Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard Movie Review
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard - Movie Review Example The death of the two minor characters is very tragic and depicted in a manner similar to the death of a major character in any play. The deaths are given some importance even though they are not very meaningful, every man is mortal and will at one time die (Stoppard 110).the play is also full of humor and the use of suspense which brings about the need for the people wanting to watch more of the play. For the play to be produced, it will seek funding from various places like the corporate support. Private institutions and business help in the funding through the PBS general fund though the funds are very limited and cannot sustain the whole production. In addition, the production of the play funded by the program also funds television based programs and those projects that have goals and objectives that are well established. The other source of funding is the national endowment for arts, which promotes art in various countries. In addition to that, the national media engagement centre can also help with the funding of the production of the play. Many I TVS today really come in to fund the production of programs that will promote the economy of the country and bring on TV what people like watching. Centers are ready to promote art in the world, and these centers provide the funds for the production of their work, and discover talent and promote it fully by funding it. The public broadcasting corporation also funds projects, which entertain, and are media related. They funds play knowing that they will also benefit in return. The grant makers in film and electronic media also assist artists by funding the production of their work. The stakeholders in the company look at the project and if it qualifies, they can fund the production. Another source for the funding is national endowment for humanities, which help many artists by funding and promoting their work. When approached, they do not take much time in supporting the production if the work is appealing to
Monday, October 28, 2019
Special Education Teacher Essay Example for Free
Special Education Teacher Essay Abstract This paper reflects on the teacher candidate’s observations of the student â€Å"Junior†and the various accommodations that were made for him in various classroom settings. It also discusses different accommodations that could be made in general education classes and special education classes. The paper discusses the need for high school students to be self-advocating or self-determining and learning to make decisions on his or her own. TEACHING FOR EXCEPTIONALITIES 1 SPE-226 Educating the Exceptional Learner Benchmark Assignment: Teaching for Exceptionalities. Students with exceptionalities are a breed all their own. Each student has individual strengths, weaknesses, and individualized education programs/plans (IEPs) tailored to those needs. There are many resources, accommodations, and settings for these students to help ensure their academic success. One particular student, herein called â€Å"Junior,†is a mixed bag of interesting. Junior’s cognitive abilities are on par with his classmates. However, he needs help with reading, writing, and other social and behavioral skills. He likes to engage in discussion, enjoys music, and is diligent in his work. Observing him, his teachers, and other various special education classrooms has given valuable information to increase my teaching strategies. Inclusive Math Class Junior’s first period class is Algebra 1-2. It is an inclusive class and is co-taught by Meinen and Geigas. Meinen, the special education teacher, is there to help students and provide assistance services to Geigas’s teaching. However, all of Geigas’s classes have some form of inclusion. Consequently, Geigas’s teaching strategies differ from regular education teaching strategies in order to appeal both to the inclusive students and regular students. For instance, Geigas uses different colored pens for different the different steps of a problem when he is teaching and doing problems with the class. He is also willing to create copies of the class worksheet for any student who needs it, not just special education students. The accommodations for Junior’s quiz were highlighting the directions for him and writing the different formulas, like point-slope form and the equation for finding the slope of a line, on his paper for easier access. Highlighting the directions for Junior’s quiz was successful. He knew what was expected of him, and what he needed to accomplish with the quiz. He did not TEACHING FOR EXCEPTIONALITIES 1 need to have the directions read to him or explained to him. In addition, writing the formulas on his paper helped keep him on track. He only needed help with one graphing question, which could be a difficult question for any student. Because Junior only missed two questions due to minor mistakes, I believe the accommodations were very successful and do not need to be changed. Furthermore, I would review the minor mistakes with Junior, have him explain where he went wrong, and give him half-credit since he had the major concepts correct. Many other technologies or other instructional supports exist that could enhance the learning for Junior and his classmates. In the math classroom, there are white boards and a document scanner. The document scanner is what Geigas and Meinen use to do the problems together with the students. Two major benefits to having the document scanner are having a hard copy of what work was done in class and being able to go back if necessary. If the class were only using the white board, each problem would have to be erased in order to move on to the next problem. If a student needed to go back, this would create a lot of wasted time redoing work that was previously done. Another good technology tool that students could use is Khan Academy, a website with videos and exercises to help anyone learn skills and concepts at their own pace (Khan Academy, 2013). It also tracks all data inputted and shows the user’s statistics over time. This information is private to the user, but it can be shared with teachers and coaches, so teachers can use the Khan Academy classroom in their own physical classrooms (Khan Academy, 2013). While Khan Academy is a good resource, the classroom only has one teacher computer available, so any type of technology is extremely limited. Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination Junior is just one student of many. There are many other special education students in the inclusive classrooms that could need more help. Because these are high school students, they TEACHING FOR EXCEPTIONALITIES 1 need to be taught the idea of self-advocacy or self-determination. This is the idea that the student’s ability to â€Å"consider options and make appropriate decisions and to exercise free will, independence, and individual responsibility†(Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2009, p. 92). Therefore, many of the special education students in the inclusive classes must ask for the bigger accommodations. For instance, if a student needs to go to a separate room with less people and/or have the directions read and explain to them aloud, they must ask permission to do so (A. Geigas, personal communication, November 4, 2013). â€Å"Since self-determination skills are most effectively learned and developed by practicing them, students with disabilities should be given ample opportunity to use their self-advocacy, decision-making and socialization skills well before they leave high school to prepare themselves for working and living in their community†(PACER Center, 2013). Allowing this type of openness is actually beneficial for the students. It allows the students to become more independent while in the safe, closed environment of the classroom. Additionally, effective self-determination teaching can increase positive transitional outcomes in moving from high school to adult life (Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2009, p. 92). For these reasons, many accommodations are not expressly given to students. Self-Contained Special Education Class When it comes to special education classes, there can be more focus on the individual student and his or her needs. In Junior’s special education behavior class period, the class focuses on what is expected of him and his classmates in social situations. They were planning a field trip to a symphony during the week, so the teacher discussed examples of the types of behaviors that would be expected of them and what behaviors would be unexpected in the given situation. As for Junior, he likes to be engaged in class, which leads to him shouting answers. In some classes, it is acceptable, and others it is not. He had to be reminded that he needed to raise TEACHING FOR EXCEPTIONALITIES 1 his hand, and be acknowledged in order to speak during his turn. Michelle Garcia Winner gives a good accommodation or lesson that can deal with this kind of behavior: I encourage teachers to keep their eyes focused on who they were talking to, hold up the palm of their hand in the direction of the blurter and say to them I was looking at this student (say the students name), I was talking to this student, I am not talking to you right now. By doing this, the teacher provides cognitive information about the process of communication that helps the student learn how to avoid blurting. (2012) On the other hand, Junior did well in understanding why certain behaviors would be unexpected, offensive, or rude while at the symphony. Given this observation, one can tell that Junior only has mild or moderate problems with social behaviors. As a result, this self-contained class was geared more towards his classmates in the room. This is a prime example of how the accommodations of special education teachers differ so greatly between rooms, classes, and students. Conclusion Observing and talking with Junior’s teachers, special and regular education, has given me a plethora of information that has increased my teaching tools and strategies. Observing a range of classrooms and situations has given me a deeper understanding of the kind of scenarios that may be presented in my future. Overall, Junior is a very bright, engaging student. Spending time with him and observing a multitude of different classrooms has given me valuable insights into the world of teaching students with exceptionalities. TEACHING FOR EXCEPTIONALITIES 1 References Garcia Winner, Michelle. (2012). Social Thinking at School. Retrieved 13 Nov 2013 from https://www. socialthinking. com/what-is-social-thinking/-social-thinking-at-school Hardman, M. L. , Drew, C. J. , Egan, M. W. (2009). Human Exceptionality: School, Community, and Family (10th ed. ). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. Khan Academy. (2013). A free world-class education for anyone anywhere. Retrieved 14 Nov 2013 from https://www. khanacademy. org/about PACER Center. (2013). SELF DETERMINATION. Retrieved 13 Nov 2013 from http://www. pacer. org/tatra/resources/self.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Dont Worry You Can Be Happy, by John B. Thomas :: Happiness Essays
What's it going to take? David Myers says in the article 'Don't Worry You Can Be Happy'; by John B. Thomas. 'Happiness relies largely on things unrelated to money, such as meaningful activities and enriching relationships.'; With that the article states that with the following ten steps you can improve your happiness. One: learn to like your self. Two: take control of your destiny. Three: practice expecting the best. Four: become more extroverted. Five: try acting happy. Six: consider new work. Seven: Sleep, sleep, sleep. Eight: Foster close relationships. Nine: Tie the knot. Ten: have faith. So with all of the ten steps you can see that with a little faith and following these steps you could 'Be Happy';. Throughout the article Thomas makes very valuable points, two that I have to agree with 100%. The first point that I agree with is having faith. Having faith in a religious way or just in life in general. Both types of faith will bring you an inner happiness. You look at those people who are sick or very ill. The one who has faith seems to make a stronger and quicker recovery. You'll also notice that from these people that they are very at peace and bring happiness to those around them. The second point that he makes that I agree with is sleep, sleep, sleep. I've notice that in life you need to sleep. People who have trouble sleeping become very irritable and unhappy. You'll also notice that those people whom do sleep they tend to be more patient, alert and more extroverted. These people to me, which are getting enough sleep are happy with that point in their life and can pass their happiness to others. You'll also notice that people seem to make more mistakes and have trouble being happy when they unable to sleep. So when looking at happiness and sleep you'll notice that you have to get enough sleep to be happy in life. When looking at the list you have to wonder what do I do to make myself happy? For me I surround myself with my friends who are happy. Knowing that their happiness would rub off on me. I also find myself trying to make others happy by helping them, when they are down in their time of need. Being there for others can be very self-gratifying and boost happiness for both you and the person whom you are helping.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Bartolome de Las Casas
