Monday, September 30, 2019
Case Study : Employee Resoursing Essay
01. Executive Summery Country consumer Products Company is a company which need to market their newly developed baby soap ranges. Because of that they need to fill the vacancy of brand manger immediately. They advertised the vacancy without proper supervision and they prepared it in a hap hazard manner. From the limited applicants they selected one candidate to perform the job. To select the employee they conducted interviews hurriedly without paying much attention to the standard way of performing the interviews. After that they directly appoint newly recruited employee, Mr. Anton to perform the job. Mr. Anton missed the opportunity to get proper induction program from the company. Gradually he couldn’t perform the job up to the expected level and it cause to de-motivate the other employee. Due to the improper HR planning, absence of proper strategy to attract employees, improper recruitment, selection and induction Processes Company couldn’t recruit right person to the job. It also caused to lost revenue and orders for the particular product ranges. To overcome the above obstacles the company need to implement effective HR practises within the company. Through proper HR planning, proper recruitment, selection and Induction Company can attract most suitable employee to the company. As a solution for the current situation of the company, they can extend the probation period of Mr. Anton or terminate his job and recruit new employee for the post f brand manager. Both opportunities have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the light of considering the above case its better if they can extend the probation period of Mr. Anton. It will provide long term benefits to the company and it will protect the goodwill of the company. 02. Issues involved in the case In the light of considering the case of Country Consumer Products Company following issues can identify from the case. * Having wrong candidate for the organization Country consumer Product Company needed an employee who has enough competencies to meet the goals and objectives of newly introduced baby soap ranges. It was a huge responsibility for the employee because the products are new to the market and need more promotions to market the product in a competitive environment. But the company lost many orders and they had to bear huge cost because of the wrong decisions on the recruitment of the brand manager. Due to the improper planning the organisation couldn’t find the right fit to the organisation. There is an old saying that â€Å"one dirty fish pollutes the entire pond†. Automatically these failures expand to the other employees and it causes to the de-motivated the other employees. * Not having proper strategy to attract right people From the inception of the decision of the recruitment of the new employee the company acts in a wrong way. It means the company couldn’t attract the most suitable candidates with the relevant qualifications, Expertises and skills. The company couldn’t attract to most suitable employee. Due to the improper selection of advertising Sources [weekday news paper] and lack of advertising skills missed necessary information which should be the advertisement of brand manager. Because of that company failed match the human recourses with the objectives of the company. * Not having proper recruitment process to select right candidate Country consumer Product Company did not handle the proper way to search for prospective employees and they did not simulate them to apply for jobs. In the recruitment process they did not select the right recruitment source. They did advertising in a improper method [week days] and they developed in a hurriedly and sent directly to the news paper office therefore they missed necessary parts of a slandered advertisement due to the above reasons they had only restricted choices and they couldn’t absorb the right blood to the organisation. In absence of the standard selection process, limited the possibility to select the right applicant. * Not having proper induction and placement Country Consumer Company did not placed Mr. Anton in a suitable job. They just thought on the suitability of the individual to the job and they did not think on the suitability of the job to the individual. Due to that Mr. Anton was not competent enough to perform the job. He always depend subordinates and there were no proper guidance for the branding team. Also Mr. Anton missed the opportunity to get proper induction which can identify the surrounding of the practices, policies and the purposes of the organization. Because of the hurry of the company they directly appoint Mr.Anton to perform the job. Due to the improper induction and placement the company couldn’t get the maximum benefit from the particular employee. * De-motivated and frustrated employees due to the poor HR practices The company couldn’t get right employee for the place of brand manager for newly introduced baby soap ranges Due to the improper HR planning, recruitment, selection and placement. In the absence of proper guidance, employees who were under the supervision of Mr.Anton had frustrated minds. Because in the beginning they had more orders but gradually they had lost them and couldn’t achieve the given targets. Therefore it caused to decrease the motivation among the employees. 03. Recommendations to overcome the obstacles To overcome the above issues following recommendations can be used as the alternative solutions to this case. * Integrating HR planning with goals and objectives of the organization Country consumer products Company should determine the requirement of human recourse to achieve its strategic goals of the company. Company should identify the right people with the proper skills and have to motivate them to achieve higher performance. Company can automatically achieve the goals and the objectives through people. Also it needs to create interactive links between business objectives and people planning activities. * Establish and develop strategies to attract employees to the organization Employees are assets for an organization. Therefore company should attract right candidate with proper qualifications and expertise. To attract right candidate for the company, first they should analyze the job to identify the requirements of the job of brand manager. It gives a solid basis for job related employment decisions. After the job analysis HR department need to prepare the job specification and the job description. Job description describes the details of the job of a brand manager, reporting relationships, overall objectives, main activities and tasks. Through the job specification the company can convey what kind of characteristics that are needed to perform the job of brand manager. Through job analysis the company can attract the right blood among pool of people. * Establish recruitment and selection procedure which help to hire the right person HR department of the company needs to establish proper process to search prospective employees. First there should be an effective HR department within the company and they should analyze the future and current human requirement. Through the job analysis, job specification and the job description should be developed. Then it should send to the relevant department heads to the confirmation. For need of brand manager it should send to the head of the marketing department. It will allow the company to confirm the information under the supervision of the authorised party. For the above post company can select advertising, Employment agencies, secondments etc. to select people. Advertisement should be properly developed and should contain essential information. To advertise the job can use week end news paper or commonly use media. Finally it needs to assess the effectiveness of the recruitment process. * Establish proper induction and selection procedure To select the qualified personal company should follow well managed selection process. For that they can conduct interviews, examinations and referral checking etc. For the immediate post of brand manager, interviews can conduct to identify the suitability of the employee to the job. Interviews should well-planned and there should be qualified interview panel including the head of marketing department. There should be Fair evaluation criteria and every candidate should have equalant chance to be select. Through a proper selection company can select best among the good. Also it must be a mandatory requirement to have 1 month induction programme for the all new employees. Because of that they can familiar to the company environment. * Implement proper HR planning process in order to get right people to the current and requirements of the organization The success of country consumer Products Company is directly linked to the performance of those who work for that business. Underachievement can be a result of workplace failures. Because hiring the wrong people or failing to anticipate fluctuations in hiring needs can be costly, it is important that the company put effort into human resource planning. Planning for HR needs will help to ensure the employees have the skills and competencies which the business needs to succeed. A HR plan works hand in hand with the business plan to determine the resources which need to achieve the business’s goals. It will better prepare for staff turnover, recruitment, and strategic hiring and alleviate stress when the company have emergency (last-minute hiring needs). Not only for the country consumer Products Company but also have every organization needed to have a proper HR planning process. Because it provides quality workforce, Reduces labour costs, Facilitates rise in skills, Effective motivation, Safety of health. 04. Conclusion Country consumers Product Company failed to achieve their sales target and goals of the organisation due to their improper HR practices poor HR plantings selection of unsuitable recruiting sources and absence of proper selection and induction made the sales drop. Because of that they had restrict choice to select the suitable candidates for the company. However they selected Mr. Anton as their brand manager. Gradually Mr. Anton couldn’t achieve the objectives and frustrated about the job. That course to de-motive other employees too. As a result of that the company have two options regarding the Mr. Anton. First one is to extend his production period. Without taking him directly as a permanent employee they can hold under the production period. Because of that Mr. Anton can understand the surroundings of the organisation and he can understand department processes structure and system of the company. Through working on the job he can directly get an idea about with his responsibilities and duties, who are their clients and customers. How to perform a team work, how he have to provide the guidance to the team through the training he will perform better. Also Mr. Anton can motivate himself and it cause to increase the confidence to perform the job. Apart from that above advantages the company has to bear extra lost to train him again. It will get more time and automatically it will cause to reduce their revenges. The second option is to terminate the job of the Mr. Anton due to the poor performance. If they terminate Mr. Anton they need to recruit another employee by the following proper HR practices. They can get the most suitable employee among the qualified people. But they need to bear huge cost including leaving cost of Mr. Anton. To recruit another employee they need bear opportunity cost of recruiting, selecting and training of the particular employee. Also there is a huge possibility to engage with the labour department activities, If Mr. Anton file a case on there. Also Mr. Anton will recommend the company as an unhealthy company for an employee and it will create a bad image with in the market Therefore considering all the disadvantages and advantages the company should select a better option whether to terminate Mr. Anton or extend his probation period. 05. Implementation According the point of my view if the company can extend the probation period of the Mr. Anton it will provide more benefits to the company and to the Mr. Anton. Through proper training and a proper induction Mr. Anton will perform his job in a high level. First the company should have to give an introduction about the organisation, department structure and the processes. Through this he can get the idea of the full picture of the company. For this company can use past annual reports, product manual, websites and etc. One authorised party [marketing manager] can arrange a small company visit and identify the process physically and to identify the other top, middle and lower level employees. This practically causes to increase the confidence level of the Mr. Anton. After the introduction the company can assign little responsibility to Mr. Anton to work on it. There should be a proper guidelines and a continuous supervision on Mr. Anton through this Mr. Anton can learn how the job shou ld be. Perform and with the direct responsibilities of him. He should be advised how to guide a team to achieve the targets. If the Mr.Anton needs more educational qualifications company can sponsor him to get further education. To cost of the training company need to well plan the training program from the beginning to end. On the job training can reduce the cost of training. Because he learns when work. It save the also. Step by step Mr.Anton will perform better and better. It will protect the image of the company, cost and the time. Also company’s Human Resource department need to be more focus on HR practices. They need to plan the HR requirements and need to adjust all the other recruitment and the selection processes to get the most suitable candidates for the job. They need to concentrate to gain fresh, innovative, competitive blood to the company. Furthermore company need to assess the performances of the Mr. Anton and need to check whether there is a performance gap. To assess the performance in the probation period company need to record all positive and negative achievements created by the Mr.Anton. Apart from terminate the job of Mr.Anton, extending the probation period increases the confidence level and the mental strengths of him. It will provide long term benefits and will protect the goodwill of the company.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
