Saturday, August 31, 2019
Thomas Jefferson
As stated in the instructions under the navigation link, â€Å"Papers/ Projects,†a historical analogy Is to â€Å"compare/contrast†two historical events. You should choose two historical events In which you compare and contrast two important historical events such as two battles, two laws, two presidential administrations, etc. You should begin on this assignment as soon as possible. This assignment is very important and is worth 300 points! You must submit your historical analogy no later than OCTOBER 19th!This assignment Is worth a total of 300 plants It Is due no later than the last day of class Please submit your Historical Analogy to the instructor, using the †Here is a detailed description of what a â€Å"Historical Analogy†is for the purposes of this course: Historical Analogies are essays that compare/contrast two or more historical events, issues, and/or ideas. Analogies help to increase understanding by dealing with relationships and compariso ns – the new to the old, the unknown to the known.That is, analogies help us to understand unfamiliar Ideas, things, and situations by showing how these matters are similar to something we already know. The instructions below should give you an idea of what the skeleton of a historical analogy essay might look like: You would write a brief Introduction that states your thesis (central Idea, whatever – however you learned It) and previews how your essay will be constructed: [Then you would write the body of your paper:] You would then tie it all together with a well-written conclusion.So, the Idea Is to compare/contrast two historical events/issues from the same era, or one historical event/lessee from one era with a scalar historical event/lessee from another era, or a current event with a historical event we have read about or discussed. Thus, Historical Analogy assignment is essentially an essay discussing and analyzing what you have learned In a way that makes histo ry meaningful to us In our present Analogies should be a MINIMUM length of 4 double spaced pages. REMEMBER, this is the minimum. You should go beyond the minimum if you expect to receive higher Han minimum points for this assignment.You must use AT LEAST three sources OTHER THAN your textbook. You should send your analogy to the instructor via the MESSAGES center (as an attachment). The Dropped can be found under the †Tools†navigation button. Be sure to cite all sources that you use! You must also provide a list of your sources/ references at the end of your paper. This should be the last page of your paper. This is a must! Use the Epistyle and format. Sample Analogy Essay: This is an example of an Analogy essay from one of my previous classes.Although his analogy is not as long as four (double spaced typed) pages, this should give you a good idea regarding the style and form your essay should take. I hope it is helpful. 🙂 In this analogy, I will compare parti san politics of the early United Gastroenteritis to today's political parties. Prior to 1789 there was basically one party in American politics. In approximately 1792 due to differing opinions on the direction the United Statehood take in terms of commerce, and trade two separate parties began to form. The Federalist party headed by Washington, but whose financial policy was set byAlexander Hamilton, believed that the economic success of the United States lied in trade, and commercial interests. Their power base was in the New Mistranslated where there was less of an emphasis on agriculture due to poor soil. The Republican party began around 1792. Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison became convinced that Hamiltonians policies favored the wealthy commercial interests at the expense of agriculture. Their belief was that Hamilton and the Federalists were bent on forming an aristocratic government in the United States.Although the names have changed we still have two main political part ies in the United States. Today we have the Republican, and the Democratic parties. As in the late sass's both of our present day parties claim to be the party of the people. Like early politics both of our parties continually blame the other for the problems that our society experiences. In the assess citizens complained when the United Stateside not remain neutral in European politics, and the same holds true today. Currently we are mired in problems in Bosnia, and most U. S. Citizens would probably rather not see our U.S. Troops involved in something we consider not to be our fight. The last thing that I would compare is how our U. S. Politics were nasty back in early look at Aaron Burr, and Alexander Hamilton. Aaron Burr after being thwarted by Hamiltonian his bid for president challenged Hamilton a duel. Burr was upset at Hamiltonian Hamiltonians comment that Burr was too dangerous, and unfit to hold office. The end result was that Hamiltonian shot and killed by Burr in this du el. While today our politicians do not shoot each other, they do find other ways to kill ACH other politically.In today's politics no aspect of a public figures private life is exempt from public scrutiny. Our politicians even go as far as to hire private investigators to dig up dirt on each other. While I do not have a fix for the evils, and divisiveness that our two party system brings about, I do think that it does have its redeeming qualities. Having two parties keeps the ruling party semi-honest. With the threat of losing an election should you go against the will of the people, a two party system allows voters a choice come election time.
Little Miss Sunshine Film Analysis
The film Little Miss Sunshine, Directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Farris, explores the lives of a regular American family and how they change their lives in front of us in the ‘Combie’ van on the road to the Little Miss Sunshine beauty pageant. The film examines the issues of winning and losing, and what it means to be a winner, throughout many sequences in the film as well as exploring the value of family.The directors and the cinematic team use an extreme range of camera techniques, costuming, and sound techniques to reshape our understanding of winning and losing in the world we live in today. Firstly the directors and their team use a variety of different camera techniques to shape our view on the characters, and ultimately change our view in the world. In the opening sequence each character is introduced using different camera shots. For example Olive’s father is first projected to the audience as a success.There is a sequence of close ups and mid ranged shots which show Richard confidently speaking in a spotlight at the front of the room. However the cinematic team then use a cut to a point of view shot of what Richard sees when he has finished talking, which allows us to then see how much of a failure he really is, as there is only five, half asleep, bored people in the room and only one person applauds Richards work. This first sequence allows us to see that Richard acts and feels like a winner to himself, but when he is seen with the rest of the world he is failure and a loser.The directors have used this sequence to shape our understanding of winning and losing as it employs the idea that winning and losing is based on comparing yourself to the rest of the world, instead of being on how you feel and view yourself. Secondly the costuming used in the film has a big effect on shaping our view on the characters and their position in the movie world. The characters in the Hoover family are costumed as a very average family. Through out the movie the Hoover family is suggested to be positioned at the lower end of the economic wealth scale.However this is most obvious when Olive finally reaches the Little Miss Sunshine competition. When all the competitors are introduced on stage we see Olive is far out of place just through her basic average costuming, compared to the other girls who are dressed like little Barbie dolls, with glittery clothes and excessive make up. Even though Olive is out of place and obviously doesn’t belong in the competition, she still reflects Grandpa’s view on classifying winners and losers which was introduced before he died. Grandpa believes that a real loser is someone who is so afraid of not winning they don’t even try.Through the costuming and Olives actions the directors implant that view of winning and losing into the audience, which then reflects on our world today, as we need to show more support, not for the