American Literature Massacre in the Indies Thesis: The brutal awakening portrayed by de Las Casas in his account allows us to see what really happened in the Indies and prove why Columbus and other explorers aren’t the heroes their cut out to be. Intro: The discovery of the â€Å"New World†is portrayed as a wonderful time by almost all Americans on Columbus Day each and every year. If people knew the true story about what really happened as accounted by Bartolome de Las Casas then there would be less celebrating and realization that we, as people, are idolizing a false hero. The brutal awakening portrayed by de Las Casas in his account allows us to see what really happened in the Indies and prove why Columbus and other explorers aren’t the heroes their cut out to be. Body: 1. When the â€Å"Christians†arrived to the Indies the Indians viewed them as people from Heaven and soon found out that they were anything but that. A. The amount of food the Christians consumed was unbelievable. For each Christian ate as much food in one day as thirty Indians in one month. B. After the Christians made there way through the villages to the nobles they acted in a way to be considered horrific. They made the rulers watch as they raped their wives with no thoughts of regret in the Christian officer’s minds. 2. It was not long when the Indians decided something needed to be done. They revolted against the Christians but there was no way they could match up to them because while they were using bow and arrows and tomahawks the Christians were using horses, swords and pikes. Brutal raids were implemented on all Indian villages and the Christians used cruel and unusual punishments against them. A. Everyone from pregnant women to children was targeted by these so called Christians. B. Bets were placed by the Christians to see who could cut an Indian’s head off with one swing of the pike as if it were a game. C. Children were taken from their mothers and thrown by their arms and legs into rivers and off the sides of mountains. D. Indians were burned alive in groups of thirteen in remembrance of â€Å"Our Redeemer and His twelve Apostles. E. The hands of some Indians were cut off and tied around their necks as the Christians told them to â€Å"Go now, carry the message,†into the mountains to other Indians who have fled. F. Nobles and Chiefs were treated differently by the Christians, for they were lashed onto a grid of rods and placed on forked sticks then slowly burned in a smoldering fire. One account recalled by de Casas showed four or fiv e nobles latched onto these grids slowly being burned. Their screams were so loud that they were disturbing the captain’s sleep so he ordered them to be strangled but the constable decided to disobey his orders and instead put a stick over their tongues so that they could not scream. 3. While many Indians lives were ended with appalling deaths others were captured and turned into slaves by the Spaniards. More than two million Indians were taken captive and were brought to the island of Puerto Rico to do hard labor. Bartolome de Las Casas American Literature Massacre in the Indies Thesis: The brutal awakening portrayed by de Las Casas in his account allows us to see what really happened in the Indies and prove why Columbus and other explorers aren’t the heroes their cut out to be. Intro: The discovery of the â€Å"New World†is portrayed as a wonderful time by almost all Americans on Columbus Day each and every year. If people knew the true story about what really happened as accounted by Bartolome de Las Casas then there would be less celebrating and realization that we, as people, are idolizing a false hero. The brutal awakening portrayed by de Las Casas in his account allows us to see what really happened in the Indies and prove why Columbus and other explorers aren’t the heroes their cut out to be. Body: 1. When the â€Å"Christians†arrived to the Indies the Indians viewed them as people from Heaven and soon found out that they were anything but that. A. The amount of food the Christians consumed was unbelievable. For each Christian ate as much food in one day as thirty Indians in one month. B. After the Christians made there way through the villages to the nobles they acted in a way to be considered horrific. They made the rulers watch as they raped their wives with no thoughts of regret in the Christian officer’s minds. 2. It was not long when the Indians decided something needed to be done. They revolted against the Christians but there was no way they could match up to them because while they were using bow and arrows and tomahawks the Christians were using horses, swords and pikes. Brutal raids were implemented on all Indian villages and the Christians used cruel and unusual punishments against them. A. Everyone from pregnant women to children was targeted by these so called Christians. B. Bets were placed by the Christians to see who could cut an Indian’s head off with one swing of the pike as if it were a game. C. Children were taken from their mothers and thrown by their arms and legs into rivers and off the sides of mountains. D. Indians were burned alive in groups of thirteen in remembrance of â€Å"Our Redeemer and His twelve Apostles. E. The hands of some Indians were cut off and tied around their necks as the Christians told them to â€Å"Go now, carry the message,†into the mountains to other Indians who have fled. F. Nobles and Chiefs were treated differently by the Christians, for they were lashed onto a grid of rods and placed on forked sticks then slowly burned in a smoldering fire. One account recalled by de Casas showed four or fiv e nobles latched onto these grids slowly being burned. Their screams were so loud that they were disturbing the captain’s sleep so he ordered them to be strangled but the constable decided to disobey his orders and instead put a stick over their tongues so that they could not scream. 3. While many Indians lives were ended with appalling deaths others were captured and turned into slaves by the Spaniards. More than two million Indians were taken captive and were brought to the island of Puerto Rico to do hard labor.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Synthetic Marijuana: the Legal Way to the Grave
Synthetic Narcotics- Georgia’s Growing Epidemic As if teaching our youth about the dangers of drugs isn’t hard enough, now we have company’s manufacturing a synthetic form of Marijuana, commonly referred to as â€Å"Spice†or â€Å"K-2†. These company’s target our youth by packaging it colorful, shiny packets and giving â€Å"cool†names like â€Å"magic monkey†or â€Å"purple passion†. They label these packages â€Å"herbal incense†and â€Å"not for human consumption†in an attempt to hide its intended use and avoid FDA regulations, yet for one package containing 5 grams it costs on average $15. 9-$21. 99. That’s pretty expensive for an â€Å"air freshener†. In 2011, 14. 4 percent of 12 graders admitted to experimenting with synthetic marijuana. Just last March, 16 year old honor student, and star soccer player from Fayette County, Ga. Chase Burnett died shortly after experimenting with this drug. This had law makers act quick and enact â€Å"Chases Law†, Georgia House Bill 370, which made this drug a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance and a felony to purchase, possess and distribute any form of this substance. Once this bill was signed by Gov.Nathan Deal, it took about 24 hours for police agencies, mine being one, to conduct search warrants all over metro Atlanta to get this deadly drug off the shelves. Although now illegal, and rightfully so, there are many retail stores, smoke shops and gas stations that still sell the drug all over Georgia and around the Metro Atlanta area. As quick as officers take it off the shelves, it’s being replaced just as fast. Shop owners feel it’s a violation of their civil rights and use excuses like â€Å"we can’t control what customers do with what they buy†or they tell officers they didn’t know it was illegal, â€Å"it’s just incense†.If they didn’t know it was illegal and didn’t think they were doing anything wrong, why do they keep it hidden behind the counter, out of sight and locked up? Why are they charging so much money for something that normally would cost about $2, if really used as an air freshener? These, as well as many more questions have been raised by not only Law Enforcement, but parents as well. As consumers, the best way to stop these shops and gas stations from selling this to our youth is stop buying your gas or any other items at these locations. It’s now and always will be about the money.Once they see customers going across the street to get gas, they will get the hint. Another way businesses are being put on notice is letting them know that their business license will be revoked if caught selling these and any other illegal substances from their stores. With the new laws enacted and parents working together with Law Enforcement, we are starting to get a tighter grip on this fast growing epidemic that is plaguing a re children. References Whitehouse. gov/ondcp http://georgia. gov/blog/2012-08-20/banning-synthetic-marijuana
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
My College Years Essays
My College Years Essays My College Years Essay My College Years Essay There is no standard definition for a successful life but the Journey to success starts with you creating a list of personal goals for yourself to achieve in the near future. Goal setting is a powerful process for you to think about our ideal future and to motivate yourself to turn your vision of this future into a reality. In addition, the process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life and by knowing precisely what you have to achieve in life, you will know where you have to concentrate your efforts. Moreover, without goals to work towards will mean that you re living life without any clear direction or focus and without concentration and guidance, frustration and stress can often occur as resulting in mild form of depression. Establishing your own personal goals in life can also help you organize your time and resources and it focuses your acquisition of knowledge so you can make the most out of your life. Furthermore, you will raise your self-confidence level as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you have set. My name is Hao Nguyen and I am currently a sophomore attending Savanna High School, home of the rebels. I would describe my personality as very humorous, kind, helpful, loyal, trustful, cheerful and humble. I am involve in many clubs, extra curricular activities and organizations at my school like Project S. A. Y, A. V. I. D, ASB, Girls Inc. and many more. Although, I am above average in all of my academic classes, I especially enjoy the subjects math and history. In addition, my favorite elective class is a leadership course call ASB which stands for associated student body because I get to help organize many of the school events and an opportunity to improve my campus by voicing the needs, wants and concerns of the students.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) January 12, 2002 PROPHET MOHAMMAD (PEACE BE UPON HIM) BY RAZI KHAN ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ In the desert of Arabia was Mohammad (PBUH) born, according to Muslim historians, on April 20, 571 AD. The name means ÂÆ' ¢Ã‚‚€‚ÂÅ"highly praised.ÂÆ' ¢Ã‚‚€‚ He is to every single Muslim the greatest mind among all the sons of Arabia. He means so much more than all the poets and kings that preceded him in that impenetrable desert of red sand. When he appeared Arabia was a desert, a nothing. Out of nothing a new world was fashioned by the mighty spirit of Mohammad (PBUH) a new life, a new culture, a new civilization, a new kingdom which extended from Morocco to the Indies and influenced the thought and life of three continents, Asia, Africa and Europe. To write about Mohammad the prophet (PBUH) is not an easy task, because it is to write about a religion. The subject of this paper is about the tenets of a religion which is historic and its prophet who is also a historic personality.Mohammed (PBUH) was the greatest man to ever walk to face of the earth. His actions and his contributions to not only the Islamic world but also to the entire world have left a legacy which will never be forgotten. To many this legacy has become their destiny, to follow the prophetÂÆ' ¢Ã‚‚€‚™s commands and to be like him in every aspects of life. Even a hostile critic like Sir William Muir speaking about the holy Quran says that. "There is probably in the world no other book which has remained twelve centuries with so pure text" (Muir, 4, May 8, 2001, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is also a historic personality, every event of whose life has been most carefully recorded and even the minutest details preserved intact for the...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Freedom of the Press and Student Newspapers