As the people of Sri Lanka soon we are go throughing the period with winning feeling and savoring the sugariness of autonomy and harmoniousness because of the peace. As a state every bit good as a state, all human being of this beautiful island suffered from difficult clip period. It is non merely war with the LTTE, but besides with some other Rebels get downing from 1971. All the people of state tasted the resentment of war for few decennaries. If person tries to unfasten and analyze the ground behind that, why state faced such an unfortunate clip period. There may be 1000s of grounds. Some of are really outstanding. But one chief ground is shadowing all of these outstanding header. That, they could non able to recognize their outlooks. Why they could non recognize their outlooks? The simplest reply is â€Å" Money †. Why I try to indicate it out. Each and every 1 has an aspiration when they start their life. It is comfy life. At present planetary scenario the make up one's minding factor is money. Money decides degrees of people, aspirations which can be made realistic. When the group of people missed their outlooks and aspirations those group is isolated from the community. Because they do n't hold any order over the community. They do non hold individuality. Then they try to re-establish their image by hook or criminal. The war shapers used their unrest to carry through their organisational ends. What is the most threaten and apt to expose to this class. School drop-outs are the chief group. Because they are equipped with the writhing immature bloods. 2. As a state we should halt it today non even tomorrow. If we unable to make it once more our state will lose 1000s of lives 1000000s of rupees and uncountable worth of freedom? What is the reply we can do as a authorities and authorising power. The authorities should clearly place the group of people which is exposing the unrestrained state of affairs. They should steer to the manner what they can recognize their aspirations. 3. The vocational preparation is the effectual and sustainable reply for it. Country should hold strategic degree program to heighten the vocational preparation. Still state is non enriched with the wealth of skill labour force. Not merely Sri Lanka but all over the universe accomplishment labor has good market value. As a state if we are able to turn to that, authorities will be able earn batch of foreign grosss other than directing as unskilled labors.Statement OF PROBLUM4. The statement of job can split to two major parts: a. Sociable Due to the big figure of school bead outs may do serious societal job. They are express high tendencies to fall in with underworld packs and other sort of armed pack such as Rebels and robbers and certain sick legal activities. B. Economic The immature age is equipped with more bravery and morale. As a state if non utilised younger coevals in right manner, it will lose most energetic valuable labor force. As a developing state it is really hard to bear up big sum of dependents.Chapter 2Aim1. General Objective. Analyze the best class of action and do suggestion to better career preparation sector. 2. Specific Objective. The specific aims of the paper are as follows. a. present status of vocational preparation and what are the countries have to better? b. why school dropouts are specially targeted? c. what is employment scarceness and vocational preparation.Hypothesis3. Bettering the vocational preparation in Sri Lanka will promote school drop-out to anticipate assorted occupation chances.DATA COLLECTION METHODS4. The information aggregation has planned through the ministry of young person intimacies and accomplishments development and The Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka and based on the documental beginnings including publications, shoping the Internet and non authorities organisation.Restriction5. The clip available to carry on this research will be merely less than 2 1/2 months. The length of the paper will be limited to about 5000 words, and it will non be possible to roll up informations from all the dependable beginnings.Chapter 3Methodology1. This survey will be based on documental beginnings such as authorities organisation, publications, Newspapers and Internet. It is intended to garner primary and secondary informations information as follows Primary Source The information aggregation will based on authorities organisations. Secondary Source The information aggregation will be based on publications, Newspaper articles and shoping the Internet.Chapter 4WHAT IS EMPLOYMENT SCARCITY AND VOCATIONAL Training1. Employment scarceness is defined as inaccessibility of employment chances. It is calculated as rate of unemployment. What are the grounds for the occupation scarceness? If it examine in closer position figure of grounds are behind it. But it can place few of outstanding grounds. The first 1 is economical ground. As a underdeveloped state, authorities can non offer occupation chance for each and every life been at the state. Even it can non offer for the developed state. Another factor is cultural and societal attitude of the people. The society is acknowledge some occupations are belongs to take down degree and some are higher degree. As an illustration most of people do non wish work as a husbandmans. Everybody attempt to acquire higher place. The people do non like to fall in as labors because they bel ieve it is non suited to their household degrees. Some of occupations are labelled to the relevant dramatis personaes. It is traveling to household to household. New coevals does non wish to go on it as it is. Some of occupations are labelled with the names such as â€Å" Malu Karaya †so people refuse to make occupation like that. Some of educated people such as alumnuss are looking occupation chance from the authorities. They do n't wish to fall in to private sector. To get the better of those state of affairss are non an easy. Because it is practised from the coevalss ago. But as a authorities it has to happen redresss for this. Otherwise society will lose the sustainability. The conceptual thought can non alter overnight. It will take more and more clip. But authorities can busy people to another chance. Through the vocational preparation it can assist to keep societal sustainability. The definition of vocational preparation is[ 1 ]â€Å" Train group or persons for the s pecific calling or trade, excepting professions. Vocational preparation may concentrate on practical applications of accomplishments and non much related with the academic accomplishments †. The job which is arise in Sri Lanka whether vocational preparation plans meet the needed criterion and is it included ethical and philosophical preparation which helps to keep societal sustainability. When Sri Lanka considered, the unemployment rate as last one-fourth[ 2 ]of twelvemonth 2010 is 4.9 % it is excluded North and East state. Even excluded both states 353163 people are remain as unemployed strength[ 3 ]. The statistic section presume including North and East state it will easy go through the 600,000. Government of Sri Lanka have to hold a strategic degree program to take a part of younger coevals to the economic system. The vocational preparation is the best watercourse for it. Because still Sri Lanka has colonial educational system. When the British regulating the state they i ntroduced educational system to provide their demands and it was limited to authorities service. Even after 1948 none of authorities attempts to alter the educational system. But clip to clip some amendments were made. But none of were address the root cause. After debut of free instruction system rate of school attendant was increased quickly. More and more people send their kids to school. But at that clip the merchandise was sufficient to the island demands and it fulfilled the demand of authorities service. The major job was raised after presenting of free trade system to Sri Lanka. Most of affluent people started their ain concern and companies. But still job is bing none of them were address the job. The predominating instruction system is filter pupils at the two major phases. It is Ordinary degree and Advance degree. Though authorities spend 1000000s of money due to miss of productiveness of predominating educational system the ultimate merchandise is really less. Merely few pupils are acquiring chance to come in the University for higher instruction. If less figure of pupils get the opportunity for higher surveies what would go on for the remainder sum. That is the root cause authorities should turn to. As sustainable remedy authorities can present vocational preparation. It should distribute to broader country. It should concentrate every sort of school dropouts. As an illustration it should get down from Non-schooling phase to pupils who are completed beforehand degree without choosing to the university. If authorities success on this facet. As a authorities it can use its labour force 100 % . It will convey benefits for the whole community from assorted facets, particularly socially and economic. In economic aspect authorities have less figure of dependants and more skilled labor force. In societal facet less sum of debatable state of affairss such as robberies.Chapter 5WHY SCHOOL DROP-OUT SPECIALLY TARGETED?1. During this chapter will discourse the group aimed for the vocational preparation are. a. Primary-Early dropouts B. Secondary – Mid bead outs c. Tertiary-Late dropouts 2. Two major factors are playing the buttocks why they are targeted. First one is energetic value of they have. Other one is their rebellion thought form. Who are the school dropouts? There are common error that all over the community make when they describe the â€Å" school dropouts †. School dropouts are non merely people who are non completed their primary instruction. Non-school civil deaths, secondary instruction completed pupils and third instruction completed pupils besides count as a school dropouts. The make up one's minding factor is clip period when are they go forthing the instruction. 3. As a underdeveloped state Sri Lanka has a good record about literacy. The school registration of Sri Lanka is higher much as 97.5 per centum. It is in numerically more than 400.000 per twelvemonth. Even though state has that much higher figure of school registration, yearly 18 % pupils are raising school before finishing the ordinary degree instruction. It is in numerically around 72.000. Another side of this is more than 70 % of captives who are at the prisons are belongs to this group of school dropouts. In the twelvemonth 2009, 272,640 pupils were sat for the GCE O/L scrutiny. Out of that merely 143,000 got making for their higher instruction. However 129,640 campaigners, as a per centum 47 % campaigners were fail to measure up for the A/L. 3. Why this group is indispensable? First this is the group, most efficient and energetic labor force of the state. As briefly mentioned in debut portion, younger age is holding a natural tendency to happen new spheres. Naturally younger ‘s are really funny and rebellion minds. Always they think they must hold a respectable topographic point at the community. Child labor is another face of the school bead outs at the society. The kid labors can split for the few bomber types. Those are: a. Child domestic labor. B. Children working in risky industries. c. Children working in export industries. d. Child trafficking. e. Child bonded labour in agribusiness and certain parts of the industrial and informal sectors. f. Child harlotry. 