winners of a competition, but the courage people h ave developed to enter a competition. The Final key technique which is employed by the cinematic team of Little Miss Sunshine is the use of sound. Throughout the film there is an evident mixture of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds. In the scene were Frank and Dwayne are out on the pier, starts with a non-diegetic voice over from the Little Miss Sunshine pageant saying ‘America, it’s so beautiful’.These words introduce the scene as the diegetic sounds of nature at the beach take over and remind us of nature’s healing presence as we then see the first real bonding between Frank and Dwayne. The directors have chosen to use these sound techniques to help the audience feel the repairing sense of nature as they start to learnt the value of family with frank and Dwayne. The value of family which is also reflected on our world is that no matter how much we try and push them away they will always be there when we need, and that’s the true value of family sho wn throughout the film.The film Little Miss Sunshine, Directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Farris, explores the lives of a regular American family to portray key values which should be inherited by our society. The film analyses the concepts of winning and losing, and what it means to be a winner, throughout many sequences in the film as well as exploring the value of family. The director and the cinematic team use an extreme range of camera techniques, costuming, and sound techniques to help the storyline shape our understanding of winning and losing in the world we live in today. Adrian Pace, Year 11 Word Count- 795
Friday, August 30, 2019
Grolier International Dictionary
As defined by the Grolier International Dictionary, Weaknesses is the state or quality of being weak; it is a personal defect or failing. When one encounters an opportunity and weaknesses penetrate him in same time, he shouldn’t choose any other way but to manage do overcome or minimize it. One of the weaknesses I think most people do possess while he’s on his way of achieving his goal, which also should be controlled of is ‘being so self-centered’. This makes a person so sure of himself not thinking of the consequences his actions might cause.Too much proud of one’s self may bring him forget the others by whom he gets his strength from. He’ll attempt to throw away the reliable assets on his crap because he thinks that he is above all and doesn’t need help to anyone else. This could also make him so focused on looking ahead; embracing the forward successes he might get in with his strength, capability, and knowledge. But forgetting from whom, where, what he has been back in his life could also lead to something which is hard to avoid from, too hurtful when it strikes on, the karma.Another weakness is to be ‘hesitant’, afraid to gamble in reaching for his goal. This could be another threat in one’s ambition of success for he can be under perspective in carrying out his plans. While he lacks his confidence to continue improving himself and work, he may likewise lose track of his point of view. On the other hand, if there could be one weakness which is somehow helpful to one’s career, by balancing and setting off the whole situation for the moment. Resisting the desire of winning a certain race may cause a person to self-pity and lose his hope.By putting his heart, to be ‘irresistible’ in a better way , controlling as well as weighing every technique to be accurately performed are the thumbs-up characters a venturer should possess while attaining his aim or goal. When a person learns to practice ‘patience’ and fight for his belief, principle, and stand, he could kill the time from ticking so fast and focus on the better outcome of his objective. Since he got an effective and strategic planning technique, the SWOT Analysis is a great help to one’s own success.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
International Business Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International Business Operations - Essay Example ccording to the Wall Street Journal (2012), the increasing labor costs in China have influenced a decrease in market share and also rising competition from countries that have realized the potential that lies in manufacturing. Other than this, China’s labor providing population also lacks the necessary skills required in the diversified production market, hence pushing manufacturer’s to seek services from other countries. It is also difficult for foreign manufacturer’s to set up base in China because state-owned companies are the most dominant. The other aspect is likely to put China out of the manufacturing business is the fact that more and more countries are looking to set up their own manufacturing companies within themselves as a way of cutting down on production expenses. The shipping costs related to the exportation of raw materials that exporter’s haveto incur is one of the key aspects that countries have sought to override by failing to give China the manufacturing job. In my view, most of the competition that China is facing tends to be from Vietnam, Indonesia, and Bangladesh, which have taken up most of China’s market exports to the US for clothing (McCann 2011). In essence, the trading environment provided in other nations such as Vietnam have made America to shift their manufacturing interest from China because of the free trade agreements provided by the latter. In this regard, Vietnam has become the greatest gainer because most of the US investors such as Nike have made their established their manufacturing base because of the projected cost benefits that would come as a result of not operating in China. Therefore, Vietnam is the greatest competitor to China as they have also attracted investors in the electronics sector, which was China’s stronghold to companies such as Samsung and Nokia. On the other hand, China is also losing out its market share in the manufacture of automobiles to Mexico because of the competitive labor costs
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Cuba Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cuba Crisis - Essay Example John F. Kennedy constituted his high ranking team of advisers commonly known as the Executive Committee of the National Security Council (ExComm). The committee met on several occasions and deliberated on certain measures that were to be taken to end the confrontatio0n over the Cuban missile. The ExComm came up with several options on how to deal with the crisis that was at hand. The first option that they deliberated on was invading Cuba. Secondly they considered ordering an air strike on Cuba which was aimed at destroying the missile sites that were staged in Cuba by the Soviet Union. The third option they considered was imposing blockade around Cuba in order to counter the undelivered missiles. This was to tighten the blockade and or resulting to air strikes or invasion. The fourth option was to present a sort of ultimatum the president of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev. This was on condition that if the missiles were not removed a military action was to be taken. The fift h and the last option that the ExComm considered was to make a trade offer in that the US were to withdraw their missiles from the republic of Turkey and in exchange the Soviet Union were to withdraw and remove their missiles from Cuba.Option one and two which were on invasion and air strike attacks were aborted on the fear of the retaliation by the Soviet Union. Theodore Sorensen, a member of the ExComm and who was also the presidential speech writer thought that the Soviets would retaliate by knocking on their missiles in Turkey.