Freedom of the Press and Student Newspapers Generally, American journalists enjoy the freest press laws in the world, as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. But attempts to censor student newspapers- usually high school publications- by officials who dont like controversial content are all-too-common. Thats why its important for student newspaper editors at both high schools and colleges to understand press law as it applies to them. Can High School Papers Be Censored? Unfortunately, the answer sometimes seems to be yes. Under the 1988 Supreme Court decision Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, school-sponsored publications can be censored if issues arise that are reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns. So if a school can present a reasonable educational justification for its censorship, that censorship may be allowed. What Does School-Sponsored Mean? Is the publication supervised by a faculty member? Is the publication designed to impart particular knowledge or skills to student participants or audiences? Does the publication use the schools name or resources? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then the publication can be considered school-sponsored and can potentially be censored. But according to the Student Press Law Center, the Hazelwood ruling doesnt apply to publications that have been opened as public forums for student expression. What qualifies for this designation? When school officials have given student editors the authority to make their own content decisions. A school can do that either through an official policy or by simply allowing a publication to operate with editorial independence. Some states - Arkansas, California, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Oregon and Massachusetts - have passed laws beefing up press freedoms for student papers. Other states are considering similar laws. Can College Papers Be Censored? Generally, no. Student publications at public colleges and universities have the same First Amendment rights as professional newspapers. The courts have generally held that the Hazelwood decision applies only to high school papers. Even if student publications receive funding or some other form of support from the college or university where they are based, they still have First Amendment rights, as do underground and independent student papers. But even at public four-year institutions, some officials have tried to smother press freedom. For example, the Student Press Law Center reported that three editors of The Columns, the student paper at Fairmont State University, resigned in 2015 in protest after administrators tried to turn the publication into a PR mouthpiece for the school. This occurred after the paper did stories on the discovery of toxic mold in student housing. What About Student Publications at Private Colleges? The First Amendment only bars government officials from suppressing speech, so it cant prevent censorship by private school officials. As a result, student publications at private high schools and even colleges are more vulnerable to censorship. Other Kinds of Pressure Blatant censorship isnt the only way student papers can be pressured to change their content. In recent years many faculty advisers to student newspapers, at both the high school and college level, have been reassigned or even fired for refusing to go along with administrators who want to engage in censorship. For instance, Michael Kelly, faculty adviser to The Columns, was dismissed from his post after the paper published the toxic mold stories.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Technology and the Future of the Hotel Industry Research Paper
Technology and the Future of the Hotel Industry - Research Paper Example In the last decade, Information Technology did change the lodging industrys plans, controls, and manages operations. The growing demands in the hotel industry are very many the demands are largely brought about by globalization, increased security threats and needed for controls in business (Solomon, 2008). The hotel industry is starting to use kiosks and self-service technologies to change the hotel industry (Solomon, 2008). Through globalization, technology has had great impacts on the hospitality industry several ways: organizational culture, management styles and organizational structure. These three ways shape up how an organization is set up from its decision-making offices to the operations department (Solomon, 2008). This paper, therefore, seeks to draw important regions upon which technology influences the hotel industry. Proper insight will focus mainly on operations, and customer experiences and relations in the hotel environment. It is a report and not a research paper as it may seem to appear. Hotel industry is affected by various issues regarding security from a global to a local perspective respectively. The ability to assure a tourist that, they are safe in a given destination can mean a lot to the proprietors of a given hotel business line (Solomon, 2008). Security threats have made the industry suffer several setbacks that can only translate into losses worth billions of dollars (Kasavana and Cahill, 2003). Travel bans are offered to countries with such security issues, and they incur up to millions of dollars in losses, which can only mean that even the internal operations of such a countrys hotel is affected. Back at home, when the hotel is prone to high instances of theft, and robbery consumers of their products feel more paranoid to visit such establishment (Kasavana and Cahill, 2003). It can only mean that such organizations are closed, and jobs
Friday, October 18, 2019
Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Final - Essay Example Democrats were of the opinion that there should be a proper democracy everywhere in US, rather than a division amongst tribes and their rule at various places. So US is bound to expand and to spread democracy everywhere across the continent. That would be very natural for Americans and would be in very much favor of country. During those times, every American was full of nationalism spirit and wanted the country to prosper more and more by acquiring other areas of the continent. This air of rather a selfish kind of nationalism was very much in air particularly after freedom war in 1812. There were many aspects behind this motivation. Religious sector was in favor of making the Indian tribes Christian so that the Christian population becomes more and the souls get satisfaction. They say that God wanted all these things to happen with US. The economic factors were also present as the trade would grow more so there had been the greed for making great entrepreneurs. So overall, there had been a great importance of the concept of Manifest destiny in US history (manifest dynasty. 2011 ). Returning to the discussion that is this concept divides us or unite us, we must keep in mind that Manifest destiny contains the concept of superiority of American over other races or people of color. There was also the concept of cultural superiority that Hispanic people and the native tribes are backward and are not able to move in the world on their own behalf. It’s the people of Texas who represent US in the whole world so they should be the ones who rule over it, alone. This concept eventually caused a lot of slavery in the area after the Mexico war particularly, when many locals were made slaves and were treated badly. This racism and color bias is still present in our society in other forms. Today, most white people consider themselves superior than people of any other race in comparison of culture, social
Removing Discriminatory Racial Profiling in Criminal Profiling Assignment
Removing Discriminatory Racial Profiling in Criminal Profiling - Assignment Example Secondary research is also important because it will validate the survey’s profiling practices and enrich knowledge about racial profiling issues across the country. Qualitative and quantitative data-collection methods will also answer RQ2. The survey will have open-ended questions about what the police think about racial profiling and how they can include it in criminal profiling without sacrificing the validity and reliability of profiling methods and findings. An interview with a criminology or criminal justice professor will also be essential in understanding academic ideas on offender profiling validity and reliability. The populations under study are the police and criminology/criminal justice professors and the sampling method is convenience sampling because of its advantages over other methods. Convenience sampling is an advantageous method because it is an easy, cost- and time-efficient method for selecting respondents (Maxfield & Babbie, 2011, p. 224). Its economy ensures that the study will not create an undue financial burden on the researcher. Furthermore, another advantage of convenience sampling is that the researcher can choose participants who are willing to respond and who possess skills and knowledge in answering pertinent survey and interview questions. Convenience sampling has its disadvantages, however. Because it is a non-probability sampling method, it may find respondents who might not be representative of the general population (Gravetter & Forzano, 2012, p. 151). The resulting sampling may be biased because the researcher cannot ensure the randomness of the selection process (G ravetter & Forzano, 2012, p. 151). This major drawback can be managed, nonetheless, through finding reasonable representatives (Gravetter & Forzano, 2012, p. 151). For example, random sampling is still applied to a chosen police unit.  This action will help improve the generalization of the findings to the police. Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Subsidized in the city Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Subsidized in the city - Essay Example Parents have pampered their children beyond imagination, they give their children credit cards which spoils them, they have the liberty to spend money on anything and everything that they like, entering adulthood in the real sense is no walk in the park, it comes with a lot of responsibilities which one must understand and fulfill, earning a substantial amount is extremely important, without that it is very difficult to survive in today’s world. The accommodation has become so expensive; the standard of living has gone up by manifolds and there are several other expenditures which one must take care of to be able to live a happy life. Above all there one should have self-respect, parents will always come to rescue their children but one must start drawing a line, becoming financially independent is extremely important these days, children should not only become financially independent but they should also help and support their parents in any which way plausible. Adults these days are not interested in changing their lifestyle, they are aware of the fact that they cannot refrain from going to posh places, shopping, watching movies so on and so forth, they should change their lifestyle and seek no help from their parents, an adult who is financially dependent has no respect and to earn respect one must refrain from spending excessively, parents who pay for their children after they become adults should completely stop helping them, they should try their best to make their children financially independent and they should also ensure that no money should be spent on their vices, adults have several vices these days, several adults are hooked on to drugs, alcohol and what not, parents must keep a strict check on all these vices which are more than capable of ruining one’s life. â€Å"There is something to be said for writing that rent check each month and knowing you've managed to live comfortably on your own terms. Racking up $500 shopping sprees on Mommy and Daddy's credit card may have its momentary allure, but the adult part of me believes that working for what you have is much more rewarding than being handed it on a silver platter. And I have my own mom and dad to thank for that.†(Subsidized in the City) Overspending is a major concern, adults should completely stop blowing up the hard-earned money of their parents on useless activities, they must keep a check on their spending only then will they become adults in the real sense otherwise they are just a bunch of over aged children who fail to understand what is expected of them. It is also important to understand the feelings of parents’, though they hardly say anything, deep down they know that they are spoiling the future of their children and making them overly dependent which is not good at all. Conclusion There is no counter argument possible on this topic, adults must manage their own expenses, they must also understand that their parents will not be around forever to keep helping them out, they must earn well and spend smartly, spending on useless things is hardly going to help them. It is high time for adults to realize their responsibility, they should be making their parents proud, and instead they are busy spending their hard-earned money. Spending money is perhaps the easiest job but earning it requires a lot of hard-work and dedication. The article is a well written; it comprehensively presents how