4. United nations children's fund and the ILO was carried out a research on Sri Lanka with the aid of Department of Census & A ; Statisticss and found a really sad narrative about kid labors who were left the school before finishing their instruction. They revealed 0.926Million kids are working as a kid labor and they are between ages of 05 to 14. They found about 40,000 child cocottes in the state while 5,000 to 30,000 Sri Lankan male childs are used by Western paedophile sex tourers. About 10,000 to 12,000 kids from rural countries are trafficked and prostituted by organized offense groups, harmonizing to the statistics. These are merely reported and calculated informations and existent state of affairs may be worst than this. Training is non merely larning something. It is a sort of speculation. Through the preparation people can derive adulthood other than larning.Chapter 6Present CONDITION OF VOCATIONAL Training AND WHAT ARE THE AREAS HAVE TO IMPROVE?1. When examine the present state of affairs of vocational preparation in Sri Lanka two major parties are playing at the vocational preparation sector. The two major parties are a. Government engagement[ 4 ]. b. Non- governmental organisations. 2. Since old ages back batch of stairss has been taken to up raise the criterion of vocational preparation by the authorities every bit good as non-government sector. But major function is playing by the authorities. Followings are the institutes established by the authorities to get by up the assign undertaking. The authorities can non drive away occupation scarceness by turn toing along the occupation market at Sri Lanka. It has to anticipate the foreign market besides. With the globalisation the word is really nearer to each other. Lot of states has formulated some processs and force some criterions for the making. In Sri Lanka besides some criterions has been gazetted by the authorities. It is known as National Vocational Qualifications of Sri Lanka ( NVQSL ) . By implementing NVQSL the regulating authorization is anticipating decide the mismatch between labour market and classs carry oning at vocational preparation Centres. Further they expect easy control for the authorities an d it is differentiate from the classs. Vocational preparation has divided to 7 degrees of making. The degree starts from degree 01 to level 07. Degree 01 to level 03 awarded by a national degree certification. Level 04 and 05 awarded by a full national workmanship. Level 06 and 07 is national sheepskin and it is recognize as a direction degree. The highs degree is flat 07 it is equal to bachelor grade. 3. The Ministry of Vocational and Technical Training ( MVTT ) . This is the national government organic structure for the vocational preparation within the island. MVTT is the responsible authorization for development and execution of national policies which are related to the accomplishment development, proficient and vocational instruction and preparation ( TVET ) all over the state. The chief aims of the MVTT are to ease for the vocational preparation Centres to merchandise high quality and market oriented vocational and proficient instruction and skill development preparation. MVTT is the regulative organic structure for all facets of execution of Technical and Vocational Education and Training ( TVET ) in Sri Lanka. MVTT has outlined the cardinal policies and operational characteristics of the National Vocational Qualifications Systems in Sri Lanka ( NVQSL ) . The NVQSL provides the chance for sustainable, strategic solutions for national preparation demands and it will easy be able to accomplish international acknowledgment for makings, accomplishments and cognition of Sri Lankan workers in an increasing competitory planetary environment. To carry through this several bureaus are working under MVTT. To carry through their aims, 06 separate vocational preparation Centres are working island broad. Those are The Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission ( TVEC ) , The National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority ( NAITA ) , The National Institute of Technical Education – Sri Lanka ( NITE_SL ) it is soon alteration to University of Technology ( UNIVOTEC ) , The Department of Technical Education and Training ( DETE ) The Vocational Training Authority ( VTA ) and The National Youth Service Council ( NYSC ) . a. The Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission ( TVEC ) . The TVES was established on 1991. When it was established, it was dedicated to the undermentioned undertakings. The primary duty was preparation of policies, planning, and quality confidence of registered vocational preparation Centres. Further it is responsible for coordination and development of third and vocational instruction Centres all over the state. The Tertiary and Vocational instruction Commission is the authorised organic structure of behavior appraisals and enrollment of vocational preparation Centres. Further every type of classs has to accreditation and certified by the TVEC. It is supervising quality of classs and criterions of registered and commissioned vocational preparation Centres. B. The National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority ( NAITA ) . The NAITA is responsible for apprenticeship preparation island broad. Further it is responsible for followings activities to implement of NVQSL 1 ) National Competency Standards 2 ) Competence Based Assessment Resources 3 ) Validation of Curriculum 4 ) Execution of Competency Based Training ( CBT ) 5 ) Conducting competence based appraisals ( including RPL ) 6 ) Industry arrangement of trainees c. The National Institute for Technical Education – Sri Lanka ( NITE-SL ) This institute was converted to the University of Technology ( UNIVOTEC ) in March 1999 by the authorities of Sri Lanka. This institute is easing flat 07 degree plans and developing teachers who are learning at vocational preparation Centres. farther it is responsible for the undermentioned activities in order to execution of NVQSL. 1 ) Development of CBT Curricula 2 ) Staff Development 3 ) Development of Learning Resources 4 ) Implementing and Coordinating Learning Resource Development Centre ( LRDC ) d. The Department Of Technical Education and Training ( DTET ) . This is one of outstanding proficient instruction and preparation Centre in Sri Lanka. This is responsible to pull off 09 proficient instruction Centres which are offer NVQ degree 5 and 06 sheepskin. Further it is responsible for the undermentioned activities in order to execution of NVQSL. 1 ) Execution of Competency Based Training ( CBT ) 2 ) Conducting Competency Based Assessment 3 ) Execution of calling counsel and guidance activities 4 ) Execution of Self Employment Promotion Enterprises 5 ) Execution of entrepreneurship plans e. The Vocational Training Authority ( VTA ) . This is responsible to pull off vocational preparation institutes which are offer flat NVQ degree 01 to 05. To implement that, VTA is command following developing institutes. National Vocational Training Institutes, District Vocational Training Centres, Special Vocational Training Centres, and Rural Vocational Training Centres. Further it is responsible for the undermentioned activities in order to execution of NVQSL. 1 ) Execution of Competency Based Training ( CBT ) 2 ) Conducting Competency Based Assessment 3 ) Execution of calling counsel and guidance activities 4 ) Execution of Self Employment Promotion Enterprises 5 ) Execution of entrepreneurship plans f. The National Youth Service Council ( NYSC ) . This is founded to form and develop of young person and it is responsible for the undermentioned activities in order to execution of NVQSL. 1 ) Execution of Competency Based Training ( CBT ) 2 ) Conducting Competency Based AssessmentA 3 ) Execution on of calling counsel and guidance activitiesA 4 ) Execution of Self Employment Promotion InitiativesA A 5 ) Execution of entrepreneurship plans.Chapter 7 DATA ANALYZING 1. Key issues and other issues As per the primary beginnings of informations, it is revealed the status of people who already working. Some of those are Chapter 8 FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter 9 Decision
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Risc & Pipelining
What is RISC Architecture? * RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computer. * An Instruction set is a set of instructions that helps the user to construct machine language programs to do computable tasks. History * In early days, the mainframes consumed a lot of resources for operations * Due to this, in 1980 David Paterson, University of Berkeley introduced the RISC concept. * This included fewer instructions with simple constructs which had faster execution, and less memory usage by the CPU. * Approximately a year was taken to design and fabricate RISC I in silicon * In 1983, Berkeley RISC II was produced.It is with RISC II that RISC idea was opened to the industry. * In later years it was incorporated into Intel Processors * After some years, a revolution took place between the two Instruction Sets. * Whereby RISC started incorporating more complex instructions and CISC started to reduce the complexity of their instructions. * By mid 1990’s some RISC processors became mo re complex than CISC! * In today’s date the difference between the RISC and CISC is blurred. Characteristics and Comparisons * As mentioned, the difference between RISC and CISC is getting eradicated. But these were the initial differences between the two.RISC| CISC| Fewer instructions| More (100-250)| More registers hence more on chip memory (faster)| Less registers| Operations done within the registers of the CPU| Can be done external to CPU eg memory| Fixed length instruction format hence easily decoded| Variable length| Instruction execution in one clock cycle hence simpler instructions| In multiple clock cycles| Hard wired hence faster| Micro programmed| Fewer addressing modes| A variety| Addressing modes : Register direct. Immediate addressing, Absolute addressing Give examples on one set of instructions for a particular operation, Instruction Formats ttp://www-cs-faculty. stanford. edu/~eroberts/courses/soco/projects/2000-01/risc/risccisc/ Advantages and Disadvantages * Speed of instruction execution is improved * Quicker time to market the processors since few instructions take less time to design and fabricate * Smaller chip size because fewer transistors are needed * Consumes lower power and hence dissipates less heat * Less expensive because of fewer transistors * Because of the fixed length of the instructions, it does not use the memory efficiently * For complex operations, the number of instructions will be largerPipelining The origin of pipelining is thought to be in the early 1940s. The processor has specialised units for executing each stage in the instruction cycle. The instructions are performed concurrently. It is like an assembly line. IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | Time Steps (clocks) Pipelining is used to accelerate the speed of the processor by overlapping various stages in the instruction cycle. It improves the instruction execution bandwidt h. Each instruction takes 5 clock cycles to complete.When pipelining is used, the first instruction takes 5 clock cycles, but the next instructions finish 1 clock cycle after the previous one. Types of Pipelining There are various types of pipelining. These include Arithmetic pipeline, Instruction pipeline, superpipelining, superscaling and vector processing Arithmetic pipeline: Used to deal with scientific problems like floating point operations and fixed point multiplications. There are different segments or sub operations for these operations. These can be performed concurrently leading to faster execution.Instruction pipeline: This is the general pipelining, which have been explained before.  