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Critical Perspectives on HRM in Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Critical Perspectives on HRM in Britain - Essay Example Research shows that when an organisation is able to achieve a cohesive and unified organisational culture, it improves problem-solving capacity within a firm and leads to enhanced organisational performance (Yilmaz and Ergun 2008). Furthermore, a longitudinal study conducted by Kotter and Heskett (1992) discovered that having a cohesive organisational culture was correlated with a 765 percent improvement of business incomes for the investigated organisations occurring between 1977 and the year 1988. With such evidence of organisational improvement and enhanced problem-solving capacity as a result of developing a cohesive organisational culture, it would appear that it is, indeed, desirable for senior managers to seek to change their organisational cultures if it is determined that existing culture in insufficient for enhancing organisational performance. However, change resistance is commonplace in many organisations in which managers become the victims of illogical and irrational employee responses when organisational members are faced with change (Ford, Ford and D’Amelio 2009). Hence, it might not be feasible to seek change of culture as a result of the intensity of psychological retaliation imparted upon management when attempting to elicit cultural change. There appears to be significant evidence that seeking to change organisational culture maintains a variety of benefits for an organisation. O’Donnell (2006) asserts that when an organisation maintains a cohesive culture, culture can facilitate development of innovations that support an organisation’s goals. For many organisations, especially those that operate in saturated competitive markets, the capability of an organisation in achieving many innovative outputs serves as a predictor of competitive advantage and holistic organisational performance. Kalyanaram and Gurumurthy (2008) describe an example of being a first mover in a new market where a firm
Monday, August 26, 2019
Value Stream Analysis (VSM) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Value Stream Analysis (VSM) - Research Paper Example Due to the very broad range and depth of such a definition, this particular approach is one that seeks to gain a level of inference from a high degree of different inputs and correlate these to the overall ability/profitability/efficiency that a particular business entity reflects. Although aspects of this particular method of analysis have been utilized within other forms of business analysis, value stream analysis is one of the only methods of measure that are able to encapsulate each of these determinants in one simple panel local overview. As a function of seeking to understand value stream analysis to a greater degree, the following essay will discuss what typically defines the value stream analysis, the means of application, when they should be utilized, why they should be utilized, the in effects of utilizing value stream management within a given corporation/business entity the results of utilizing value stream management, and the overflow impacts in comparison to other strat egies that might exist as compared to values stream analysis within the business environment. As a function of this level of analysis, it is the hope of this author that the reader will come to a more profound and actionable appreciation for the fact that this particular approach is both useful and efficient in helping to define and differentiate some of the core strategies that should be approached with regards to ensuring that a profitable, efficient, and realistic scheme of inputs is utilized to bring the product to the consumer market. One of the first steps in seeking to utilize value stream analysis as an actionable way to improve efficiency and/or profitability that a given business entity can promote to the end consumer is by targeting the actual product/product lines/or business unit that will be responsible for tabulating and considering these inputs. Not only is this ineffective in accomplishing any particular goal, it reduces the importance and/or relevance of the inform ation that it is capable of providing. This is obviously due to the fact that an overarching level of analysis of a given business entity provides an ineffective basis by which business decisions and key input utility can be inferred (Bevilacqua et al, 2008). A secondary component of value stream analysis that is oftentimes overlooked is with respect to the fact that it must necessarily be performed at the lowest level of the firm; at the point where the basic inputs come into the business entity and are processed in one way or another in preparation to create the final product or service to provide the end consumer. Thirdly, once these inputs have been tabulated and understood, the current situation must be analyzed so that any existing waste or ineffective procedures can be trimmed. Fourthly, the step that oftentimes poses the greatest level of difficulty for the firm or business entity that seeks to integrate with such a process is with regards to seeking to improve upon the weak nesses or inefficiencies that have thus far been noted. Once this is understood and effected, the fifth and final step is to implement these and work towards future profitability and
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The future of the internet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The future of the internet - Research Paper Example Dan Nosowitz suggests â€Å"we sometimes forget that in no other part of our lives can we be completely anonymous.†If individuals are not afforded privacy in their physical lives outside their home, why should the Internet being any different. The Internet is still relatively new. The changes that are made every day, with technological advances, create an ever evolving entity. This makes the future of the Internet more hopeful, despite the problems needing to be solved. Online. This online journal source gives practical math solutions for future Internet traffic. The paths TCPs travel are examined. Solutions for making this process more efficient are given. Despite being a complex idea, Farooq explains the concept so easily most individuals can understand. 13(3). International Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. Online. 17 Mar. 2010 Online. Although this is an older source it is important to the future of the Internet. The views of the Internet in 1996 were idealistic. Many of the objectives like faster Internet speed, expansion, and marketing possibilities have been realized. This shows that predictions about the Internet can be accurate. Feb 2010. 17 Mar. 2010 Online. This article is about the technological advances making Internet users more visibly known. Today Internet users are becoming more and more visible. In the future, anonymity on the Internet will be almost impossible. York: Yale University Press, 2009. Print. Professor Solove addresses the problem of blogs, social websites, and chat rooms. Everything written on the web has the potential of being saved by another user. Many Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter users freely give information about themselves. This
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Chi-square Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Chi-square Distribution - Essay Example By applying the chi-square distribution and analysis to the information provided for WidgeCorp Company, we are able to find whether the data and the chi test are independent and thus be able to accept or reject the null hypothesis. We realize that the sales data and the use of the software will present with categorical data which ultimately allows us to use non-parametric analysis through a chi-squared test. The answers to possible questions from the variables could ‘yes, there is a relationship between sales and use of software’ or ‘no’.Considering the distribution of the sales force of WidgeCorp, it is convenient to assume that in each region, there are 500 sales persons which give the total of 500. Since we are told that only half of this number was given the software during the test period, we hypothesize that suppose this number is equally divided for the Southeast and the West region, then all of the agents in these two regions were given the software leading to the chi-square analysis below.Consequently, the data can be presented in a contingency table as indicated below to facilitate the computation of chi-squared for the stated hypothesis.From the calculations, we obtain a chi-square of 2.62 with a degree of freedom for the data set 1 (obtained from rows and columns). From the chi distribution table in appendix 1 with section provided below, we obtain a chi-square probability of 3.81 which is greater than the calculated x2 and we, therefore, reject the null hypothesis in this regard.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Disaster in Gwinnett County Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Disaster in Gwinnett County - Research Paper Example Gwinnett County Emergency Management Agency needs to be created in order to manage future disasters and after effects related to the calamity. The country should synchronize the action of Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) with other emergency services (Gwinnett County Emergency Management Agency). They should take help of National Traffic System (NTS) in order to reduce public panic regarding the disaster. Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and medical examiner are needed in order to deal with medical exigencies Human service agencies Fire department Law enforcement Question 2 Gwinnett County needs to create incident management system in order to prevent ill effects of future disasters. National incident management system is needed to be created and NIMS should concentrate on following areas (Walsh 7). Command and Management Human Resource Management Communication and information management Technological support Operation management Multiagency coordination system Question 3 Nati onal incident management system needs to work with incident command system (ICS) in order to fillip the scope of Area command. Command structure should be created in the following manner. (Source: Walsh 13) [Note: Above mentioned picture shows that command structure of EOC group can be bifurcated into two parts such as Agency executives and unified area command. Unified area command covers two types of commands such as unified command and incident command] Prevention (including Mitigation) NIMS needs to measure amount of physical and financial damage caused by disaster in the districts of Snellvill, Lawrenceville, Duluth & unincorporated Gwinnett regulatory in order to prevent further disruptions. In the prevention NIMS need to use following sources to foster the prevention activity. (Source: Walsh 14) Command structure should follow â€Å"Unified Command†structure in order to facilitate joint determination process. Strategic planning for resource allocation should be done i n unified manner. Agencies will be appointed to resolve for utilizing resources (Walsh 25). Question 4 The overall strategic objective of NIMS is to ensure a systematic and effective mechanism for mitigating the ill effect of disaster. Strategic objectives can be underpinned in the following manner. Determining overall incident management strategy Integrating tactical operation with strategic objective Mainstream disaster management in pertinent areas such as Lawrenceville, Duluth, Snellville and Unincorporated Gwinnett. Creating joint planning for tactical activities (Walsh 26) Using available resources at optimum level Question 5 NIMS was focusing on removing debris, providing emergency service to affected people as a part of the initial command but now the equilibrium of the situation has changed after reports of traffic incidents revealed. Gwinnett County Emergency Management Agency needs to recruit more number of volunteers in order to help people affected by disaster. Initial command structure can be explained by following diagram. (Source: Walsh 29) The command structure should be elongated in order to resolve traffic problem. Addition traffic emergency workers can increase the strength of the structure. Initial command
Marketing and Stakeholders in the Food Industry Assignment
Marketing and Stakeholders in the Food Industry - Assignment Example In addition, the work finds out the various aspects of the marketing concept and illustrates how the marketing concept can be useful for the growth and development of an organization. Lastly, the work identifies the various stakeholders of McDonalds and suggests effective ways of communication that will satisfy each group. In general terms, the concept of marketing claims that in order to gain organisational goals, it is necessary to understand the needs and wants of the target market and deliver the required level of satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors. Thus one can say that under marketing concept, it is more important to sell satisfaction than to sell product (Jain, 2006-07, pp. 292-293). According to AMA definition, â€Å"Marketing†is â€Å"the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that will satisfy individual and organisational objectives†(Shah & D’Souza, 2009, p. 8). Marketing concept and other business philosophies An analysis of the marketing concept proves that it does not focus on maximising profit through increased sales volume. Instead, it gains profit through increased satisfaction of customers. Thus, in the marketing concept, customer is the central figure around which all marketing activities take place. In essence, it becomes necessary to identify the target customers, develop an understanding with them, understand their demands, and provide services and goods to their satisfaction. One can summarise the components of marketing as satisfaction of customers, integration of various marketing activities, and good sales volume (Moore, et al. 2006, p. 142). This concept of marketing is different from the concepts of production, product, selling and holistic marketing. The selling concept was in vogue before the introduction of the marketing concept that is, during 1950s and 1960s. In this concept, the co mpany mainly aims to sell a product to the maximum and gives little attention to the precise requirements of the customers (Kuratko, 2008, p. 359). In that case, the company continues selling a product adopting various promotion schemes. In other words, the company focuses mainly on selling methods to attain maximum profit (Ibid). Yet another important concept is product concept. It focuses primarily on the quality of the product. In other words, a company gives maximum attention to the quality of its product on the belief that as far as the product is of high quality, consumers will be attracted to the product. Similarly, companies used to adopt the concept of production until 1950s. It claims that when a product or service is in maximum demand in the marketplace, the company should focus on producing that product or service as much as possible. An important part of marketing is marketing research. It becomes necessary for all companies to research their market in order to set thei r direction initially and to assess their performance thereafter. There are various sources to collect marketing information. Some primary sources are customers, dealers, and salesmen. As customers are the people who use the product, they are the best source of information regarding the quality of the product in terms of price, packaging, availability, design etc. similarly, dealers are capable of offering some useful information regarding the customer response to the products. In addition, they will be able to offer vital information regar
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Of Mice and Men Character Analysis Essay Example for Free
Of Mice and Men Character Analysis Essay Write a study of the character of Crooks, showing how Steinbeck uses him to tell us more about the other characters, and about the social and economical context of the book? This novel takes place in the 1930s, it was a time of great depression, there was racial prejudice towards coloured people and there were very few job opportunities making it hard for people to have a good standard of living. Steinbeck wrote this novel to show us the daunting and alarming conditions for workers at this time; he chose each character to represent a different type of person. For example, one of the characters Crooks represents coloured people. When reading the story of mice and man we learn that Crooks is a kind and considerate man You told me to warm up tar for the mules foot. I got it warm this tells us that Crooks is generous man and is always willing to help. I can do it if you want Mr Slim when Crooks is speaking to Slim, he is deferential towards Slim and treats him like a superior by calling him Mr Slim. Although Crooks is a kind man he is not treated fairly and adequate all due racial prejudice they let the nigger come in that night first of all he is not even called by his proper name instead they use racial discrimination to point him out as he is called intimidating and awful words such as nigger and stable buck. He does not bunk with the others workers because the other workers are racist towards him and all due to his colour Crooks has to live in a stable buck where all the other animals live as he is not treated as an equal, had his bunk in the harness-room; a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn this tells us that Crooks is treated inappropriately as he has to live in appalling conditions. We also get the