Community Needs Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Community Needs Assessment - Research Paper Example The work of Maninno et al. (2002) has recognized that asthma is a major cause of school and work days losses in America since the 1980s. Maninno et al. (2002) found that between 1980 and 1996, the prevalence of lifetime asthma has increased in the United States. Related with this, the study of Manino et al. (2002) reported that school days and work man-days losses due to asthma have also increased. This needs assessment focused on the problem of asthma in South Bronx because this analyst believe that asthma is most likely a serious problem in the community given the reputation of South Bronx with regard to the family income of its residents. In addition to the usual objectives of needs assessment, the needs assessment was designed to develop insights on how a health program focused on asthma can best be developed for South Bronx. Thus, the author was keen on drawing data helpful to producing insights in that direction. To produce the community needs assessment, the author reviewed do cuments, news reports, and gathered a documented testimony from at least one community leader. South Bronx is a community populated by low-income minority families in New York City. Figure 1 shows New York City on the left panel and South Bronx on the right panel. South Bronx is composed of localities labeled with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9 on the right panel and colored yellow. The entire Bronx (colored as peach and yellow) on the right panel is the peach colored area in left panel. According to the Lehman College that is located in the Bronx area, census data indicate that the Bronx had a population of 1.4 million people as of 2008. A significant part of this population resides in South Bronx. Unfortunately, according to the college, around 30% of the South Bronx population refuse to categorize themselves into a racial category. The Lehman College pointed out that although South Bronx is described as a low-income community, there is a section
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Subsidized in the city Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Subsidized in the city - Essay Example Parents have pampered their children beyond imagination, they give their children credit cards which spoils them, they have the liberty to spend money on anything and everything that they like, entering adulthood in the real sense is no walk in the park, it comes with a lot of responsibilities which one must understand and fulfill, earning a substantial amount is extremely important, without that it is very difficult to survive in today’s world. The accommodation has become so expensive; the standard of living has gone up by manifolds and there are several other expenditures which one must take care of to be able to live a happy life. Above all there one should have self-respect, parents will always come to rescue their children but one must start drawing a line, becoming financially independent is extremely important these days, children should not only become financially independent but they should also help and support their parents in any which way plausible. Adults these days are not interested in changing their lifestyle, they are aware of the fact that they cannot refrain from going to posh places, shopping, watching movies so on and so forth, they should change their lifestyle and seek no help from their parents, an adult who is financially dependent has no respect and to earn respect one must refrain from spending excessively, parents who pay for their children after they become adults should completely stop helping them, they should try their best to make their children financially independent and they should also ensure that no money should be spent on their vices, adults have several vices these days, several adults are hooked on to drugs, alcohol and what not, parents must keep a strict check on all these vices which are more than capable of ruining one’s life. â€Å"There is something to be said for writing that rent check each month and knowing you've managed to live comfortably on your own terms. Racking up $500 shopping sprees on Mommy and Daddy's credit card may have its momentary allure, but the adult part of me believes that working for what you have is much more rewarding than being handed it on a silver platter. And I have my own mom and dad to thank for that.†(Subsidized in the City) Overspending is a major concern, adults should completely stop blowing up the hard-earned money of their parents on useless activities, they must keep a check on their spending only then will they become adults in the real sense otherwise they are just a bunch of over aged children who fail to understand what is expected of them. It is also important to understand the feelings of parents’, though they hardly say anything, deep down they know that they are spoiling the future of their children and making them overly dependent which is not good at all. Conclusion There is no counter argument possible on this topic, adults must manage their own expenses, they must also understand that their parents will not be around forever to keep helping them out, they must earn well and spend smartly, spending on useless things is hardly going to help them. It is high time for adults to realize their responsibility, they should be making their parents proud, and instead they are busy spending their hard-earned money. Spending money is perhaps the easiest job but earning it requires a lot of hard-work and dedication. The article is a well written; it comprehensively presents how
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
See inside Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
See inside - Assignment Example A company will come up with a strategy to achieving a particular goal or a set of goals set out as planned. Then a means or a tactic by which the strategy will be carried out. A sound strategy will succeed by using facts and assumptions, analysis, previous conclusions, and previous recommendations. However, a strategic outline plan begins with a vision that should be futuristic, specific, and promises a better outlook than the current state of affairs. To achieve a vision, a company should have a mission statement that is in line with its objectives. A mission statement should identify core competencies and philosophies while explaining why it is possible to achieve a vision. SWOT analysis is a crucial part when a company is laying out a strategic plan. SWOT analysis simply means identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that a company possesses and faces. It is through SWOT analysis that a company gets to learn about its competitive advantages and disadvantages. From the article, it is clear that Duke Energy Company has an ambitious vision that it wants to achieve by the year 2050. The vision that Duke Energy Company has is to modernize its grid and make its communities the most energy efficient communities in the world. This vision is in line with our current text since it is both futuristic, and it promises a bright future. However, according to the President and CEO of Duke Energy Company, this vision can be achieved without factoring in facts and data analyses since he believes numbers do not necessarily connect to the vision. According to our current text, it is tactically crucial to use facts and analysis in-order to be able to achieve a vision that has been set out. Using SWOT analysis on Duke Energy Company, it is easy to identify its competitive advantage. According to the CEO, the fact that they have already experimented with different technologies gives them an
Monday, October 14, 2019
Compare and discuss contrast Essay Example for Free
Compare and discuss contrast Essay 1. Launched non-complete version of their website. Consumers get very annoyed when the e-commerce website they are trying to shop does not work. In software related commerce, one of the biggest complaints from users is insufficient testing for bugs before marketing to the public. 2. Annoying pop-up windows and Cumbersome Interface The multiple pop-ups further slowed down user download times and took away the sense of user control. When making a purchase most consumers prefer to make their own decision without pressure from pushy salesmen. From personal experience, most consumers prefer to seek out information as needed instead of having it pop up in another window. 3. Miss Boo, Shopping Assistant This virtual shopping assistant seemed crazy. Why did Miss Boo say Tie me up, tie me down in a shoe that looks like its been attacked? This irrational verbiage symbolized the dementia in design that was systemic in the website. When the company icon/mascot says irrational things it reduces consumer confidence in the products and services provided in the website. 4. Usability In case, there was a big disconnection between the bandwidth required to run the website multimedia and actual bandwidth of average consumers. Consumers simply did not have the bandwidth to shop at Boo. com, or the right program (Macromedia Flash) to load the images. People were not ready for the excessive graphics, movies, audio, and video. * Unable to alter customer buying behavior Boo. com was unable to attract customers in large numbers, nor was it able to generate a sufficient level of repeat customer from the small number of clients that did use its services. Few people are happy to buy clothes without first trying them on, which represented a fundamental problem for Boo. D. What could Boo. com have done differently that might made it a success? * Technology First Solutions The technology that was supposed to power Boo. com did not work. As with everything else, the concept for its Web site was extraordinarily ambitious, with complex global distribution and multiple currencies and dazzling interactive features. And it was to have been built from scratch, something the technology team came to realize was difficult, if not impossible. Management spending was unprecedented for a dot. com. By the time the site was supposed to go live in May 1999, Boo. com had run up a $600,000 bill from Hill Knowlton, the companys public relations firm, mostly for setting up lunches with fashion editors for the founders. Hill Knowlton threatened to stop working for Boo. com because the firm was not paid on time. Ms. Leander, a former Elite model who was also Boo. coms marketing chief, hired Roman Coppola, Francis Ford Coppolas son, to direct the companys TV ads, featuring nerdy young people in urban chic clothing, which were part of a $42 million campaign for the big introduction. That included $25 million worth of advertising in magazines, newspapers, and billboards. Many employees said they received a mobile phone, a Palm hand-held device and an American Express card. Salaries were high for a dot-com on the make. III. Compare and discuss contrast between Staples. com Boo. com Usability It has been obvious from day one on the Web that what people want is fast downloading, information rich websites. Speed is a critical factor that drives Web usage. When people come to a website they are invariably looking for information. They dont want to hang around. They dont want to be left waiting. The best website is the one that gets them the right content fastest. In general, usability was a big issue for Boo. Consumers did not have the bandwidth to shop at Boo. com, or the right program (Macromedia Flash) to load the images. During then, the common folk were not ready for the excessive graphics, movies, audio, and video. Also, the annoyance of Miss Boo, their online helper, also detracted people from shopping at Boo. com. As more problems arose, Boo forgot about their customers. Staples. com has not committed the same mistake. It has built a portal based on what customer wants, content rich and fast downloading. This was clearly indicated by Staples. com portal recent won of a prestigious award for best business-to-business site from MIMC, the Massachusetts Interactive Media Council. (www. boston. internet. com/news/article. php/494001).  