Pipeline Hazards Data Dependency: When two or more instructions attempt to share the same data resource. When an instruction is trying to access or edit data which is being modified by another instruction. There are three types of data dependency: RAW: Read After Write – This happens when instruction ij reads before instruction ii writes the data. This means that the value read is too old. WAR: Write After Read – This happens when instruction ij writes before instruction ii reads the data.This means that the value read is too new. WAW: Write After Write – This happens when instruction ij writes before instruction ii writes the data. This means that a wrong value is stored. Solutions Data Dependency: * Stall the pipeline – This means that a data dependency is predicted and the consequent instructions are not allowed to enter the pipeline. There is a need for special hardware to predict the data dependency. Also a time delay is caused * Flush the pipeline – This means that when a data dependency occurs, all other instructions are removed from the pipeline. This also causes a time delay. Delayed load – Insertion of No Operation Instructions in between data dependent instructions. This is done by the compiler and it avoids data dependency Clock Cycle| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 1. Load R1| IF| OE| OS| | | | 2. Load R2| | IF| OE| OS| | | 3. Add R1 + R2| | | IF| OE| OS| | 4. Store R3| | | | IF| OE| OS| Clock Cycle| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 1. Load R1| IF| OE| OS| | | | | 2. Load R2| | IF| OE| OS| | | | 3. NOP| | | IF| OE| OS| | | 4. Add R1 + R2| | | | IF| OE| OS| | 5. Store R3| | | | | IF| OE| OS| Branch Dependency: this happens when one instruction in the pipeline branches into another instruction.Since the instructions have already entered the pipeline, when a branch occurs this means that a branch penalty occurs. Solutions Branch Dependency 1. Branch prediction: A branch to an instruction to an instruction and its outcome is predicted and instructions are pipelined accordingly 2. Branch target buffer: 3. Delayed Branch: The compiler predicts branch dependencies and rearranges the code in such a way that this branch dependency is avoided. No operation instructions can also be used. No operation instructions 1. LO AD MEM[100] R1 2. INCREMENT R2 3. ADD R3 R3 + R4 4. SUB R6 R6-R5 . BRA X Clock Cycle| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 1. Load| IF| OE| OS| | | | | | | 2. Increment| | IF| OE| OS| | | | | | 3. Add| | | IF| OE| OS| | | | | 4. Subtract| | | | IF| OE| OS| | | | 5. Branch to X| | | | | IF| OE| OS| | | 6. Next instructions| | | | | | | IF| OE| OS| Clock Cycle| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 1. Load| IF| OE| OS| | | | | | | 2. Increment| | IF| OE| OS| | | | | | 3. Add| | | IF| OE| OS| | | | | 4. Subtract| | | | IF| OE| OS| | | | 5. Branch to X| | | | | IF| OE| OS| | | 6. NOP| | | | | | IF| OE| OS| | 7. Instructions in X| | | | | | | IF| OE| OS| Adding NOP InstructionsClock Cycle| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 1. Load| IF| OE| OS| | | | | | 2. Increment| | IF| OE| OS| | | | | 3. Branch to X| | | IF| OE| OS| | | | 4. Add| | | | IF| OE| OS| | | 5. Subtract| | | | | IF| OE| OS| | 6. Instructions in X| | | | | | IF| OE| OS| Re arranging the instructions Intel Pentium 4 processors have 20 stage pipelines. Toda y, most of these circuits can be found embedded inside most micro-processors. Superscaling: It is a form of parallelism combined with pipelining. It has a redundant execution unit which provides for the parallelism. Superscalar: 1984 Star Technologies – Roger ChenIF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | | | | IF| ID| OF| OE| OS| | | Superpipelining: It is the implementation of longer pipelines that is pipelines with more stages. It is mainly useful when some stages in the pipeline take longer than the others. The longest stage determines the clock cycle. So if these long stages can be broken down into smaller stages, then the clock cycle time can be reduced.This reduces time wasted, which will be significant if a number of instructions are performed. Superpipelining is simple because it does not need any addit ional hardware like for superscaling. There will be more side effects for superpipelining since the number of stages in the pipeline is increased. There will be a longer delay caused when there is a data or branch dependency. Vector Processing: Vector Processors: 1970s Vector Processors pipeline the data also not just the instructions. For example, if many numbers need to be added together like adding 10 pairs of numbers, in a normal processor, each pair will be added at a time.This means the same sequence of instruction fetching and decoding will have to be carried out 10 times. But in vector processing, since the data is also pipelined, the instruction fetch and decode will only occur once and the 10 pairs of numbers (operands) will be fetched altogether. Thus the time to process the instructions are reduced significantly. C(1:10) = A(1:10) + B(1:10) They are mainly used in specialised applications like long range weather forecasting, artificial intelligence systems, image process ing etc.Analysing the performance limitations of the rather conventional CISC style architectures of the period, it was discovered very quickly that operations on vectors and matrices were one of the most demanding CPU bound numerical computational problems faced. RISC Pipelining: RISC has simple instructions. This simplicity is utilised to reduce the number of stages in the instruction pipeline. For example the Instruction Decode is not necessary because the encoding in RISC architecture is simple. Operands are all stored in the registers hence there is no need to fetch them from the memory.This reduces the number of stages further. Therefore, for pipelining with RISC architecture, the stages in the pipeline are instruction fetch, operand execute and operand store. Because the instructions are of fixed length, each stage in the RISC pipeline can be executed in one clock cycle. Questions 1. Is vector processing a type of pipelining 2. RISC and pipelining The simplest way to examine the advantages and disadvantages of RISC architecture is by contrasting it with it's predecessor: CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computers) architecture. Multiplying Two Numbers in MemoryOn the right is a diagram representing the storage scheme for a generic computer. The main memory is divided into locations numbered from (row) 1: (column) 1 to (row) 6: (column) 4. The execution unit is responsible for carrying out all computations. However, the execution unit can only operate on data that has been loaded into one of the six registers (A, B, C, D, E, or F). Let's say we want to find the product of two numbers – one stored in location 2:3 and another stored in location 5:2 – and then store the product back in the location 2:3. The CISC ApproachThe primary goal of CISC architecture is to complete a task in as few lines of assembly as possible. This is achieved by building processor hardware that is capable of understanding and executing a series of operations. For this p articular task, a CISC processor would come prepared with a specific instruction (we'll call it â€Å"MULT†). When executed, this instruction loads the two values into separate registers, multiplies the operands in the execution unit, and then stores the product in the appropriate register. Thus, the entire task of multiplying two numbers can be completed with one instruction: MULT 2:3, 5:2MULT is what is known as a â€Å"complex instruction. †It operates directly on the computer's memory banks and does not require the programmer to explicitly call any loading or storing functions. It closely resembles a command in a higher level language. For instance, if we let â€Å"a†represent the value of 2:3 and â€Å"b†represent the value of 5:2, then this command is identical to the C statement â€Å"a = a * b. †One of the primary advantages of this system is that the compiler has to do very little work to translate a high-level language statement into assembly.Because the length of the code is relatively short, very little RAM is required to store instructions. The emphasis is put on building complex instructions directly into the hardware. The RISC Approach RISC processors only use simple instructions that can be executed within one clock cycle. Thus, the â€Å"MULT†command described above could be divided into three separate commands: â€Å"LOAD,†which moves data from the memory bank to a register, â€Å"PROD,†which finds the product of two operands located within the registers, and â€Å"STORE,†which moves data from a register to the memory banks.In order to perform the exact series of steps described in the CISC approach, a programmer would need to code four lines of assembly: LOAD A, 2:3 LOAD B, 5:2 PROD A, B STORE 2:3, A At first, this may seem like a much less efficient way of completing the operation. Because there are more lines of code, more RAM is needed to store the assembly level instr uctions. The compiler must also perform more work to convert a high-level language statement into code of this form. CISC | RISC | Emphasis on hardware | Emphasis on software | Includes multi-clock complex instructions | Single-clock, educed instruction only | Memory-to-memory: â€Å"LOAD†and â€Å"STORE†incorporated in instructions | Register to register: â€Å"LOAD†and â€Å"STORE†are independent instructions | Small code sizes, high cycles per second | Low cycles per second, large code sizes | Transistors used for storing complex instructions | Spends more transistors on memory registers | However, the RISC strategy also brings some very important advantages. Because each instruction requires only one clock cycle to execute, the entire program will execute in approximately the same amount of time as the multi-cycle â€Å"MULT†command.These RISC â€Å"reduced instructions†require less transistors of hardware space than the complex in structions, leaving more room for general purpose registers. Because all of the instructions execute in a uniform amount of time (i. e. one clock), pipelining is possible. Separating the â€Å"LOAD†and â€Å"STORE†instructions actually reduces the amount of work that the computer must perform. After a CISC-style â€Å"MULT†command is executed, the processor automatically erases the registers. If one of the operands needs to be used for another computation, the processor must re-load the data from the memory bank into a register.In RISC, the operand will remain in the register until another value is loaded in its place. The Performance Equation The following equation is commonly used for expressing a computer's performance ability: The CISC approach attempts to minimize the number of instructions per program, sacrificing the number of cycles per instruction. RISC does the opposite, reducing the cycles per instruction at the cost of the number of instructions p er program. RISC Roadblocks Despite the advantages of RISC based processing, RISC chips took over a decade to gain a foothold in the commercial world. This was largely due to a lack of software support.Although Apple's Power Macintosh line featured RISC-based chips and Windows NT was RISC compatible, Windows 3. 1 and Windows 95 were designed with CISC processors in mind. Many companies were unwilling to take a chance with the emerging RISC technology. Without commercial interest, processor developers were unable to manufacture RISC chips in large enough volumes to make their price competitive. Another major setback was the presence of Intel. Although their CISC chips were becoming increasingly unwieldy and difficult to develop, Intel had the resources to plow through development and produce powerful processors.Although RISC chips might surpass Intel's efforts in specific areas, the differences were not great enough to persuade buyers to change technologies. The Overall RISC Advantag e Today, the Intel x86 is arguable the only chip which retains CISC architecture. This is primarily due to advancements in other areas of computer technology. The price of RAM has decreased dramatically. In 1977, 1MB of DRAM cost about $5,000. By 1994, the same amount of memory cost only $6 (when adjusted for inflation). Compiler technology has also become more sophisticated, so that the RISC use of RAM and emphasis on software has become ideal.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Food Safety and Sanitation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Food Safety and Sanitation - Assignment Example Boxes with watermarks may signify that the food item has bees let to partially thaw in the course of transit. It is advisable at all times to open at least one box per shipment and test out the core food item temperature with a thermometer that provides instant results. Again, it is extremely vital to always confirm the net weights of the food items, and in case of any uncertainties, it is advisable to ask guidance from the quality assurance board. In order to ensure that your employee is consistent with these guidelines, it would be best if he trained practically. This is to mean that he/she accompanies you severally for him to observe the entire process. It is also vital for him to take down the necessary details, for instance, the appropriate temperatures for each item in case he happens to forget them. A number of factors characterize rejection of shipment, for instance, if the dates on the item are not suitable for your food service establishment if the qualities of the products are not up to standard. When receiving food items such as fish, one only ought to smell the sea and not the product. Another factor is if the temperatures of the products do not meet shipping specification and if the net weight does not match one’s order. Another important aspect is if the animal products lack inspection stamps that indicate that they have been inspected by a legal medical officer. Lack of this stamp is a serious issue since one cannot determine whether the product is fit for consumption. Identify the different types of storage found in a food service establishment. What are some examples of each and what food items would you store in each? In addition, what are the proper temperatures that are needed in each in order to be in line with standard storage guidelines?