impression that Crooks is isolated from the other workers making him feel lonely and deserted Crooks said darkly: guys dont come into a coloured mans room very much this tells us that Crooks has no true friends, this is not because he is a atrocious man, it is because of racial prejudice. Another reason why Crooks is lonely is that he segregates himself from the white workers as hes the only black worker on the ranch. We learn that Crooks is well educated as he has books in his room And he had books, too; a tattered dictionary and a maules copy of the California civil code for 1905. This also tells us that although there is racial prejudice, Crooks knows his rights. We get the impression that Crooks is realistic and scornful and once dreams of owning his own farm Youre nuts. Crooks was scornful. I see hundreds of men come by on the roads an on the ranches with their bindles on their back an that same damn thing on their heads. This tells us that Crooks is like any ordinary man, he also has dreams to own a farm one day. If youguys would want a hand to work for nothing just his keep, why Id come an lend a hand. This suggests that Crooks is desperate to get out of this ranch and he is hoping he will one day own that farm. Well, jus forget it, said Crooks. I didnt mean it. Jus foolin. I wouldnt want to go no place like that Crooks now realises there is no way he will ever get out of the ranch and own a farm so he tries to convince himself he never wanted a farm in the first place. The door opened quietly and the stable buck put in his head; a lean negro head, lined with pain, the eye patient. This tells us that Crooks has to be patient when living with the workers as he knows he is below the other workers because he is a coloured man and if Crooks was to make a slight move out of line there will be problems and fights will break out. When Crooks is talking to Candy, Crooks has to treat him well otherwise trouble will break out, you can come in if you want Although Crooks does not want Candy to come in he has to treat the other workers with respect Candy seemed embarrassed. I do know. Course, if ya want me to We get the impression that Candy feels embarrassed to go into a coloured mans room. I was born right here in California. My old man had a chicken ranch, bout ten acres. The white kids come to play at our place this tells us that in Crooks past life, there was nor always racial discrimination and he was once treated as an equal and as he got older there was more racial prejudice. Most of the other workers treat Crooks with no respect except for Slim who treats Crooks like an equal and in return Crooks treats him like a superior . Huh? Oh Hello Crooks. Whats a matter? First of all, this tells us that Slims treats Crooks with respect by calling him by his proper name, we also get the impression that Slims shows consideration to Crooks by asking him Whats a matter? Slim is the only worker that respects Crooks for who he actually is. Well, he aint doin no harm. I give him one of my pups. This shows that Slim is kind and friendly towards everyone and not just Crooks. The majority of the workers at the ranch treat Crooks will no respect and show no consideration where the hell is that God damn nigger? the first impression I get is that the workers do not treat Crooks reasonably, as they do not call him by his name, they call him racial words such as nigger and stable buck. When the workers get angry all anger is taken out on Crooks, this tells us that Crooks is not treated like a human being all due to racial prejudice. Cause Im black. They play cards in there, but I cant play because Im black. They say I stink. This shows us that not only a small amount of workers are racist towards Crooks, the majority of the workers are. Smitty says he woulda killed the nigger this tells us that the workers not only hate him but they want to kill him, this gives us the impression on the amount of racial discrimination. Even Curleys wife who is not a worker at the ranch is racist towards Crooks Listen, Nigger, she said. You no what I can do to you if you open your trap Crooks is treat badly by the majority of workers on the ranch due to racial discrimination Crooks has to treat them well Yes maam Although Crooks knows his rights, he has very few of them and he always has to show respect towards the other worker The other characters show no respect towards Crooks as they are racist, unfair and cruel towards him, the majority of the workers do not even call Crooks by his name and call him racial words such as nigger where the hell is that God damn nigger? The only character who shows any sign of respect towards Crooks is Slim, Slim treats him like an equal Hello Crooks. Whats a matter? Although in the time this novel was set there was racial discrimination Slim was not racist towards Crooks because he was a fair and respectable man. In return Crooks treats Slim like a superior I can do it if you want, Mr Slim We get the impression that Lennie does not even no who Crooks is as he has a very immature behaviour and a childish mind
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
International And Domestic Business Tourist Tourism Essay
International And Domestic Business Tourist Tourism Essay Tourism industry is one of the booming industries in the world. It is observed that according to survey visitor information available in Sydney is not sufficient. To survive in competitive market it is necessary to provide best possible experience to the visitors with the intention of maximize profit and repeat business. (Destination NSW) Such experiences which they will remember for long time and which affect them psychologically. It is important to know needs of the tourists what attract, encourage them to travel to the destination. Once you know the necessity of the tourist you can prepare for effective target market strategy. Many organisations and tourism department are responsible to set the standard of the particular destination and convert it into a product. Lot of organisation play important role for development of Sydney. In Sydney, Tourism Sydney Council, National Tourism Alliance, Sustainable Tourism Co-operative Research Centre, Tourism Training Australia, Quality Tourism (Sydney Tourism Brand , 2012) contribute for rapid growth of the tourism. Tourism NSW with help of Tourism Australia influences lots of potential global tourists to NSW with skill education, promotion and publicity campaigns, and online services. Main intention is to grow consciousness about sustainable tourism product. The promotions are intended to invite tourists from every part of the world. Hence tourism promoting strategy sets idea for promotional activities of Medina grand Sydney which helps hotel for publicity and campaign of their products. (Tourism Australia, 2012) Mature Markets: UK, USA, New Zealand, Japan Emerging Markets: China, India, South Korea Trade Development Markets: Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong,  Germany, Gulf Countries, Other Europe Market Segmentation On the basis of observation in the market Tourism Sydney has found two main areas of market segmentation: 1) Geographic Approach 2) Psychographic Approach Geographic Approach It is essential to realize geographical aspects to target specific market. The value of International and domestic tourists both are key target market for Medina Grand Sydney. Tourist comes for the purpose of business deals, vacation and adventure sport. Sydney is one of the major cities of Australia and well-known as historical place. Concerts and events are also major type of attractions. Number of adventurous sports help to attracts adventurous tourist. Sydney is popular destination among tourist same like Queensland and Melbourne and now we can called it as main tourism activities place in Australia. The diseases like bird flu and global terrorism affects the international tourist visiting to the Sydney. (Sydney City Information ) Total 26.8 million international and domestic tourists visited to Sydney every year. Number of international visitors increases because of attractive offer by airlines during on and off season and tie up of tourism Australia with international airlines. Most of the tourist comes to visit Sydney are local people from major cities of Australia. . The tourism Australia expected the tourist with different purpose will grow up to 40 million in 2030. The tourist who lives in Brisbane, Melbourne, Victoria and Perth which comes for small period of time consider as important target market. The