Convenience Feedback from customer commented that Boo web site was very complicated to navigate through, which meant that it was very difficult to make comparisons between the different brands that were stocked. According to Mori (2000) the ability to find product information and to compare prices is a very attractive feature for Internet shoppers. The Staples. com web site on the other hand has been designed for usability, reduced clicks, time-saving navigational tools, and personalized time-saving features for quick access. * Interaction Interaction is the means of relationship-building with individual customers by providing timely pre-sales information and excellent after-sales support. Boo. com has no strategy of building up customer relationship. The company suffered from very low rates of customer retention. Staples. com offers tremendous online resources that provide personalized, right time customer information. When you place an order, Staples encourages you to sign up for e-mail reminders, which will be sent to you BEFORE you run out. Once you receive the e-mail you can access Staples. com directly, buy what you need and your new supplies will be on their way. Product matchmaker- products are listed specific to the customer personal equipment. Plus, order history and a favorite shopping basket will keep track of items that are continuously purchased for fast checkout! This strategy clearly scored a big plus in term of building good relationship with their customer. * Brand Image For any new start up, making itself known is a big challenge. In Boo. com case, it spent relentlessly to create it brand image. The management committed $25 million to an advertising budget, a huge sum for a start-up. The company chose to advertise in expensive but trendy fashion magazines such as Vanity Fair as well as on cable television and the Internet. Staples. com has an easier path for it inherited the brand name from its parent company Staples Inc. * Vision or Strategy The creators Boo. com had a great vision, but failed to support that with a good strategy. First, the company had failed to consider potential competition from its main competitors who have strong brand name such as Lands End, and Nordstrom. Second, it is evident that little market research was done as Boo. com strived to sell a good (clothing) that was hard to sell on the Internet. As for most shoppers, they prefer to touch, feel, and try on clothes before buying it. Third, they failed to consider their resources as they launched their websites simultaneously in several countries. Staples. com has both a vision and good strategy. It has established a vision of creating outstanding customer service through a great Web experience. With this vision, it laid the strategy foundation that the key to online success and increased market share was to make its e-commerce site as usable as possible. Staples wanted the site to be customer-driven: to support customer needs in an easy-to-use, intuitive way. Conclusion There would be various reasons for failure in EC such as lack of funding, incorrect revenue model, and so much more, but typically, no business model should ever ignore the golden rule customer satisfaction. Strategic planning clarifies what an EC project should do or focus on with respect to the companys mission and the given business environment. To start or to survive companies must learn from the lesson of others failure and successful stories. Appendix A: Critical Success factors (Extract from: http://www. e-bc. ca/) Critical Success Factor Definition Competitive Advantage 1. Convenience The usability of the web site for the purpose for which it was designed: for example, to assist, buying or selling, to find information, to track a process. Users find it easy to carry out the process, so they are more likely to use the site and return to it. 2. Brand Image The ability to build up a brand name for the e-commerce business, and its products and services, using online and offline brand-building techniques. The more awareness a business can generate for its site, the greater the volume of traffic and potential for sales. 3. Interaction The means of relationship-building with individual customers by providing timely pre-sales information and excellent after-sales support. The business builds up a critical mass of loyal customers. Reference: 1. e-business infrastructure: Lessons from failure, Computer Finance, Dec 2000, p11 2. Mack, Ann M. , Stayin Alive, Adweek Eastern Edition, 06/12/2000, Vol. 41 Issue 24, p68 3. Turban, Efraim, King, David. , Lee. , Warkentin, Merill. , Chung, H. Michael. (2002) Electronic Commerce 2002: A Mangerial Perspective, Prentice Hall.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Link Between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
Link Between Entrepreneurship and Economic Development In the influential article by Solow (1956), a structure was given for the readers to have a clear view of the linkage between economic growth and the basic important factors of production. He suggested ways in which maximum economic growth is easily achievable through his dynamic state of the art framework. Solows model named as the growth accounting framework, includes two factors; physical capital and labor precisely, whereas technological change being the implicit factor. One of the basic purposes is to tell the reader about the entrepreneurial trends going on in the world. Entrepreneurship is a central focus in the growth policy which is well matched in the Solows model and it is also linked to the economic growth at the same time. It is linked to the economic growth in the sense that it is facilitating the current organizations through spillover of knowledge and in turn increasing the economic growth. According to Acs (2004) and Audretsch (2006) the term knowledge filter for the commercialization of the firm in terms of RD, human capital, university research etc may not be the only sources of economic growth. It has been noticed that the investment in new knowledge has been substantial resulting in growth and decrease in unemployment, but it blocks commercialization of new knowledge investments in turn reducing innovative activity and ultimately declining growth. The growing of entrepreneurship policy to promote economic growth is an attempt to create entrepreneurship capital, or the ability of an economy to generate the start-up of new firms. Porter (1990) said that Entrepreneurship is at the heart of national advantage. The role of entrepreneurship motivates economic growth through innovation and sustaining of competition among competitors. Entrepreneurship is an important part of industrial growth and the backbone of any country for its economic development. The spirit of entrepreneurship brings about enthusiasm, persistence and the ability to seek entrepreneurial opportunities that lead to success. A countrys ability to generate a steady stream of business opportunities can only come about when its people take to entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurs are essentially the engines of growth for a country. Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs are vital drivers of economic growth, employment, innovation and productivity and it has been long understood by analysts and economic theoreticians. Entrepreneurship is the driving force behind the growth in the modern economy. Taking into consideration the topic I have chosen the following dimensions: Entrepreneurship Commercialization Investment Capital New firms Now I will thoroughly discuss each dimension separately Entrepreneurship: According to the Small Business service 2002, the term entrepreneurship is derived from the word entrepreneur, and it is commonly referred to as the activity that individuals connect in that is often characterized by a unique reflection, innovative approaches and risk taking in order to create a new business or grow an existing business. It can be defined as a managerial performance that time after time develop opportunities to bring results beyond the individuals own capabilities, which involves creativity and innovation says Thompson (1999) and it is also a focus on change and opportunity as well as organization-wide management says Wickham (2001). Entrepreneurship is an attitude that covers an individuals motivation and capability, independently or within the context of an organization and to spot an opportunity and to pursue it in order to create wealth or economic success. It is advance thinking outside the box leading to new ideas, new products or services. Better production methodologies and efficient ways of doing things also helps in economic growth according to Khan (2008). Cantillon, (1700s), used the term entrepreneur to refer to a person who took an active risk-bearing role in pursuing opportunity. It is not a 21st century phenomenon as Coulter (2003) says. Deakins and Freel (2003) in their research found out that entrepreneurship acts as a catalyst in bringing about an economic change and helps in economic development. Entrepreneurship is the apparent aptitude and enthusiasm of persons, on their individual base, in groups, inside and outside existing organizations to make out and generate new economic opportunities (new products, new production methods, new organizational schemes and new product-market combinations), and to introduce their ideas in the market, in the face of uncertainty and other obstacles, by making decisions on location, form and the use of resources and institutions says Wennekers and Thurik (1999). Schumpeter in his theory of Economic Development emphasizes the role of the entrepreneur as basic cause of economic development. He describes how the innovating entrepreneur challenges existing firms; by introducing new inventions that make current technologies and products obsolete. This process of creative destruction is the main characteristic of what has been called the Schumpeter Mark I regime. This process of creative accumulation is the main characteristic of the Schumpeter Mark II regime. Commercialization: Commercialization is a process that helps firms achieves a good name in the market economy. New technologies are introduced in the market and they further help in attaining much public attention. Commercialization has been occurring throughout the world and proves helpful in getting much surface attention. The basic component of commercialization of innovation includes patent protection and capital investments. According to the WIPO2007; National Governors Association 2008, both the patent requests along with the easy governmental policies for promotion of capital investments in concept to the new commercial applications are rising. Economic development is possible through successful commercialization. It is a cycle as commercialization increases the economic value by creating high skilled people which in turn is the basis of highly waged jobs and both these lead towards the stability of the economy. New technology in commercialization is playing its vital role as this knowledge when applied appropriately and in the right direction helps in the growth of the economy. A five stage model of commercialization process according to Jolly (1997) has been outlined in order to attain market entry of new procedures, goods and techniques. These stages are as follows: Imaging stage This is the first stage in which the researcher finds the basic research which relates to a new concept. Technology exploration is the main purpose of this stage. Incubating stage In the incubating stage, the already existing techniques and technologies are examined, the ones that are being generically used and tested. Demonstrating stage Prototypes are created in this stage of the new concept. Promoting stage This stage is the beginning of the entry and expansion of the prototypes being created in the demonstrating stage. Sustaining stage The last stage according to Jolly tells us that whether the prototype is able to sustain the in the long run or not (David A. Boulay; Charles