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Establish an International Business in Frontier Market Research Paper
Establish an International Business in Frontier Market - Research Paper Example As it is, the value chain extends from the coffee growers at the extensive large scale farm and small scale farms, to the factory for drying and husking and to the millers who take over the grinding process. The unpacked coffee goes through the sorting process at the millers that is supervised by the coffee board of Kenya for quality and grading purposes. Marketing agents then take over the sales process. This is the likely scenario where the company can come in. The selling is done through either direct sale by highly unregulated but established and networked brokers who then sell the coffee to the overseas buyers or through auctions at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange that are well regulated by the Kenya Coffee Traders Association. Coffee exporters in Kenya opt for the auction procedure because of its associated transparency in pricing. The company would also pursue this option as it seeks to break into the coffee export business in Kenya. Global coffee consumption is on the rise thus boosting demand. Global demand has also been increased by other increasing uses of coffee especially in the medical field that were previously unknown. The increasing global demand of the product provides an international business opportunity for the company. Kenya is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Its strategic geographical location makes it a suitable location for conducting an export business. The country also has a relatively calm political environment compared to other frontier markets in Africa. Turbulence was experienced in the 2007 elections but a new constitution dispensation and the increased democratic space has seen the country claim the bragging rights as one of the most mature democracies in Africa. The prevailing stable political environment creates a favorable investment climate for international investors (Hill 214). As the
Finance Calculation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Finance Calculation - Research Paper Example This is the factor for the argument and criticism of the Millionaires Factory by the Australian Shareholder's Association. If the market required rate of return is higher than the coupon rate of a bond, the price of the bond goes down. Because there are available bonds in the market, which give more interest than it does. Therefore, investors do not feel interest to invest on the bond, which offers lower interest rate than market's other bond. If the market required rate of return is lower than the coupon rate of a bond, the price of the bond goes up. Because there are available bonds in the market, which give lower interest than it does. So, investors feel interest to invest on the bond, which offers higher interest rate than market's other bond. .. Price of bond at 4% market interest = [80{1-1/ (1+ .04) ^5} .04] + 1000 / (1+.04) ^ 5 = $1177.62 Price of bond at 6% market interest = [80{1-1/ (1+ .06) ^5} .06] + 1000 / (1+.06) ^ 5 = $1084.20 Price of bond at 8% market interest = [80{1-1/ (1+ .08) ^5} .08] + 1000 / (1+.08) ^ 5 = $999.99 Price of bond at 10% market interest = [80{1-1/ (1+ .10) ^5} .10] + 1000 / (1+.10) ^ 5 = $684.66 Price of bond at 12% market interest = [80{1-1/ (1+ .12) ^5} .12] + 1000 / (1+.12) ^ 5 = $598.42 Price of bond at 14% market interest = [80{1-1/ (1+ .14) ^5} .14] + 1000 / (1+.14) ^ 5 = $553.20 Price of bond at 16% market interest = [80{1-1/ (1+ .16) ^5} .16] + 1000 / (1+.16) ^ 5 = $479.47 In while, 1 = 16% 2 = 14% 3 = 12% 4 = 10 % 5 = 08% 6 = 06% 7 = 04% 8 = 02%. Relationship between bond value and market required rates of return If the market required rate of return is higher than the coupon rate of a bond, the price of the bond goes down. Because there are available bonds in the market, which give more interest than it does. Therefore, investors do not feel interest to invest on the bond, which offers lower interest rate than market's other bond. If the market required rate of return is lower than the coupon rate of a bond, the price of the bond goes up. Because there are available bonds in the market, which give lower interest than it does. So, investors feel interest to invest on the bond, which offers higher interest rate than market's other bond. Answer to the question no.6 Part 1 We know, P = (D + p) / 1 + k In while, P = Opening share value D = Dividend p = Closing share value k = .12 g ( growth) = (3.5- 3.24) / 3.24 = 8.02% So, D = 3.5 + 3.5 8.02% = 3.78 So now,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Interracial Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Interracial Marriage - Essay Example As such, religiously, some groups approve of interracial marriages, where they concern themselves with acceptance and their conception of divinity and spiritual leaders. In reference to this issue of religion, certain groups encourage interracial marriages as they are viewed as propagation of the world’s population, which can be found in the bible (Christian Answers, n.d.). Other religions, however, are against these marriages as they are viewed to be in contradiction of the pure religious bred of believers or of a spiritual group. This is because the group is fully dedicated to purity and restricts its members to people of a certain color only, thus seeing excommunicating people who breach their regulations. In relation to the overall benefits and disadvantages of interracial marriages, a lot can be said, or even deduced, where these two aspects of interracial marriages cover a large scope. Following the merits, interracial marriages see personal growth in both parties involved and even their close associates, as it offers a unique environment. In this environment, one gets to comprehend the challenges that a spouse faces in an attempt to fit into a new culture, and due to racial differences (Landry, 2009). This is in relation to feeling left out, which allows spouses to develop a new level of racial empathy and acceptance, as well as identity for difficult situations. Consequently, spouses also learn the concept of dispelling stereotypes against the other race as one gets to know the spouse. This can be seen in cases where there are misconceptions about other races, and these can easily be eradicated by interracial marriages as they give room for interaction. This also means that inter racial marriages create a crucial opportunity to end social segregation as all parties and their misconception of one another can be dispelled, and acceptance
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Shipping markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Shipping markets - Essay Example pparently, data indicates growing trade, which is indicative of increasing demand for all types of products in markets other than their places of production. Using regression analysis, I obtained the following output. From the results, time is a significant predictor of seaborne trade across the globe (ÃŽ ² = 152.75, p Crude oil is one of the major energy resources and a key raw material in numerous industrial sectors. In view of this, forces of demand have a great impact on the crude oil industry (Abouarghoub, Mariscal and Howells, 2012). Demand and supply of crude oil have in the past been characterized by low price elasticity which has impacted global price fluctuations. According to Alizadeh and Nomikos (2006), such fluctuations occur because the oil market is highly unpredictable and the fact that changes in demand and supply are not easily predictable despite such changes having a huge economic impact. The oil tanker shipping market has a perfect competitive structure characterized by a huge number of producers who compete to satisfy the huge global demand for internationally produced commodities (Fox, 1992). In such a case, neither the suppliers nor the buyers have the ability to set the prices, since prices of crude oil are determined at the world market. The economic implication of global oil market pricing patterns is that cost as a market determiner plays a major role in the establishment of sale prices (Austria, 2003; Sato, 2002).
Monday, September 23, 2019
Topic proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Topic proposal - Essay Example Implicit learning is unintentional, unreflective and subconscious exposure to English grammar thus makes it difficult for the learner to deduce the English grammar rules (AlconSoler, 2005, p 418). Implicit language instruction refers to the acquisition of knowledge in a complex stimulus environment without conscious operations while explicit language instruction involves conscious operation whereby the individual tests hypothesis in search for structure (Curran, 2007, p 33). According to Batstone& Ellis (2009), explicit learning focuses directly on the information while implicit learning uses English language for communicative purposes (p 200). In explicit English grammar, the learner will notice new vocabulary through word building games and vocabulary lists while implicit English grammar learning enables the learner to acquire unconsciously acquire words due to repeated exposure to the words (Blaauw-Hara, 2006, p 170). In explicit English language learning, the learner has to make concerted and conscious efforts to learn new words thus there is a tendency to concentrate on individual words thus learners may not undertake attempts to decode the meaning of the words (Williams, 2005, p 300). Explicit learning leads to excessive use of dictionary thus affecting reading. On the other hand, implicit English language learning entails inferring meaning from context just like Native speakers and thus depends mainly on the learning capabilities of an individual (Morgan-Short, Steinhauer, Sanz & Ullman, 2012, p 938). The learner may fail to infer correct meaning and some learners may lack the vocabulary knowledge to decipher some words (Hulstijn, 2005, p 135). Learners who begin learning English grammar as child are more likely to display implicit language as opposed to learners who begin at adult stage who are more likely to display high levels of explicit instructions (Ellis, 2005, p 162). Andrews, K. (2007). â€Å"The
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Policing Culture Paper Essay Example for Free
Policing Culture Paper Essay Throughout history the role of women and racial and ethnic minorities has been restrained. This causes the inability to move up in ranking and limiting the ability to perform in certain jobs. Being a woman or having a different racial background can also cause stereotypes. For example, a Hispanic officer may be given a Hispanic area to patrol, due to his background. The need for minorities and women in law enforcement is undoubtedly true. The culture, and gender diversity in police departments is not only helpful in today’s police departments, but it is a necessity. The larger police departments such as Detroit City police could not be a successful department without ethnic minorities, and women. One example of the need for women in the department would be that on a routine stop if there were a female that is suspected of a crime, or suspected to be in the possession of drugs she needs to be searched. A long time ago a male officer would simply search the woman, and arrest her if need be, or send her on her way. With all of the sexual harassment accusations against male police officers during the frisking it is easier on the department, as well as the women being frisked just to have a female officer do the task to avoid accusations, or even the loss of a case. Cities in the United states especially the large cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Miami, or Detroit is extremely ethnically diverse. This is where ethnic police officers are needed. If there was a call that police officers responded to there is a possibility that the person who is being interviewed at the scene would only want to talk with an ethnic police officer this will not only calm down the person being interviewed, but it will be a more effective interview. These are just a few examples of why women and ethnic minorities are a necessity to today’s police forces. That is also why men and women of today’s police forces are equal. Inside every police force is a manual that dictates guidelines for the officers to follow in times of question. This manual is usually known as the Policy and Procedures manual or PP. These mechanisms give officers clear guidelines on how to proceed with certain situations. These policies can only go so far in any department though. As each officer is out in his beat working his area, situations will dictate what he has to do in order to maintain his officer safety as well as the safety of the public and citizens of the area he is working. These manuals are given to instill base line knowledge of how an officer should handle himself and what his/her department feels is acceptable on how to handle calls and incidents. Policy is updated monthly if not weekly in order to stay current with case laws in order to keep the officer as sharp as possible to deal with the everyday citizens, jail house lawyers, or crimi nally sophisticated individual who is well versed in dealing with law enforcement. Many experts have entertained the idea of the existence of a police subculture. Some would say that there are challenges and stress factors unique only to the job of policing. A study conducted on a police department by William Westly in Gary, Indiana discovered that two of the key factors leading to the creation of a police subculture were due to nature of the job and the individuals that the officers were most likely to come in contact with on a daily basis. He concluded that the majority of the people that officers came into contact with were those who already held resentment toward law enforcement officers. These interactions helped foster a police subculture, which emphasized violence, secrecy, and solidarity. Being a police officer can be very stressful. The demands of the job and the lack of control over workload can have a negative impact both physically and mentally. Personal relationships also suffer and the divorce rate is as high as 30 percent in some police departments. Police officers also have one of the highest suicide rates in the nation. It is apparent that police work is stressful. So what is the source of officer stress? Although many of the duties and responsibilities related to police work can create high levels of stress, there is not one single stressor that cannot be found in other occupations. The reality is that working in law enforcement can take a toll on an individual’s personal life. The challenge is trying to find a balance in order to alleviate these problems so that it does not affect the officer in the performance of their duties.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Photocatalytic Activity Investigation