international tourist who comes from UK, America, New Zealand, Japan and Asia mainly they are corporate traveller. Every year 7.9 per cent Chinese visitors estimate to grow in Australia and will be 783,000 till the end of 2019. (Research, 2012) Recently increase in number of tourists from India, China and South Korea which is emerging market for Australia. Sources of International Business Tourist (Research, 2012) This pie chart shows international travellers of different countries. We can see in pie chart that most corporate travellers come through Asia and New Zealand for business purpose. Asia is most growing international market. Around 18% Asian visitors come to Sydney in recent years which are comparatively very high if we match with last five years statistics. China and India are two main countries from where most of the visitors visited Sydney. By doing some research on target market and understanding their culture Tourism Australia can take competitive advantage of such market. Psychographic Approach Hotel Medina Grand Sydney is situated in one of most popular area of the Sydney. Most people choose Australia as their holiday destination for living in Sydney. It has prosperous ethnic groups, excellent infrastructure, superb consumer choices and solid local and international corporate activities. Sydney today claims as Australias most leading Central Business District and most national and multinational industries chose to have their head office in Sydney which attracts lots of business travellers. Sydney is perfect city for beach lovers, Bondi and Manly are the most famous beaches in Sydney. (Visitors Guide and Information ) Most attractive and uncrowned beaches are found on north and south of the Sydney. Hotel Medina gives beautiful view of the city. Because of hotel is situated in centre of the city its excellent opportunity for all the travellers for shopping with family and friends All kind of accommodation options are available at the Medina Grand Sydney hotel have been designed to create comfort and an atmosphere. Hotel is only 5 minutes away from Cockle bay, movie theatres at door, Entertainment Centre and China Town just 10 minutes walking distance (Attraction Around Sydney , 2012). Hotel has big conference hall. Hotel apartments provide the perfect venue for residential training courses. In relations of Psychographic above products are available which target domestic and international business travellers and holiday travellers including honeymooners and families. Potential Markets After analysing the above data and statistics specified in this paper about tourist market and segmentation, we can define about prospective target markets of Media grand Sydney. International and Domestic Business Tourist Consumers who are finding gorgeous places with advance level of service and sufficient comforts. This segment is proposed for tourists happy to pay quality prices for outstanding accommodations and service. Most present in main cities across the globe and located in historical areas. As we mention in the first section there are number of occupational deals happens in Sydney as city well-known for the centre of business activities in Australia. Therefore basically there are number of corporate people comes in the city. (Business Award 2012). Basically these business travellers seeks unique services and product with new trend of technology which offered by the Medina grand Sydney. As we know, being one of the best brands, Medina provides unique standard business services and product to the corporate travellers. This gives them chance of unique experience of accommodation as well as relaxing and peaceful environment from their busy work schedule. In adding to this, Medina grand has coll aboration with reputed travel agencies which helps hotel to targeted business travellers. The report of Sydney Tourism reflects tourists from New Zealand, USA, Europe and Asia visiting to Sydney are improved by 26% recently. (Sydney Tourism News, 2011) Besides, most business people from New Zealand and Asia visit to business capital of Australia for the professional purpose. Medina Grand Sydney can offer following services and products to their international and domestic business markets: Resident Manager 24 hour reception Resident Manager Covered heated swimming pool Mini bar Gymnasium Undercover parking Dry cleaning and laundry services Sauna In-room Massage available through Reception Dry cleaning and laundry services Babysitting available Pantry services Cuisine Courier Undercover parking (Hotel Facilities ) Leisure Tourist Currently, its cost-effective for Medina Grand to target the business tourists. This segment was affected by worse transactions in weak economy situations but indicates signs of recovery. Business travellers are generally at senior level management positions in their company. Even if they are not searching for the traditional feature of the city but they expect a suitable place. They are knowledgeable about the current market news and communicate minimum two languages. Maximum corporate travellers busy in hectic life and travel alone, so they need some peaceful atmosphere which they expect from Medina Grand Sydney. Medina Grand has also established superior offers such as SPA (Home Away From Home, 2012). These targets are senior citizen couples who expect a high class service; honeymooners and somebody celebrating a special event. Sydney is a one of the major city in Australia. Medina Grand hotel is situated in the centre of the city and you can call it heart of the city which is nea r from all the attractive places in Sydney. Medina grand hotel is close to Sydney Town Hall, Darling Harbour. Area of attraction also includes Opera House in Sydney and Chinese Garden of Friendship. Medina Grand Sydney deals quality accommodation in one of the most entertainment district, Darling Harbour. Travellers looking for the perfect luxury and advance facilities will definitely like this hotel. Some famous historical attractions such as Sydney Aquarium and Australian National Maritime Museum are situated at a walking distance from the hotel. Famous charming commercials of the city, such as IMAX Theatre and Star City Casino are at a stones throw away. Diverse types of native animals can be spotted at the adjacent Sydney. Great location to allow a nice short walk to Market Street where all the great shopping can be done, China Town, and not too far to walk to The Rocks and Circular Quay. (Best Attractions) The hotel basically tries to attract stylish tourist by providing them g lamorous product and superior facilities. Hotel also concentrates on local tourist market segment who looking for interesting experience. Corporate travellers usually prefer luxury accommodation where they can appreciate speciality food with excellent value of service. Hotel Medina Grand can deliver following facilities: Deluxe Rooms and honeymoon suites Hot water pools Multi-cuisine Restaurants Health spa Sauna Gymnasium centre (Holidays) New Market and Strategic Approach Research study shows that it is possible for Tourism Australia to attract new target potential market. They can attract more number of leisure and business travellers from Asia. (Basically concentrate on India, China and South Korea). According to studies it is analyse that new target market should be beneficial for tourism Australia. (Marketing in Asia , 2012)From last two years more number of tourist coming from China. Tourist from China saw surprising development in Sydney, with rapid increase of visitors. However Sydney saw additional tourists from Korea and India by two per cent. Hence Medina Grand has chance to examine and attention Asian target market. Because of language difference, cultural differences between the countries, time consuming travel its very hard to find profit. Tourism Australia already spend heaps of money on marketing the destination in new target market and collaborate with travel agents to attract more travellers. To take over on this new market Medina Gra nd changes their policies and strategies for this market for e.g. presenting Chinese cuisine, multicultural cuisine in fine dining restaurants which open more choices for Asian customer. The most of the Asian Tourist make their booking through tour operator and most of the people book the air ticket through internet. Link up with more and more tour operators and arranging regional events for tour operator in every area must beneficial for Tourism Australia. Advertisement through social networking sites