T. Worley; Meagan Barnes , 2008) Investment: Investment and entrepreneurship are interrelated with each other. Entrepreneurship is not possible without investment. Investment is required for production of new products and services. It is also required for enhancing knowledge and technology which helps in innovation. In intrapreneurship: conceptualizing entrepreneurial employee behavior by Jeroen de Jong Sander Wennekers in (2008), the major inconsistent elements of entrepreneurship are the investment of personal financial means and the related financial risk taking, a higher degree of self-sufficiency, and legal and fiscal aspects of establishing a new independent business. New ventures started by entrepreneurs are often risky and they require heavy investment. It is a risk that entrepreneurs take; in order to bring out a new innovation in the form of a new product or new service or even a new methodology of production, into existence. The transformation of knowledge into a new product is risky and if the idea clicks the investment is turned into profit which helps in economic development. According to Baumol (2002a, 2002b) the entrepreneurial function of risk taking in the innovation process from the role of larger current corporations that are engaged into routine processes of large scale innovation. In the impact of entrepreneurship on economic growth by M.A. Carreea b.c and A.R. Thurika, a large amount of companies guide to high interest in huge amount of investment and research and development programs leading to high growth where as less amount of investments in research and development lead to slow growth. Capital: Capital is the financial asset that is used for investment in the entrepreneurial activity to start a new venture of innovate the existing one. However, entrepreneurial and risk taking behavior certainly makes apparent itself in the creation of new ventures. Higher the entrepreneurship intensity is, the higher the level of the hidden variable entrepreneurship capital becomes. Entrepreneurship capital means the ability for economic agents to generate new firms. Entrepreneurship has typically been referred to as an action, process, or activity whereas entrepreneurship capital is the ability of the people to generate new firms and help in the economic prosperity of the world. According to G. Hofstede (2002), entrepreneurship capital can also be a part of stock capital as it reflects other numerous factors such as legal, institutional and social factors. A recent study shows that entrepreneurship capital is somewhat a missing link in describing the variations in economic performance says Acs and Audretsch (2003) From the economic perspective, Hebert and Link (1989) distinguish between the supply of financial capital, innovation, allocation of resources among substitute uses and decision-making. Such perspectives generate a high propensity for economic agents to start new firms can be characterized as being rich in entrepreneurship capital. Entrepreneurship capital exerts a positive impact on economic output for a number of reasons. The first being mechanism for knowledge spillovers. Romer (1986), Lucas (1988 and 1992) Grossman and Helpman (1991) recognized that knowledge spillovers are an important mechanism underlying growing expansion. A second way that entrepreneurship capital put forth a positive impact on economic out-put is through the increased competition by high number of enterprises. Jacobs (1969) and Porter (1990) argue that competition is more conducive to knowledge externalities than is local monopoly. A third way that entrepreneurship capital generates economic output is by providing variety among the firms. Not only does entrepreneurship capital generate a greater number of enterprises, but it also increases the multiplicity of enterprises in the location. A key assumption made by Hannan and Freeman (1989) in the population ecology literature is that each new organization represents a unique approach. Entrepreneurship Capital and Economic Growth by Audretsch and Keilbach tells that entrepreneurship capital contributes to output and growth by serving as a means for knowledge spillovers, increasing competition, and by instilling diversity leading to economic growth. New Firms: Schumpeter (1942) gave his work in a very influential manner and since then entrepreneurship has been the hot topic in economic growth and development. With the advent of entrepreneurship, new firms and new employment opportunities are created which brings with it productive innovation says Baumol (2002). It is important to understand factors that promote new firms to economic development. High level of new firms is created with entrepreneurial activities which significantly promotes economic vitality and shows that the economy is dynamic rather than being static. Different factors affect the creation of new firms such as unemployment, population growth, industrial structure, and human capital, the availability of financing and entrepreneurial individuality. Building on the contributions of urbanism Jane Jacobs, Lee, Florida and Gates (2002) showed that social diversity and human capital have constructive relationships with regional innovation production measured by per capita patent production. According to Rynolds, (1994) factors like unemployment, population, industrial scattering and financial availability are important in terms of new firm formation. Armingten and Acs (2002) found that industrial intensity, income growth, population growth and human capital were closely related to new firm formation. Kirchhoff (2002) found academic research and development expenditure to be associated with rates of new firm structure across regions. Studies noted the significance of the function of association in entrepreneurship. Saxenian (1999) found that extensive networks of Chinese and Indian workers help people start new firms with the help of contacts and financial support in Silicon Valley. STUART and SORENSON (2003) argue that businesses cluster because geographical closeness enables them to use social ties necessary to gather together essential resources. Conclusion: Entrepreneurship is a vast topic which covers the major aspects of economic growth. Entrepreneurship is possible with the help of new innovative ideas that gives birth to new firms. For making the innovation real, investment is required in capital and assets. All these dimensions lead towards economic growth of the world.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Whistle or Scream While You Work :: Essays Papers
Whistle or Scream While You Work Life is full of encounters with annoying, horrendous, wretched, irritating, pathetic wastes of human life, and I am in constant contact with them wherever I go. Although I have a choice whether or not I want to deal with these people, I do not have a choice at my place of employment. While working at 9 Ball Joe, a coffee/billiards hall, I am forced to interact with mainly four groups of people; from rowdy, revolting children and useless, pitiable teens, to scheming schoolgirls and bothersome regulars, a line of work seeming so simple is anything but. First and foremost, I am a 19 year-old college student who places value in any chance I get for peace and quiet, thus, babysitting is not my profession of choice. However, on most weekend nights 9 Ball Joe is infested with children between the ages 12-16. They are loud, obnoxious, and in some situations, disrespectful. Unfortunately for me, they have strength in numbers. Because most of them are too young to drive, they often come piled in a van driven by one of their parents. Before entering the building, they feel it is necessary to â€Å"hang out,†or loiter in the parking lot for at least ten minutes, leaving a trail of litter behind. Once in the building, they huddle in a large mass near the entrance door causing messy customer traffic-jams. Because young children are commonly indecisive, fifteen minutes can pass before any decision is made on whether to shoot pool, or to purchase drinks. If they do decide to get drinks, they spend as little as possible (a one drink minimum is policy). Jones Sodas seem to be the beverage of choice since they are cheap, colorful, and sweet. Having to deal with their loud voices and sugar-high theatrics all night is only the beginning of my torture. I am continually left with scads of dishes to clean up after they leave even though our signs clearly read: PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN DISHES. The next breed of 9 Ball-goers consists of 20 year-old high school dropouts who still live with their parents and have excessive drinking problems. Unfortunately, age is not an indicator of maturity. These individuals are worse than youngsters half their age. I often wonder how they make enough money to feed their alcohol and cigarette addiction as well as pay for their pool and drinks.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Being a Teacher
What is your decision-Pursue teaching profession or NOT. Explain the basis of your decision. I will still pursue the teaching profession no matter what. Although this profession does not have salary high as the other profession still I think teaching is very fulfilling in my part. Why do I choose teaching profession over other profession? I think that even though I will earn not so big salary still I will enjoy teaching. First, I choose this in my own will it is not just anybody told me to take this profession. Second, I love speaking and sharing thought or knowledge to others. Lastly, I love children though. There also some reasons I choose teaching profession over others, I see my mother and my sister as a role model, a good teacher I think, they are also the very big factor that’s why I’m in this profession today. Teaching requires a very big skills as you step your foot on it, there will come a time you need to be the patience, loving, caring, understandable, etc. NOT only that you have you there your knowledge to teach, but be sure that you love what you’re doing. It is not how much you earn, but it is that you see every student’s smiles, how they thank you as their teacher and the love that the student gives and vice versa. It’s also fulfilling to a teacher’s heart when they see their student graduating and being a professional someday. Being an Education student today I also want to feel how heart fulfilling teaching is. Salary? It is just a number or money for the people who truly enjoy their work and felt happiness in what you are doing. I want to experience all things in teaching and I so hopeful that I will succeed this profession. I am really praying to God to help me become happy in teaching profession and feel fulfillment on this profession.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Black on Black Crime Essay
Undeniably, stereotyping has always been rampant in our society. These stereotyping may either be through gender, age, occupation and the most popular of all, perhapsâ€â€race. Part of stereotyping is associating a certain group of people to whether good or bad demeanor. And perhaps, almost known to all is the black-on-black crime. This kind of crime is usually pushed to happen due to the prejudice of the society. As Black Americans are subjected to discrimination and injustice, black-on-black crimes are most likely to occur. Black-on-black crimes are the kind of crimes which are committed on Blacks with their fellow Blacks as the offenders. At present, the African Americans remain more segregated that any other racial group in the world. Some of them even experience â€Å"residential isolation†(Quillian, 1999). Past studies show that â€Å"white flight†or the avoidance of white is the main reason of racial discrimination. While there are only 12 percent African American living in the United States, 45 percent of the victims of murder in year 2002 also come from them; 91 percent of them are killed by their fellow Black Americans. Statistics show that homicide tops the list of the leading causes of death among Black men, while suicide in landed on the second notch on the causes of death among Black women aged 15-24 (Greaves). These figures or statistics, of course, are just a reflection of social reality. Racial discrimination, though not as rampant in the past decades still hounds out society that is a great factor contributing to the crime rate among Black Americans. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME†PAGE#2 Prior Research Despite the society’s eventual tolerance on racial differences, there are still studies that show that whites do not prefer in places where there are a lot of African Americans thriving in. In a research survey conducted, most of the white Americans who were asked in the survey said they prefer living in a community where the population of African American is less than 30 percent. (Clark) Studies showing the trends of mobility actually show that neighborhoods or communities with relatively high population of Black families have the tendency to have a â€Å"collapsed†population of white families (Quillian 1999). This means that white Americans tend to move out the place if it is more dominant of the black Americans. In the long run, these neighborhoods would be dominated fully by black Americans. Perceptions on Crime Empirical studies were never really enough to back up the perception of neighborhoods and communities about crime. There are no really a significant number of studies which focus on the black-on-black crimes. But then there are two main factors that are believed to influence the perception of a neighborhood towards crime. First is the observable characteristic which is the neighborhood’s racial composition. In the United States, for example, most of the neighborhoods or communities can be categorized into either dominant of blacks or dominant of whites. Factors like economic class where an individual belong is not easy to gauge based on physical characteristic. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME†PAGE#3 The second factor would be the stereotypes that relate a certain group of people with crime. An example of this would be the African-American or the Blacks who are often associated with rampant crimes known by all Americans (Devine and Elliot 1995). Studies furthered that information that are consistently seen are stereotypes are most likely to be noticed or remembered by people than those information stereotypes that are not usually used (Robert, Evans, and Fulero1979). Stereotypes may also lead to the salience of the stereotypes which are associating certain groups of people on committing crimes. Thus, media reports would most likely to focus on news reports that are guilty of stereotyping. These kinds of media reports reinforce the association of crime and race in the minds of the people, or to be specific, to the mind of the audience. Causes Divergent to the common notion that racism or discrimination is the main cause of black-on-black crime, there are actually a lot of factors causing the perpetuation of such crimes. Racism or discrimination is not the sole reason for the existence of â€Å"evil attitudes. †Among of them urging â€Å"evil attitudes†are: high rates of out-of-wedlock pregnancies and births, abortions, child abuse, and broken families that continually hound the different black communities. Empirical data show that teenagers or the young adults are the ones who are usually involved in troubles, thus increasing their vulnerability to committing crimes. These data apply to Black Americans. But these figures cannot actually generalize all of the Black Americans. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME†PAGE#4 In the case of Unites States, youngsters (or the Black Americans to be specific) are usually involved in peer groups some even call it â€Å"gangtas. †Majority of these kinds of groups are said to be constantly involved in riots or rumbles mostly with their fellow teenagers and Black Americans. Teenagers are groups of peers who seem to act like a â€Å"broken window†which signals crime (Maxfield 1981). This most likely applies most likely to young black men (Anderson 1990) in neighborhoods with â€Å"mixed racial†inhabitants. Combating Black-on-Black Crimes The problem on black-on-black crime cannot be instantly resolved. The way towards the solution of this social problem would really entail a lot of efforts and factors. It may take years, decades or more for us to get over or to lessen the rate of black-on-black crimes. But then, if we are really determined to combat or at least lessen the figures of the occurrence of black-on-black crime, then, we will surely be successful in our aim. This plight is not just the plight of the Black Americans. Everyone is affected when Black-on-black crimes happenâ€â€whether directly or indirectly. As follows are the probable solutions that may address the social plight on black-on-black crimes. Some may be too mundane for some, but it will contribute to the eradication of the problem. One of the main factors, perhaps, pushing the Blacks to commit crime against their fellow Blacks is their low self-esteem. We can avoid the Black on Black Crimes by giving them enough and proper education not only to the African-American children but also to the Caucasian â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME†PAGE#5 children. It is because, the usual educational curriculum among schools, especially in the K-12 levels, is teaching that European descendants are the superior race while the Blacks are inferior. Another is â€Å"identifying and helping potential offenders. †We should first identify who are the common groups of people are involved in black-on-black crimes. Researches show that black-on-black crimes usually happen among the youngsters. We should help them in overcoming their unpleasant behavior. Those behaviors are, in reality, brought about also by some social factors. There are certain problems within our society that need to be immediately addressed before we could completely dwell in our problem on black-on-black crimes. More so, better law enforcement could also help in eradicating the problem on black-on-black crimes. Also this will not really guarantee that crimes will never happen again, this will ensure that there is a strict monitoring of what is happening in the society. But then, there should also be also respect on the Black offenders. They may be criminals, but they should still be treated as human. If offenders are immediately identified, there will be lesser crimes as the police or the authorities are faster in terms of solving the crime. Part and parcel of this solution is also the strict implementation of available laws. If authorities are not strict in implementing their own policies pertaining to crime, offenders will not be intimidated and ashamed to commit any crimesâ€â€whether it is a black-on-black crime or not. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME†PAGE#6 And last but not the least, there should be â€Å"community involvement†in fighting this social predicament. It is not just an issue of Blacks against Blacks. It is an issue concerning everyone. The Blacks should not be treated differently by the society. It is just the complexion that differs, anyway. In a study conducted by the Chicago Crime Factors and Neighborhood Decline in 1978, respondents were asked about their perception on the crimes that are happening in their community. The survey was done through a telephone survey involving 3300 household members in eight chosen community areas in Chicago. The communities were chosen in terms of their racial composition, property values, and crime rates. In each community, there were 400 household members chosen randomly. Based on the results, there is a significant association of racial composition to the respondents’ perception on the crimes in their neighborhood. As hypothesized, as a neighborhood has a higher percentage of Black American inhabitants, the respondents have higher perceived rates on the crime rates within their community. The association of Black Americans with crime rate is both applicable to Black and White Americans, who are the respondents of the study. The survey conducted in Chicago just shows how the Black Americans are perceived by White Americans and even by their fellow Black Americans. They are associated with crimes. We have to break this particular stereotype than Black Americans would mean higher crime rate. Instead of being mere observers of this social plight, we do something to break this kind of problem. â€Å"BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME†PAGE#7 Black-on-black crimes usually happen because of the treatment that the Black Americans get from the society. If we open about our racial differences, Black-on-black crimes would be lessenedâ€â€at least. We would just usually smirk if we hear stories of crimes committed by Blacks on their fellow Blacks. Our mind set is that, we are not affected, anyway. Some even blame the Blacks alone for doing those â€Å"criminal acts. †We tend to forget that everything is connected to everything else. We tend also to â€Å"wash our hands†over the issue of Black-on-black crimes. We are unmindful that we have also our part on the perpetuation of these kinds of crimes. Conclusion The society is a very crucial factor towards the development of an individual. The environment is a vital determinant on what kind of individual one could be. How the society looks on a particular group of people usually reflect the demeanor of an individual within the group. For example, the case of the Black Americans is a clear manifestation of the society’s prejudice. The salient issue that Black Americans are most likely to commit crimes against their fellow Black Americans affects the psychological being of the Blacks. In a nutshell, it is the society which is the main root of Black-on-black crimes. Ironically, it is also the society which will play the most important and most crucial part towards the resolution of this social plight. A society with open mind is what we need. A society that is void of prejudices, stereotypes, and judgment. By this, black-on-black crimes will be solved. Outline I. Introduction II. Overview of Black on Black Crimes A. Prior Researches B. Statistics C. Perceptions on Crime III. Causes of Black on black crimes IV. Combating Black on Black Crimes References: Anderson, Elijah. Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. Clark, William A. V. â€Å"Residential Preferences and Neighborhood Racial Segregation: A Test of the Schelling Segregation Model. †Demography 28. 1 (1991): 1-19. Devine, P. G. and A. J. Elliot. â€Å"†Are Racial Stereotypes Really Fading? The Princeton Trilogy Revisited. â€Å"†Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 21. 11 (1995): 1139-50. Diiulio, John. â€Å"White Lies About Black Crime â€Å", 1995. Edwards, Jennifer. â€Å"Black-on-Black Crime Increasing, Reports Say †Cincy post May 12, 2001 2001 Greaves, Fielding. â€Å"Black-on-Black Crime. †The Coastal Post March 19, 1997 1997 Jones, Annie Lee. †Black Crime, Black Victims. †New York Times July 4, 1982 1982 Jones, R Jeneen. â€Å"The Truth About Black Crime. †2003. Mason, Timothy. â€Å"On Race and the Measurement of Crime†. 2007. April 10, 2007. . Quillian, Devah Pager and Lincoln. â€Å"Black Neighbors, Higher Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime. †Trans. Center for Demography and Ecology. Meeting of the Population Association of America in New York City. University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1999. Sik, Melched. â€Å"Blacks on Black Crime†. 2007 A pril 10, 2007 2007. < http://www. zimbio. com/portal/RBG+Afrikan-+Centered+Cultural+Development+and+Education/blog/251>. Wickham, DeWayne. â€Å"Where’s the Outrage over Black-on-Black Killings? †USA Today January 2,2007 2007
Oration piece †Life and works of Rizal Essay
When I was young and innocent, I used to dream of great and wonderful things for the Philippines. I dreamed to see the Philippine flag raised in each and every household, and at the same time singing our national anthem in a blaring voice and a smile on their faces. When I’m old enough to see the real state of our country, these dreams were shattered. I don’t see flags in people’s households but I see households broken. I don’t hear songs but I hear gunshots, cries and remorse. I don’t see smiles but marks of poverty. This was not the Philippines I was dreaming of. This is not what our national hero wished and died for. We need someone who can bring the change in our country. As Filipinos we need not a leader with wealthy family, or rooms of medals and diplomas. Rizal didn’t show off his achievements because people already know him as someone great. He doesn’t need to play a movie of all His works or achievement because his works spoke for themselves. I do say that we must win our freedom by deserving it, by improving the mind and enhancing the dignity of the individual. Loving what is just, what is good, what is great, even to the point of dying for it. Just like Rizal. Rizal is generous in all his endeavors in various fields science, mathematics, literature and the arts, giving it his all, therefore always emerging in excellence. The very person who should lead our country must be someone who has a heart for excellence. Rizal has great dreams for the Filipinos, and he never, not even once underestimated them. With unwavering trust and conviction, Rizal believes in the abilities of the Filipino people and banks on them for the progress of the Philippines. My fellow young men and women, if we want to establish a better Philippines, we need a real president who embodies the characteristics of Dr. Jose Rizal. Let us always remember that authority without love and sacrifice is definitely self serving . Rizal studied in different schools, some of these are Ateneo Municipal de Manila where he was declared one of the sobresaliente or outstanding, University of Santo Tomas where he switched from law to medicine.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