Photocatalytic Activity Investigation The photocatalytic activity of the modified samples was investigated by the determination of the remaining concentration of the nominated pollutant, acetaldehyde, over various time intervals. Figures. 5 and 6 show the photodecomposition activity of different modified TiOà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ nanoparticles under 8w visible light irradiation in the continuous flow reactor with a flow rate of 95 ml/min. According to Figures. 5 and 6, all the modified samples show much higher photocatalytic activity than the pure TiOà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡, confirming that N and Co doping is an effective way of improving the photocatalytic activity. The highest activity was observed for 1%Co-N-TiOà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ sample, and the 50 min irradiation by visible light resulted in 44.2% of acetaldehyde degradation for this sample. The increased visible light absorption and specific surface area are key factors that influenced the photoactivity of the different modified samples under visible light irradiation compared to pure TiO2. The decrease in the particle size and increase in the BET surface area (Table 1) contribute to the improvement of the acetaldehyde degradation. Table 1 shows that the crystallite size of samples decreases from 21.9 to 14.7 nm; this decrease may be beneficial for the photocatalytic activity. Compared with the N-TiO2 sample, Co-N/TiO2 photocatalysts have a larger surface area, which increases the photoactivity rate because of the large amounts of acetaldehyde molecules being adsorbed on the photocatalytic surface and easily reacted by photogenerated oxidizing species. The light absorption characteristics of the modified samples are extended towards the visible light region after N and Co doping, which implies that the formation of photogenerated charge carriers will be increased under visible light irradiation. Also, cobalt doping with a low cobalt content can act as a charge trap to prevent electron-hole recombination and improve the interfacial charge transfer to degrade acetaldehyde. After the optimal doping ratio of cobalt was exceeded (1wt % Co-N-TiO2), reduced photocatalytic activity was observed. This result can be due to the coverage of the surface of photocatalyst with increased cobalt ions (Co2+) which inhibited interfacial charge transfer due to inadequate amount of light energy available for activation of all the photocatalyst particles. Also due to excessive concentration, Co particles acting as recombination centers for photogenerated electrons and holes . Based on the acetaldehyde degradation results in this study, it is therefore evident that photocatalytic activity is strongly dependent on the doping ratio rather than the band gap of the samples and activities of the Co-N-TiO2 co-doped samples are higher than those of N-TiO2 or pure TiO2. **                    Fig. 5                   ** **                     Fig. 6                  ** Kinetic study The Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model has been extensively used to describe heterogeneous photocatalysis on titanium dioxide . This model successfully describes the kinetic of Eq. (3), which is the reaction between hydroxyl radical and adsorbed acetaldehyde. When the photocatalytic reaction obeys a Langmuir-Hinshelwood model, the relationship between the rate of reaction r (ÃŽ ¼mol g-1 min-1) and the acetaldehyde concentration Cact. (ÃŽ ¼mol l-1) can be described as follows in Eq. (4): Where k is the rate constant (ÃŽ ¼mol g-1 min-1) and Ka is the adsorption constant (l ÃŽ ¼mol-1). Some assumptions were used in Eq. (4). Only acetaldehyde is adsorbed on the catalyst surface and all intermediates and products desorbed immediately after chemical reaction; therefore, they have not been detected in Eq. (4). The mathematical modelling for the plug photoreactor at unsteady condition with the assumption of isothermal condition, ignored diffusion resistance and constant flow rate, the mass balance equation inside the continuous photoreactor would become as follows in Eq. (5): Where Q is the volumetric flow rate (l min-1), W is the weight of catalyst (g), V is the volume of the reactor (l), and t is the time of experiment (min). Kinetic parameters (k, K) were calculated using the Nelder-Mead method, which was used through computer programming in MATLAB by minimization of sum of squared of relative error, the difference between the calculated and experimental outlet concentration results, as the following objective function: By minimization of Eq. (6), kinetic parameters (k, Ka) are predicted and shown in Table 3. A good agreement among the predicted and experimental data were found that are shown in Fig. 7.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Female Sexuality & Desire in Chopins The Storm Essay -- Chopin Storm
Female Sexuality & Desire in Chopin's The Storm         In Kate Chopin's time traditional patriarchal notions about women and sexuality deemed sexual passion a negligible, even improper, aspect of women's lives. Yet Chopin boldly addresses a woman's sexual desire in her short story "The Storm". This story shockingly details a torrid extramarital sexual encounter between Calixta and Alcee` in the midst of a raging storm. While this story line could have been presented in a traditional light, perhaps as a lesson about the evils of uninhibited female sexuality, Chopin maintains a non-judgmental stance by refraining from moralizing about the sanctity of marriage or impropriety of Calixta's actions. In failing to condemn and even condoning Calixta's actions, as well acknowledging the existence and depth of sexual desire in women, Chopin imbues "The Storm" with a strong feminist tone and calls the very institution of marriage into question. The mere presence of Calixta's sexual desire and certainly its marked intensity make this story revolutionary in its feminist statement about female sexuality. Chopin uses the conceit of a thunderstorm to describe the development, peak, and ebbing of passion in the encounter between Calixta and Alcee`. At first, Calixta is unaware of the approaching storm, just as her sexual desire might be on an unconscious level; yet, as the storm approaches, Calixta grows warm and damp with perspiration. Chopin deliberately juxtaposes these two events when she writes that Calixta, "felt very warm...she unfastened her white saque at the throat. It began to grow dark and suddenly realizing the situation she got up and hurriedly went about closing windows and doors" (282). The gathering storm serves as ... ...s Chopin expresses in this story would certainly have seemed outrageous to her contemporary society and would have been grounds for an almost universal condemnation of Chopin and her work. She daringly celebrates female sexuality and uses this celebration as a feminist assertion about women's equal potentialities and rights to express themselves and experience pleasure. That "every one was happy" when the storm passed suggests that revolutionizing traditional concepts of gender and marriage will change everyone's, especially women's, lives for the better. Works Cited Chopin, Kate. "The Storm: A Sequel to 'The 'Cadian Ball'." Kate Chopin: The Awakening and Selected Stories. New York: Penguin, 1984. 281-86. Gilbert, Sandra M. "Introduction: The Second Coming of Aphrodite." Kate Chopin: The Awakening and Selected Stories. New York: Penguin, 1984. 7-33. Â
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Protecting The Symbol of Our Country :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Protecting The Symbol of Our Country  On June 12,1997 the Flag Amendment was passed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 310 to 114. The Amendment gives Congress the right to prevent the physical desecration of the American flag. â€Å"Today’s vote is strong evidence that the voice of the American people has been heard and heeded by the US House of Representatives†(Flag Alliance, Inc. 1), says Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, who is the head of the Citizens Flag Alliance(CFA). Today, forty-nine state legislatures have made it clear to Congress that they want flag protection laws. However, not everyone is in favor of these laws. These â€Å"radicals†or â€Å"revolutionists†as they like to call themselves, feel that burning the flag is their constitutional right under the first amendment: freedom of speech. (You might want to go ahead and establish your thesis here. It shows up in the next paragraph, and that's okay too though.)  I strongly support the flag protection amendment. â€Å"The flag is a symbol of our great nation and all that we stand for. No other American symbol has been as universally honored or has bestowed such honor as the flag†(Flag Alliance, Inc. 1), says Rep. William Lipinski of Illinois. Those who destroy the flag, or view it as just a design on a piece of cloth lack the understanding of our nations(AP) history, and take their American citizenship for granted. They burn the flag only to get attention, or because they are angry with the government, and see it as a way of getting back at them. My solution to these people who are aggravated with our government is to move somewhere else. Try living in China or Cuba, and see if you agree with the way they run their government. When you burn the flag you break the chains that holds you together in unity with the rest of the nation. (This is a pretty extreme metaphor. You need to clearly establish why the desecration of the flag is s o damaging. Also, look at your solution. It is also extreme. Will you effectively convince people who don't agree with you by being so extreme? Some drama and emotion is good. But remember that your audience will expect you to show open-mindedness as well.)  An astonishing eighty-one percent of Americans are in favor of the amendment. This number shows how much of an affect the flag has on our country.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Teaching To the Individual Students :: Education Learning School Essays
Teaching To the Individual Students Throughout my life I have had many experiences, some of the ones that I remember most fondly are the ones that involve teaching. Whether it was being taught by a loving and caring adult or myself teaching children at my church, I love to be where true understanding and true learning is taking place. I will to be an encouraging and loving teacher who lets her students know that she cares and is trying her best to make a positive difference in their lives. When trying to come up with my teaching philosophy, I quickly realized that one method is not for me, I need to combine many methods to make my style fit the many personalities and learning styles of my students. With all of the learning styles that students exhibit I do not see how a teacher could simply teach with one philosophy all of the time. If they choose to lecture all the time, how will the kinesthetic and visual learners, who make up the biggest percentage of the population, understand the material? Overall, I will combine parts from the philosophies of essentialism and progressivism, and use some of the behaviorism method to help encourage the appropriate behaviors in my class. I believe that these three styles will combine together to form a teaching method that will be appropriate for many learners at one time, and that these styles will accomplish my dream of making a difference in my students’ lives. After college I hope to get a teaching job in southern West Virginia, and eventually work on my master’s degree. My reasons for coming to the teacher education field are simple. I decided to be a teacher because of my desire to work with children. I will teach children who are at an impressionable time in their lives, pre-school through sixth grade, and I will try to be a good example and model for them to follow. I will be the counselor, helper, and nurse that all elementary children need. I will be there for my students in the good times and the bad. Overall, I will try to make a positive difference in their lives. I believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn in a way that is fun and fits their learning styles; this is why my teaching philosophy is a combination of so many different methods. Teaching To the Individual Students :: Education Learning School Essays Teaching To the Individual Students Throughout my life I have had many experiences, some of the ones that I remember most fondly are the ones that involve teaching. Whether it was being taught by a loving and caring adult or myself teaching children at my church, I love to be where true understanding and true learning is taking place. I will to be an encouraging and loving teacher who lets her students know that she cares and is trying her best to make a positive difference in their lives. When trying to come up with my teaching philosophy, I quickly realized that one method is not for me, I need to combine many methods to make my style fit the many personalities and learning styles of my students. With all of the learning styles that students exhibit I do not see how a teacher could simply teach with one philosophy all of the time. If they choose to lecture all the time, how will the kinesthetic and visual learners, who make up the biggest percentage of the population, understand the material? Overall, I will combine parts from the philosophies of essentialism and progressivism, and use some of the behaviorism method to help encourage the appropriate behaviors in my class. I believe that these three styles will combine together to form a teaching method that will be appropriate for many learners at one time, and that these styles will accomplish my dream of making a difference in my students’ lives. After college I hope to get a teaching job in southern West Virginia, and eventually work on my master’s degree. My reasons for coming to the teacher education field are simple. I decided to be a teacher because of my desire to work with children. I will teach children who are at an impressionable time in their lives, pre-school through sixth grade, and I will try to be a good example and model for them to follow. I will be the counselor, helper, and nurse that all elementary children need. I will be there for my students in the good times and the bad. Overall, I will try to make a positive difference in their lives. I believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn in a way that is fun and fits their learning styles; this is why my teaching philosophy is a combination of so many different methods.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Blind people on China Essay