like Facebook and twitter also helpful for positive marketing of the destination and hotel. Target Market Process Making concern of above data, Medina Grand implements its own target market procedure. It supports them to recognise the customer activities and their needs and demand. Medina Grand Sydney Target Market Process The hotel Medina grand is in mid-maturity stage of product life cycle. To develop method of sustainability is essential at this phase to survive in competitive environment. Hence Medina Grand gives attention on retaining its competitive environment. Hotel sells unique product like health spa centre which is open all days of the week to target corporate and holiday travellers. Promotional Strategies Promotion: The hotel Medina Grand provides exotic facilities to attract high class traveller. They advertise themselves in world travel magazine, traveller guide, yellow pages, star hotel magazines which helps to build brand image of the hotel. Medina Grand also publicise their property through online medium and social networking sites. They have linked up with hotel website to promote themselves. Hotel also has review system for their hotel so that the traveller search online for booking and get to know the actual quality of standard through experiences of other travellers. Also local newspapers, TV channels, radio stations plays important role to invite domestic tourist. This type of marketing affects consumer behaviour and help in growth strategy of the hotel. Delivery Strategy Hotel Medina grant has excellent online reservation system. Hotel has tie up with many international airlines that already declared in previous description of this paper. To sum up they also have collaboration with tour operators, they have special training programme for tour operator. In that programme they first offer free facilities of hotel to the operator and at the same time they teach them about uniqueness of the destination and hotel by giving attractive offers and knowing them key points about destinations and events. Free holiday vouchers are provided for selling particular amount of rooms, commission is also delivered on every room. Marketing department always in touch with distributor by conferencing and mailing to know about new trends in market and current condition in the market. Marketing department has annually meeting with distributors in every regional area to maintain relationship with the distributors.G:DocumentsPIHMSTourism assignmentdistribution.jpgSupply Struc ture in Sydney Consumer Profiles: Worldwide corporate Travellers Age Most of corporate travellers visiting to Sydney are aged among 28 to 50 years, while some travellers are among 50 to 65 years. Average visitors stay -Avg. stay per guest is 3 nights. Ethnicity- European, New Zealander, Asian, American Annual Income per year- Around $40,000 $50,000 Necessities- Presentation hall and Board meeting rooms, Wi-Fi services Participation- Majority of tourists selects to lunch and dinner at speciality restaurants. Some tourist visit to night club, surfing, whale watching, shopping Local corporate Travellers Age- Most of the corporate travellers age among 30 to 50 years, while some are among 50-63 years. Average visitors stay- Avg. shay per guest is 2.5 nights. Origin Business cities in Australia. Annual income per year: Around $40,000 $45,000 Participation- Around 50% of traveller lunch and dinner in dine dining restaurant. Some tourist visit to cinema, visiting families, networks and waterparks, etc. High Class Stylish Travellers Age- 25 35 years. Sexual category: 60% of male and 40% of female visitors. Category: higher class charters, head of departments, managers, air crew. Average visitors stay: 4-5 days Purpose of travel: Presentation, Seminars, Business meeting, Conference and events Yearly Income: More than $50,000 Participation: Massage parlour, casino, wine testing and visiting famous places. Proposed Strategies Product Strategy Medina Grand is one of the finest 4 star hotels in Sydney; functioning in a saturated market, they cannot imagine to rise their income by growing the number of guests. Additionally, the treats of the market are out of control and presently restricted by the professional target choice. Hence, Medina Grand must attention on growing expenses per night and per person by developed outstanding services and preserving its occupancy rate despite the tough struggle and great choice of substitute product. To maintain standard of the hotel have facilities like family rooms, special premier studio room, cribs available, climate control and mini bar as matched to the competitors. (Medina Grand hotel, 2012) The prices of the hotel are always competitive and special discount for group booking and repeat business. Hotel provides pick and drop facility from airport, car facility for nearby attractions which is good advantage for guests of Medina grand hotel. The hotel is situated in main area of Sydn ey and marketing of such facility certainly attract more number of tourist in their hotel. Multi-cuisine restaurant of the hotel is open in all days of week which offers excellent opportunity for tourist visiting the destination from different countries. Therefore they can relax themselves before settle down in the hotel room. The corporate travellers who came for business deals can discuss their business deals in restaurant without taking the visitors to their rooms. Thus, it will be convenient for guest if hotel restaurant is open for all night during all days of the week. Market Positioning Strategy Currently, Medina Grand is positioned as one of the luxuries hotel situated in impressive area of Sydney. Number of increasing competitor in market, comparable positioning wants Medina Grand to redefine themself in front of targeted consumer. They can do it in couple of ways. Mainly Medina Grand could attract more number of leisure travellers. In addition Medina Grand could select business travellers but who are looking for luxury. Luxury positioning must be profitable. But for luxury positioning guest will expect superior quality. This is way they will spend more. In conclusion we can say Medina Grand must be most appropriate property for international corporate tourists. When travellers from new region and different culture grow rapidly its difficult to apply old strategy and policies to understand their needs. Prepare for new plans is better idea to take advantage of such competitive market. Research shows Asian market is future potential market. Thus Medina Grand know requirement of Asian corporate sector and holiday market to maintain sustainability of the industry. Marketing Mix Strategy The four Ps of marketing mix to attract travellers from Asian country because they are least affect by economic slowdown, Medina Grand Sydney has to make special marketing strategy which is mentioned below: Product: They are changing their policies and strategy to concentration on new target market and new ethnic group. Hotel will have to improve certain modifications to their foods and amenities by seeing needs of Asian Travellers. For e.g. Presenting Chinese and Indian cuisine in the speciality restaurant. To satisfy need of satisfaction Medina Grand can start improvement in their accommodation. Its important for corporate traveller to sleep well to maintain busy schedule of next day. Medina Grand can renovate their bed with advance comfort facilities. Hotel can improve fitness services features by adding new machinery and equipment in fitness centre. Tie up with local corporate companies by giving discount help to increase revenue of the company. So the non-staying guest can use the facilities, thus will raise IHS business. Medina grand has to develop the facilities of fun. Train the staff by taking care of cultural values of country of origin of the guest. This kind of service they will remember for long time and help in repeat business. For example, Medina grand appointing employee from Asia so that Asian travellers can feel the hotel as home away from home. Advertising: Tourism Australia is currently in a situation to increase its advertising activities. The Medina Grand have to part in Press Release. Descent articles in popular newspapers which follows by corporate people. Invite press people on special events in the hotel. Participate in social awareness events. Publicise some admired magazines help to build the image of the hotel particularly when its person who reads are corporate people. Conclusion: Market strategy: Domestic and international corporate travellers are our principle target market. Also need to growth our attention on countries like USA, UK, New Zealand, India, and China etc. which are our main source of income. Its better ignore the countries which are very challenging to make target so that can get more time to concentrate on main target market. Marketing mix strategy: Medina Grand have to advertise powerfully local travel journals in China and India. 56 % of International Corporate tourists to Australia reached at Sydney International Airport with 40% of them coming from Asian nations. t. Asia market has the potential to provide good profits for the business. Price: Medina Grand has higher room rates compare to other star properties in the market. According to strategy, increase in room rate can affect the business of the Medina Grand. By providing extra facilities hotel can increase the rate. Place: It is important to advertise the hotel Medina grand on websites of airlines and tour operators. Application of search engine promotion policy is also significant, as most of internet sites visits arise through search engines. Hotel online bookings must be improved by application of this strategy.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Barack Obamas Political Marketing Strategy