The Progress Of Arab Women In Leadership Research Proposal
The Progress Of Arab Women In Leadership - Research Proposal Example For instance, there are a number of women graduating from colleges and thus finding their way into the workforce; however, little is known for their career advancement in leadership and managerial posts. A number of factors have been hindering career progression of Arab women. A complex of social, organizational and personal barriers explain the reason women fail to progress into organizational leadership and corporate management. These barriers arise from culture-based status and gender roles.The issue raised in this proposal is classified as problematic due to its prevalence in the society. Furthermore, there is no playfield allowing women to advance in their careers. In comparison to other countries especially in Eastern and Western Europe, studies show that there are no barriers preventing women from advancing to these positions. The aspect of gender disparity is likened to cancer in the Arabic States reserving the role of women to homemakers. These notions have been killing the dreams of women with some of them resorting to the status quo that the society brings and advocates.The study of the barriers that hinder the progress of women in corporate management and organizational leadership is of great significance. The study will be critical in future policy formulation regarding gender disparities in the Arabic States. Nevertheless, the research study identifies that women progression to corporate management and organizational leadership is due to anticipated discrimination rather than lack of ambition.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Dinner in the Sky. Export in Pakistan from the UK Essay
Dinner in the Sky. Export in Pakistan from the UK - Essay Example Dinner in the Sky currently operates in about more than 15 countries (, 2010). This report presents an opportunity to launch the service in Pakistan which appears to be a lucrative market. Pakistan is a growing economy as it will be shown through facts and figures mentioned in the report. The 12 C Framework on international business is also analyzed briefly for brevity purposes. In this, all the possible aspects of launching an international venture are discussed such as: external factors like cultural, political and economic factors which may negatively or favorably affect the business, along with the marketing communication adopted to promote the venture and competitive analysis over Dinner in the Sky’s advantage of its idea over its competition. ... Restaurants in Karachi are predominantly filled with customers and with waiting lines on weekends. Currently, the market is untapped as this will be totally a new attraction for the people of Karachi. As Dinner in the Sky is a Belgium based franchise, some property will have to be purchased/leased in Pakistan to gain the first mover advantage. The franchisee in Pakistan will be the owner of Dinner in the Sky in the UK and will purchase the property in Pakistan as a corporate entity or as an individual under business interest according to International Law (Mehdi, 2001). 3 Methodology: The methods of research used for this report was secondary data obtained from the Government of Pakistan’s regulatory bodies, in the form of reports, industry insights etc. The data is authenticated by the Government of Pakistan itself. Besides this, specifics of the restaurant industry were also studied and analyzed throughout the course of this report to gauge the prospects of launching Dinner in the Sky in Pakistan. 3.1 Market Segmentation: Dinner in the Sky will be aimed towards Social Economic Class A+, A, B+ and B. This consists of about 10% of the population of the city Karachi who belong to the SEC A and B (Saqib, 2007). The brand will be positioned as a premium brand and as a value leader in the restaurant industry. 3.2 The 12 C’s Framework: 3.2.1 Country Pakistan has a growing middle class which leaves it a lucrative market for lifestyle products/brands. The country registers a GDP of approximately $180 billion with per capita income of $2,000 (State Bank of Pakistan, 2011). On the negative side however, the economy is faced with a high inflation rate. This is damaging as it slows down economic growth. The country currently stands at 2%. This is 2%
Monday, October 7, 2019
AFA 201 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
AFA 201 - Essay Example Even worse, some philosophers and historians argue that not all regions and people have a history to consider. In this regard, African history has been deemed to be relatively new especially after obscure remarks were made by some philosophers. From the onset of the nineteenth century, a German philosopher gave a seminar in which he declared that Africa is not a historical part of the world. He emphasized that it had no development or movement to exhibit to the rest of the world. A hundred years later, a Harvard professor Hugh Trevor-Roper shared Hegel’s sentiments and declared that the only history that Africa can share is Europeans in Africa. He further stated that the rest is largely darkness and that darkness is not a history subject. Such sentiments indicate a racist worldview and high ignorance of African achievements. However, besides racism, statements refuting that Africa holds a history are founded on crucial conception of historical sources that are valid. It was believed that development towards progress and changes in societies was to be written at the particular time of occurrence. This insistence on written materials depicted Africa’s past invisible to some historians and to the wider public. Most of the African societies had not developed writing systems prior to the nineteenth ant twentieth century (Taiwo 118). This reveals that there was a paucity of documented records that could be used by historians in the study of Africa’s history. The few documented details stemmed from observers from outside such as European travelers and merchants. Due to this inconsistency, it was widely held that there was no history in Africa. It was however discovered much later that indeed Africa had a rich past confined to Africa’s colonial history. After all, the missionaries, businessmen, and European colonial administrators kept detailed accounts of observations and activities on the continent of Africa (Oladale 319).
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Criminal Technology from the Past into the Future Assignment
Criminal Technology from the Past into the Future - Assignment Example Moreover, extensive technology application has heightened as crime prevention units try to keep up with advancement in application of modern day appliances to engage in criminal activities. Past Evolution of Technology Effects on Policing Styles and Public Relations Advancement of information technology has led to IT fragmentation where criminal are utilizing technology to commit crime, which may become a problem to security. In the past, the police force applied ancient technology such as pocket book to record information and source information while the night stick was used as a weapon to maintain law and order. A more advanced weapon as at that time was the multiple shot revolvers. However, technology advanced more where criminal were identified and arrested with the aid of photographs taken, after which the telephone came in. indeed, evolution of technology in the past fifty years has developed from use of cars, two way radio communication and guns into the recent times advance t echnology such as body armor, in-car computers and video cameras. ... Among the earliest forms of technology that are still being used at the moment is the use of finger print for criminal investigations, with the application of sound waves for measuring distance between the prints with automated fingerprints identification system. For instance, application of fingerprints and photographs has helped a great deal in identifying criminals and suspects during application and use of visa. Indeed, fraud and identity theft were the most applicable areas of the technology (Siegel, 2008, p 457). Technology is mostly characterized by computers that can carry out complex calculations within a fraction of seconds and the internet for networking in the developed global village. Combination of these two technologies has enabled easy access and storage of large quantities of information with high efficiency. Impact of Information Technology on Criminal Justice Information technology has developed in a dynamic way, with its application by criminals in their activitie s becoming more rampant with time. The society was not prepared to solve criminal technology that has outpaced counteractive measures to solve these problems. Therefore, information technology development mainly in the internet and computer sector has been a great challenge in putting in place security measures to curb the emerging and advancing criminal technologies activities such as cyber crime, identity theft, unauthorized intrusion to systems and sexually related violations. Computers and internet have impacted on the society negatively rather than helping in positive development of the society. In developed countries, criminal technology was extreme due to rapid development of technology easily available for criminals and terrorists. Although security forces have
Friday, October 4, 2019
Skills for Academic Learning in Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Skills for Academic Learning in Law - Essay Example FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 2: 40101/02 1. HARD COPY RESEARCH a. FIND THE CASE OF REVILL v NEWBERY [1996] GIVE THE CITATION FOR THE CASE AND EXPLAIN WHAT IT MEANS BRIEFLY STATE WHAT THE LEGAL ISSUES IN THE CASE ARE Citations are in two forms. One is the paper form and the citation for the above case in paper form is: Revill v Newbery [1996] 1 All ER 291 and it contains the following: 1. the heading of the case; 2. the number of the volume; 3. number of pages; and 4. the year in which the case was decided. Several cases decided by the courts are not printed. The reason is to avoid the expenditure of typesetting and printing. Only very important cases are printed. When the cases decided by the courts were printed on the Internet an overflow of information ensued.This resulted in trying to find out a neutral way to cite a case. (World Legal Information Institute, WorldLII). This normally has the following informations: The year in which the case was decided The title of the court in an abbreviated form; and The number of the decision. Thus, the above case can be cited as: Revill v Newbery (1996) 2 WLR 239 Legal issues of the case: The issues in Revill v Newberry [1996] 1 All ER 291, is that an aged allowance possessor was sleeping in his hut with a scattergun, to put off thieves. On discovering the plaintiff, attempting to break in, he shot his gun via a hole in the shed, hurting the plaintiff. At first occurrence, the defendant effectively raised the justification of ex turpi to keep away from the claim. Conversely, the Court of Appeal approved the plaintiff's prayer, assenting that the defendant was neglectful to have shot blindly at body height, without a caution or even shooting a forewarning shot into the air, and that the response was...(World Legal Information Institute, WorldLII). The issues in Revill v Newberry [1996] 1 All ER 291, is that an aged allowance possessor was sleeping in his hut with a scattergun, to put off thieves. On discovering the plaintiff, attempting to break in, he shot his gun via a hole in the shed, hurting the plaintiff. At first occurrence, the defendant effectively raised the justification of ex turpi to keep away from the claim. Conversely, the Court of Appeal approved the plaintiff's prayer, assenting that the defendant was neglectful to have shot blindly at body height, without a caution or even shooting a forewarning shot into the air, and that the response was out of every section to the danger ( accessed on 27 October 2009). This case was filed by Mr. Major Dhillon for recovery of damages resulting in financial losses. The financial losses were due to a number of breaches of duty on the part of one or more of the defendant accountants. These accountants were his advisors between 1997 and 2004. Further Mr.
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