There are 5 million blind people in the whole world. And China is taking the first place of this problem. China accounts about 18% of blind people. Most of them can’t live independent; they all need someone’s help. Also we can know that 90% of blind people are living in modern cities. For example: Beijing (capital), Shanghai and etc. à ¢he total number of blind people in China at any given time expressed as a percentage of the total population  is around 0. 4%. According to the facts from internet, the country’s ever-increasing blind population has already exceed the total population in such countries as Denmark, Finland or Norway. In the whole world main problem ob blindness is cataract. Because of only the cataract blindness accounts 2. 5 million people in the world. Each year about 400,000 people become blind in one moment because of it. Cataract predominantly a disease associated with ageing. According to the famous Chinese websites, we can know that the reason of blindness in China not only cataract but also it include cornea diseases, trachoma, glaucoma. I took some interviews from 2 Chinese people. When I talked to my Chinese teacher from high school I was pretty surprised. First she told me about problems of blind people. It started past years ago, when with time there are more and more blind people was with the same objects to government. Chinese population doesn’t respect blind people. They are behaving to them very bad. Population doesn’t see any personality in them. They are acting to blind people like to animals. And every time people’s words were such a: â€Å"Blind people-they are not independent, they can’t help to our country. They can’t do anything. They are not useful for China. †So in my mind first thought was government in China need people only for useful thing? It’s so selfish and not correct. I think everyone will agree with me. Nowadays there’s so many ways to cure blind people. According to the facts from the Internet 80% of blindness possible to cure. It was many accidents when even young people didn’t help to blind old person. And with years there are more and more problems. How my teacher said government first didn’t take it such a big problem, but with time when there are more people with objects and arguments to them, they started to pay more attention to blind people. In 2011 many of them were really angry to the government. Hundred blind people want government to allow them come with dogs to public places. Because how I said before they all need help. They thought if they can’t come with dogs, they couldn’t even come inside of any places. Some of them can’t do it only with walking stick or every time hope to theirs hearing. And till now they are trying to get an access for that. Only part of public places allowed them come with dogs. But they are also good people who are trying to make blind people’s life easier. For example my guardians Chinese friend said that, one Chinese scientist developed a cheap e-notebook for blind people. He told me only that information, without any details, so I searched in Internet more about that e-notebook. The e-notebook, called B-Notes, allows people to take notes or memos using Braille or by recording speech. It is similar in size to a mobile phone. B-Notes makes use of technologies developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), including translation software. Prototype e-notebooks were trialed on ten blind people last month. Wang Xiangdong, technical leader of the ICT team that developed the device, says that Braille can be conveniently input using a panel on the e-notebook. â€Å"And when [B-Notes is] connected to a computer, the Braille-Chinese translation software can be used to convert Braille into Chinese characters automatically†, he says. Currently, there are almost 39 million blind people in the world, according to the WHO. And according to the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, there are more than 12 million visually disabled people in China. Wang said that the basic technological research for the e-notebooks has been completed and they are expected to be available in China later this year at a cost of 500 to 800 RMB. The e-notebook has three main features. First is the Braille input. The e-notebook’s input panel has an array of mini keys that allows users to type. Second is the intelligent translation system, which is up to 95 per cent accurate. When the e-notebook is connected to a computer, pre-installed software moves all Braille in the device over to the computer and translates it into Chinese characters. Third, the e-notebook has a voice interface. There are voice prompts to guide users through the device’s various operations. Currently, the notebook can only translate Chinese Braille to Chinese characters. But Wang says that if other countries express an interest in the device, it will be possible to produce e-notebooks that translate other versions of Braille into other languages. The blind people who tested the prototype notebooks told developers that they found them portable and easy to use. According to WHO website The goal of the Chinese Ministry of Health over the coming years is to reduce the prevalence of blindness in the country to less than 0. 3%, i. e. almost by half. And it really makes happy that, government paying more attention to blind people nowadays. How I read with every year they are opening more school for blind people. Also it is increasing accounts of hospitals where people can help to this nondependent people and make theirs life easier. They were some accidents when some of them cured of blind. Also I heard that most professional people who are doing massage all are blind. China has some hospitals with this course. Where they are teaching them. In my opinion, they have to pay more attention to blind people. And give them more good conditions. Make rules that everyone should respect each other, especially blind people. Government should ask them what they need, what help they want from government. China should open more clinics and hospitals for poor people. Who can’t pay to theirs treatment. They also need help from others. They should allow to blind people come with dogs in public places. And I can make conclusion from all of it that government should heed to them.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Nordstrom Retailing Management Answers
Retailing Management – Case 31 Customer Service and Relationship Management at Nordstrom 1. What steps does Nordstrom take to implement its strategy of providing outstanding customer service? To begin with, Nordstrom employees treat customers like royalty. Customers are even at the top of Nordstrom’s so-called organization chart. All lower levels work towards supporting the salespeople, who in turn work to serve the customers. Salespeople are given personalized business cards to help them build relationships with customers.They are not tied to their respective departments but to the customers, this turns their salesperson a â€Å"personal shopper†of the customers. This opportunity to sell departments enables salespeople to maximize sales and commissions while providing superior customer service. Despite all the efforts in making sure customer satisfaction is met, it starts from the employees. Nordstrom employees are treated almost like the extended family. They are treated like businesspeople and empowered to make independent decisions. Overall, Nordstrom delivers good quality product with good service. 2.How do these activities enable Nordstrom to reduce the gaps between perceived service and customer expectations, as described in Chapter 18? Nordstrom’s policies focus on the concept of the â€Å"Life –time Value of the Customer. †Their service goes above and beyond what other retail stores can offer. Even if little money is made from the first sale, the lifetime value of a customer is calculated, and the positive dollar amount of a loyal customer is staggering. A customer can expect equal level of respect from all departments from each employee. They will also experience a â€Å"personal shopper†who can help them with which product to purchase. . What are the pros and cons of Nordstrom’s approach to developing a competitive advantage through customer service? The number one pro is customer loyalty, be cause of Nordstrom’s above and beyond customer service; customers come back for the good quality products and to the experience of good salesperson. Because of customer loyalty, Nordstrom realizes huge revenue from repeat customers. And another pro is having a great employee; Nordstrom empowers their employees to be individual businesspeople who can make their own decisions within the stores. Because of this, Nordstrom’s hrinkage or loss due to theft and record-keeping errors is under 1. 5% of salesâ€â€roughly half the industry average. The only con is the loss money from returns or refunds. Nordstrom’s policy concept of â€Å"Life-time Value of Customers,†sometimes brings them to loss revenue or even negative revenue. Some customers may even abuse the fact of how easy it is to return merchandise even if it was heavily used. But the weight of a positive dollar amount of loyal customer versus loss revenue is heavier. And therefore there isn’t r eally a con to how Nordstrom caters to their customers and as well as employees.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Advertisements That Make Women Look Bad Essay
Some advertising companies do not see the problem with using women to sell their product and make money. â€Å"In advertising today, women are still dismemberedâ€â€just parts of them presented to sell a product. Kilbourne says in the imposed American obsession with breasts, uplifted derrieres, etc., women forget things like the sensation they lose when they have plastic surgery on their breasts†(Kilbourne). Advertisements should make sure they do not portray women in a derogatory manner. The roles of women have dramatically changed over the generations. Women have gone from housekeepers and wives to sex symbols. Placing women on advertisements in hardly any clothing draws attention to the product itself, but making women seen vulnerable. Dolce and Gabanna, for example, uses and ad where there is one female wearing a strappy, black dress and some high heels. Dolce and Gabanna has her lying on her back, while a shirtless man is on top of her, as if he were pinning her down. There are also three shirtless men in the scene who are standing around watching. Having an advertisement, such as this one, might work to sell a product because of the impression it places on the consumer. Male viewers would presume that the only way to get a beautiful woman to be submissive is to wear products of Dolce and Gabanna. Advertisements like these make the woman in the ad provocative; therefore, viewers conceive their own opinion about women in general. See more: The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay There becomes a problem when teenagers and young adults see these women on ads dressing seductive and inviting. Women and young girls alike, start to believe they must dress in this manner because that is what the models are wearing. Women also see ads, such as the one Dolce and Gabanna have published, and they look at the women in the ad that dress tantalizing and getting handsome men, that the female viewers too, think they must dress appealing to capture a man’s attention. These advertisements are ultimately doing more damage and are corrupting our society. Advertising companies need to produce ads that make everyone look at women as beautiful, smart, and self-sufficient human beings and not a body used just to sell a product. Doing this would help society see that women can be beautiful and classy without having to be a sex symbol. It would help women get a better idea of how to be a lady. Also, the viewers of the ads would understand women are not really inferior to men, and buying a certain product does not make a person admirable. Something should be done about these advertisements. It is only putting bad ideas and morals into the consumers heads about the way they should view women. Society should appreciate women. All in all, bashing women in advertisements should be stopped and talked about by the advertising companies. Ads of this sort should not be posted all over the billboards, subways, Walters 3 televisions, and computers. Women-bashing is an ongoing problem, and it will continue to escalate if we do not open the eyes of the businesses selling the product and the viewers who agree that basing women is a sufficient way to sell a product. The ads are slowly getting out-of-control, and if we do not put our foot down now, nothing will ever be fixed, and advertising companies will continue to look for ways to make women seem less than average. Works Cited â€Å"Dolce and Gabbana Boutique â€Å"For Men Only††10 May 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2010. . Kilbourne, Jean. â€Å"Summary of â€Å"Killing Us Softly 3†³Ã¢â‚¬ Welcome To Journalism’ Web. 1 Oct. 2010. . â€Å"Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising’s Image of Women | Watch Free Documentary Online.†Web. 19 Sept. 2010. . â€Å"10 Worst Woman-Bashing Ads | Business Pundit.†Business Pundit: Your Daily Dose of Smart Business Opinion. Web. 19 Sept. 2010. .
