essays An Essay on the History of Pickles Essay An Essay on the History of Pickles Essay Let us commence a journey into the much travelled topic of history of pickles. In depth analysis of history of pickles can be an enriching experience. While it is becoming a hot topic for debate, spasmodically it returns to create a new passion amongst those who study its history. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning history of pickles by socialists, obviously. In the light of this I will break down the issues in order to give each of them the thought that they fully deserve Social Factors Society is a simple word with a very complex definition. Back when Vealinger reamarked ‘the power struggle will continue while the great tale of humanity remains untold’ [1] he failed to understand that if one seriously intends to not judge a book by its cover, then one must read a lot of books. Much has been said about the influence of the media on history of pickles. Observers claim it is crunchy on the outside but soft in the middle. Did I mention how lovely history of pickles is? It is intrinsically linked to adolescent inner acclimatisation. Economic Factors Is unemployment inherently bad for an economy? Yes. We will primarily be focusing on the Custard-Not-Mustard model, making allowances for recent changes in interest rates. Inflation history of pickles It is apparent from the graph that the influence of history of pickles is strong. What is the secret to its strength? Of course inflation, ultimately decided by politicians, will always be heavily influenced by history of pickles due to its consistently high profile in the portfolio of investors. Supply Side Economic Tax Cuts Tax deductions could turn out to be a risky tactic. Political Factors Politics has in some areas been seen to embrace an increasing ananiathesis of intergovernmentalism leading to neo-functionalism. Placing theory on the scales of justice and weighing it against practice can produce similar results to contrasting 0 In the words of that most brilliant mind Augstin Lionel Forbes Dickinson political change changes politics, but where does it go? [2] This quotation leads me to suspect that he was not unaccustomed to history of pickles. It speaks volumes. If I may be as bold as to paraphrase, he was saying that political ideals are built on the solid cornerstone of history of pickles. Where do we go from here? Only time will tell. Conclusion In conclusion, history of pickles plays a large part in the lives of all. It brings peace, puts out fires, and figures show its a winning formular. Ill leave you with this quote from Demi Lopez: I wouldnt be where I am today without history of pickles. [3] [1] Vealinger Turtle Power 2003 ICJ [2] Dickinson I Am The Dickinster 1999 Hughs Books [3] Everything you always wanted to know about history of pickles, but were afraid to ask. Issue 287 QKS Publishing
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Discrimination of Women Nurses in Qatar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Discrimination of Women Nurses in Qatar - Essay Example Qatar is one of the countries that attract job seekers who travel the country to exploit numerous employment opportunities, and nursing has been one of the areas that attract many would be enthusiasts who believe that the country has the best approach towards treating and rewarding nurses (Hassan, Hassan & King, 2012). However, the reverse is the case because many of these nurses who end up Qatar face discrimination at workplace especially women as they are assigned duties that devalue their morals and personality (SYMES, 2015). An interview with the nurse in Qatar points to a new direction on how individuals who end in Qatar face serious discrimination after being brought into the country through job agencies. The discrimination against nurses explains why these women receive poor pay, as the interviewee confirmed and this is a problem that is deeply rooted in the society. The discrimination of women in nursing is better understood by first identifying the percentage of women pa rticipation in labor as recommended by the society. In general, women are not fairly represented in the labor market as evident from the dominance of male professionals in most of the career sectors. Although women are equally educated in Qatar to assume the roles in various employment positions like nursing and other fields, the woman nurse interviewee ascertained that discrimination based on gender difference is a major constraint to ensuring gender equality in the nursing profession (Interview).
Friday, November 1, 2019
MKTG sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
MKTG sustainability - Essay Example Placement refers to the concept of places of buying and selling. Marketing sustainability is a revolutionary idea that is essential for guiding the objectives of marketing. It introduces the social aspects of marketing. Marketing sustainability relates to the philosophy of corporate social responsibility. It comes handy in the face of globalization whereby customer attraction and retention activities are becoming intense. The philosophy entails marketing activities that goes beyond profit seeking. It links market share, profitability and good ethics (Nwankwo and Gbadamosi 369). It becomes vital to handle the market in a way that still contributes to the well being of society. Sustainability marketing adds two concepts to the four orientations of marketing. In this sense, marketing includes product and production orientation. In addition, it entails sales and market orientation. Lastly, it entails societal and social marketing orientation. It includes broad categories such as ecological and environmental marketing. It also entails ethical marketin g and elements of social responsibility. Sustainable marketing should be able to meet the requirements of the present generations without jeopardizing the lives of future generations (Nwankwo and Gbadamosi 370). It is defined as the production and creation of sustainable marketing solutions while continuing the satisfaction of consumers and stakeholders. Such marketing should satisfy three conditions. To begin with, the customers should attain their needs. Similarly, organizations should meet their needs. Thirdly, the marketing process should be compatible with ecosystems. This suggests two things. First, marketing respects the profit value of businesses. Additionally, this marketing is sensitive and it respects both the natural and social environments. Ethics refer to the values and moral principles that inform on conduct of individuals and organizations. The business is part of the society. However, its
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