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mad Men Sociological / Semiotic Analysis
Every so often there is a television program that attracts a large audience because it is brilliantly written and entertaining. One of the most recent television shows to do this has been Mad Men. The show revolves around an advertising agency in the 1960’s and it’s key players in the company, more specifically Don Draper. Being set in the 1960’s, it is important to do both a sociological and semiotic analysis of the show. Society and human interactions have changed dramatically over the past fifty years and while it is a scripted television show and not a documentary, the drama prides itself on paying close attention to details and keeping everything true to the time period. It would be interesting and informative to do an analysis comparing the 1960’s shown in Mad Men to today’s society. Likewise, with the characters and their clothing, subtle symbols give away clues about who they are and what they’re going through as the show goes on. Semiotics are important to take note of in every context in order to truly understand whatever you’re trying to critically understand or analyze. In the 1960’s society was vastly different that it is today. It was a turning point in American history and dealt with a lot of sensitive issues that are still linger around today although they aren’t as prominent as they once were. This is reflected in the society that is built in the show Mad Men, namely the Sterling Cooper society. Sterling Cooper is the advertising agency that the show revolves around; in Sterling Cooper there is anything you would find in a larger society, such as social norms and bureaucracy. Furthermore, critics realize that â€Å"Mad Men deliberately shocks its audience by presenting as reasonable and commonplace behavior we now find appalling,†(â€Å"The Devil's in the Details,†The Atlantic) which gives us a direct juxtaposition of the Mad Men society and today’s society. In multiple aspects of a sociological analysis, there is always a prime example in the show Mad Men which is only highlighted when trying to look at Mad Men through the lens of today’s societal norms. Durkheim’s theory said that there is a social dimension to how people construct themselves based on their surroundings. That can be seen primarily in the character Peggy Olson. At first, Peggy suffers from alienation. Peggy being from Brooklyn feels disconnected with her co workers. She feels estranged since she's so homely and lives a simple, plain lifestyle compared to the lashy, metropolitan girls around her. She isn't skinny, she wears more modest clothing and isn't throwing herself at her bosses. â€Å"The audience sees Peggy alienate herself from the rest of the girls in the office, often eating lunch alone in the office, ignoring the fashions that the other women wear and refusing the participate in the constant office gossip. As a woman, in the 1960s however, she cannot exactly be one of the boys and therefore she cannot relate to the man either†(Analyzing Mad Men: Critical Essays on the Series, pg 159-160). It takes her a while to figure out where she fits in, and over time she too becomes a flashier version of herself, clearly influenced by the women around her and tries to step out of her comfort zone and into a different kind of lifestyle. Lifestyles are also a very important part of society. Lifestyle covers a person's taste in fashion, cars , entertainment, and other leisure activities which often reflect our socioeconomic class. Peggy was a lowly girl from Brooklyn, which was very much looked down upon by the men and women of Manhattan. She was considered poor, especially when she would bring her own lunch to work instead of buying her food off of the lunch cart like the other secretaries. Her clothing also gave her away in the beginning, her skirts were longer than the other girls, she was always covering up, which won't help attract the bosses in the ways the other secretaries were trying so desperately to do. Peggy would go home and read, or stay at work late if she wanted while other girls were running around on dates or going out trying to find something at a bar. Peggy’s chosen lifestyle is opposite the other women in the show outside of Sterling Cooper, mainly Don Draper’s wife Betty. Don Draper is a very successful, so his wife gets to spend her days looking at art, or riding horses. Their socioeconomic stance allows her to spend her entire day doing leisure activities and not be worried about such trivial things as work. Betty even had a nanny, so as not to over exert herself with cooking dinner and taking care of their children after all that horseback riding. Being a housewife to a successful man, Betty lived a very different lifestyle than the young girls who worked as secretaries. The secretaries in Sterling Cooper created their own small hierarchy which can be viewed as a bureaucracy. Joan is the â€Å"head secretary,†giving her a significant value to both the men and the secretaries. For the most part she decide who gets which secretary, and if changes should be made. She orders the other secretaries to do things and they listen knowing the power she holds behind the scenes (whether or not they know its because she's sleeping with one of the partners is another story). Joan was held in such high regard, even the men of Sterling Cooper would listen to her; mainly because she demanded respect and they were always hoping to impress Joan to hopefully catch her attention. This is also why it becomes so hard for Peggy when Joan begins to resent her for catching the attention of the men in the office not with her body, but with her ideas. Joan was no longer the woman in the office to brag about, but Peggy with her fantastic ideas and later on when she eventually becomes more than just a secretary in the company. While Joan is head of secretaries, Peggy now has her own secretary. Peggy becoming a junior copy-writer went against the anomies or social norms of Sterling Cooper, as well as the rest of society in the 1960’s. Women had just entered the workforce and there wasn’t a huge place for women to do more than secretarial work for the men who were doing the â€Å"real work. †Women were faced with trials and tribulations every day they went to work, ranging from sexual harassment from the men to the glass ceiling they were constantly suffering from. A common social norm found in Mad Men is the unspoken yet well known practice of men sleeping with the secretaries in the office. Don Draper, the main character does it many time throughout this show, with Peggy actually being the exception since he saw there was something more to her. Sterling, Campbell, Draper, all known for their trysts with secretaries around the office. This wouldn't be as readily accepted in today's day and age, and is the reason for a lot of the sexual harrassment laws today; however in the 1950s, and at the fictional Sterling Cooper ad agency, it was the norm. Joan and Peggy are both constantly in this sexist environment but react to is in very different ways. â€Å"Their behavior and comments highlight alternative ways that women behave. Joan rises to the occasion, showing off her femininity in poses, smiles, and comments. Peggy, on the other hand, is a woman who enjoys looking pretty, but she is also a thinker who seems to understand the objectification that is taking place†(Mad Men: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality, and Class; William M. O’Barr). Joan was a powerful and intelligent woman, but would ever be seen as more than that. Peggy, however, masked her sexuality well enough to have the men see past the fact she was a woman and actually give her a chance to become something more than a secretary. However, the fact that a woman had to virtually deny the fact she was a woman in order to get to a more prominent position in her workplace highlights the sexist attitude of corporate America in the 1960s. Among sexist attit udes in the workplace, there were plenty of other social norms that are highlighted in Mad Men. The constant drinking and smoking are seen as shocking in a society that has banned smoking from virtually everywhere including certain outdoor areas and have constant reminders to drink responsibly. Mad Men, paying close attention to detail, constantly has the men walk into their offices and pour a drink almost religiously on the show. Even if the drink is a minute detail of the scene, they make sure it happens, because that’s how it would’ve been in the 1960s. There is also smoking everywhere, in the elevators, in restaurants, in the offices, everywhere. Ironically, one of the biggest issues of the time period is skirted around in Mad Men. In the 1960's race was a very prominent subject that carried a lot of tension with it. There was no equality in the workplace and African American's were primarily kept to service jobs like waiters, door men, etc. In one episode it was a big deal that a client was Jewish. It was such a big deal they searched the whole company to find another Jewish man to sit in on the meeting and make their client feel more welcome. They found only one young Jewish man working in the depths of the art department. In another episode, Pete Campbell, a junior account manager makes a point that a certain television brand was being bought by mostly African Americans in the south and suggested placing ads in magazines that were directed towards them. This was aggressively dismissed since the agency felt their client wouldn’t want to be so closely associated with being the brand African Americans’ choose. One of the more important characters in later seasons, Lane, who is originally from England, is having an affair with a black woman and refuses to return to England. His father promptly punches him in the gut and informs him that it was not a request and they are leaving back to England immediately. The idea of his son being with a black woman was simply intolerable to the British man, he wouldn’t even object, he simply pretended it didn’t exist. Just like that, in one episode an interracial relationship was created and destroyed. Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and how they create meaning in society, this plays a large part in Mad Men. The show’s creator, Matthew Weiner has made sure that attention to detail is not only meticulous, but the details help tell the story much like they would in actual society. â€Å"The pattern of a necktie, the club frequented, the restaurant patronized, the shopping bag carried, the prep school attended, together with a thousand other details, signify minute social distinctions, and reveal and even define character†(â€Å"The Devil's in the Details. †The Atlantic). If the viewer is paying close attention, they will notice that as the week goes on the characters wardrobe and hair styles become more worn. The easiest example of semiotics is to compare the three main women in the show: Betty Draper, Don Draper’s wife; Joan Holloway, the head secretary; and Peggy Olson, ambitious secretary turn copy-writer. Betty Draper is the definition of trophy wife and is coded as thus. She is a blonde hair, blue eyed woman who used to be a model and gave it all up to be a housewife once she was swept away by main character Don Draper. She is always looking neat and proper, with her hair in fancy hair-dos and her flowery dresses she is littered in signs that depict her as a stereotypical 50’s housewife. Betty is undoubtedly a loving mother and wife, she is also innocent, timid and submissive when it comes to her husband, whatever he says, goes. However, as her marriage begins to crumble, she begins to change in all aspects. Her hobbies begin to change from redecorating her house to finding things to do outside of the house like horseback riding. When Betty has a moment of aggressiveness, whether it’s towards her neighbor or while lashing out at her husband, she is usually seen wearing pants. It’s almost as if her wardrobe is letting viewers see her changes as its happening, not only in her actions, but in her choice of clothing. Joan Holloway, later known as Joan Harris is almost the complete opposite of Betty Draper in every way imaginable. Joan is the head secretary, and she is purposely coded with fiercely sexual signs such as being a red-head and very curvaceous. She fulfills her signs’ connotations by coquettishly and sometimes aggressively flaunting her confidence and dominance in everything she does. She dresses very provocatively and is always wearing a very long necklace. She is supposed to be viewed as the office vixen and her clothing doesn’t let you forget her role in Sterling Cooper. Once Joan is married and becomes Mrs. Harris, she quits her job as most women did in the 1960’s. She trades in her tight dresses for a more modest wardrobe of jeans and t-shirts and plainer dresses as she tries to enter the role as housewife. Joan becomes much less glamorous and more homely as time goes on; you can begin to see this new lifestyles wearing on the once fierce and flawless woman. The third distinctive woman on Mad Men is Peggy Olson. Peggy is coded as having a lower socioeconomic status than the rest which is signified by her clothing early on in the series; her clothes are plain and homely. She covers herself in sweaters and long dresses and skirts that aren’t form fitting like the other secretaries in the office. She doesn’t wear much make-up, her brunette plain hair is usually in a childish pony tail; signifying both her innocence and lack of time spent on the superficial since she feels her thoughts should be geared towards more important things. However, once she begins finding her place her attire begins to conform to the metropolitan atmosphere. Her confidence is exuding from her character, and the audience can see it in her new found sense of style. Her skirts get shorter (but never too short), her choice in clothing gets more sophisticated and bold. Her childish ponytail is gone; Peggy’s new hair is shorter with bangs off to the side. Peggy has gone through a major transition and is now coded as being a confident, intelligent woman that can hold her own in a man’s world without using her body by simply changing her clothing and hair style. Mad Men is an exceptional show that pays very close attention to historical accuracies and character details with a meticulous manner. While most audiences won’t pick up on the fact that the women’s hair colors are signifiers of who they are, critically analyzing Mad Men makes the audience aware of the volumes the women’s hair colors say about them. The amount of thought that goes into each character and their individual signs and signifiers, coded and recoding them to reflect their current state is obvious to anyone who takes the time to critically watch the show and appreciate all that goes into it. The writer’s also have a captivating way of taking societal issues of the times and conveying them to the audience with the same gravity they had back then, despite the audience watching it through the lens of today’s society. All the sensitive subjects of race, class, sexes are shown with the same directness as any other societal norm that was found in the 1960s that might not be as welcomed today. An artifact that is dedicated to reflecting on the past in the present while using every possibly detail available to convey messages and stories deserves to be recognized for all the hard work that is put into it. Bibliography O'Barr, William M. â€Å"Mad Men: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality, and Class. †Advertising ; Society Review 2011th ser. 11. 4 (2011). Project MUSE. Web. 12 Dec. 2011. ;http://muse. jhu. edu/journals/advertising_and_society_review/v011/11. 4. o-barr. html;. Rogers, Sara. â€Å"The Women of Mad Men. †Analyzing Mad Men: Critical Essays on the Series. By Scott Frederick. Stoddart. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. Print. Schwartz, Benjamin. â€Å"The Devil's in the Details†The Atlantic November (2009): 91-98. Print. Berger, Arthur Asa. Media Analysis Techniques. London: SAGE, 2011. Print.
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