Barack Obamas Political Marketing Strategy Using a country of your choice as an example, critically evaluate if or how political marketing has been applied in political campaigning or governmental communication Hilary Clinton began her campaign for the Democratic nomination in 2008 in pole position; she was by far the most recognizable name, already had a core block of support at the grass-roots level and from the outset she had access to the greatest funds. Yet it was the young and inexperienced African-American senator for Illinois who began his campaign as a relative unknown who secured the nomination. This essay intends to examine how the Barack Obama team utilised political marketing in order to win the contest. Specifically, we will analyse three crucial factors of Barack Obama’s political marketing strategy. Firstly it will be shown that by embracing the concept of online social networking the Obama campaign vastly increased its ability to reach out to and connect with his supporters. This produced a wide range of positive results, from increased grass-roots mobilization to greater levels of financial support. Next we will demonstrate that the data mining methods used by the O bama team to profile supporters gave the campaign greater efficiency, both in identifying potential voters and maximizing fundraising opportunities. The third decisive element of Barack Obama’s political marketing will be shown to be the way in which he was branded; his was the most professional, consistent and aesthetically cohesive branding effort, with a distinctive message that gave him a clear demarcation from his rivals. In short this essay will argue that these three strategies – the concept of social networking, the extensive data mining and the professional branding of Obama – all served to play a decisive role in his victory and provide important, even seminal, lessons for future political marketing strategies. Marc Ambinder (2008) argues that â€Å"America’s politics have regularly been transformed by sudden changes in the way we communicate†and he goes onto to show how past Presidents have embraced previous communication revolutions; Lincoln exploited the boom in the newspaper industry, Roosevelt’s radio-broadcast fireside chats enabled him to speak directly to the American people, whilst Kennedy’s assured performance against a less than comfortable Nixon in the first televised Presidential debate in American political history helped win the White House. They all understood and exploited these new media better than their opponents. Today’s newest media is of course the internet and Barack Obama’s campaign for the 2008 Democratic nomination has attempted to fully utilise the internet for political marketing purposes. Whilst using the web to reach out to the electorate, raise campaign money and other such activities is nothing new – witness the success of Howard Dean during the 2004 Democratic campaign – what made this campaign unique was the ‘joining up’ of disparate new-media strands into a comprehensive array of services. The Obama team embraced the concept of internet social networking, as exemplified by sites such as MySpace and Facebook, to a degree that was unsurpassed by any other candidate. So keen were they to incorporate the social networking phenomenon they hired Chris Hughes, one of the original founders of Facebook (Stelter, 2008). The big idea to come from this was that Barack Obama’s internet presence should go further than merely having a website which detailed policies, provided news, allowed donations and so on; rather there should be a network of inter-linked services and tools that enabled supporters to interact with one another and form a virtual community. At the heart of this was the site which acted as a hub for Obama supporters, allowing them to ne twork at a local level with other supporters. In practical terms this meant the establishment of fund-raising events, the mobilization of activists at the micro-level in order to recruit people to do the groundwork of distributing leaflets and knocking on doors. Although the site was established by Obama’s campaign team, once set up it became self-perpetuating; fundraisers were being organized at the ground level, with little or no interaction or involvement from upon high. went further than a standard campaign website, which usually allows the politician to connect with their own supporters. Whilst such an approach can be termed as a sort of vertical, or top down communication, facilitated horizontal communication, that is to say that it allowed Barack Obama’s supports to communicate with each other, as well as being able to participate in the campaign.. For a candidate such as Obama this new method of engaging with the public via new media presented him as part of the zeitgeist, as ‘next generation’; just as John F. Kennedy was seen as the first President to be of the 20th Century so Obama is seen as the candidate that best reflects the 21st Century. Aside from all the inherent practical benefits, the adoption of internet social networking methods also dovetailed neatly with Obama’s wider political message of self-empowerment. Indeed, the man himself has made this connection, declaring that the qualities that best described his campaign â€Å"openness and transparency and participation† were ones that â€Å"merged perfectly†with the Internet (cited in Cohen, 2008). In fact we could go as far as to say that, in terms of Obama’s use of internet-based social networking, the medium is the message; is significant not because it details radical policy proposals but rather because of the way in which it facilitates communication and allows for greater interaction and collaborative decentralized participation. In other words, its actual message is not what significant but rather the way in which information is conveyed and the symbiotic relationship that is formed as a result. For example, just the very fact the Barack Obama was au fait with ‘Web 2.0’ ideas and trends such as social networking distinguished him from his rivals. The aforementioned Chris Hughes, one of the founders of Facebook who joined the Obama team, ensured that stuck to the founding principles that has made Facebook so popular and effective; despite being a large national-based service, it was organized on a local level so users would interact with those in their real-life communities (Stelter, 2008). An Obama supporter in, say, a suburb of Rhode Island, could interact with other in his/her real-life community, events could be organized, they could meet up if they so wished. Indeed many such social events were arranged; in one example Obama supporters gathered together at each other’s house to watch a live webcast of their candidate’s speech (Kantor, 2007). However the online strategy was designed not merely to facilitate the social lives of Obama supporters but rather to improve grass-roots organisation, as Joe Rospars, Obama’s online director explains; â€Å"Weve tried to orient the tools less a s a social network and more as a mobilization network. Were creating opportunities for people to get out there and do things, the campaign is election-outcome oriented†(cited in Stelter, 2008). The practical benefits of adopting the concept of social networking soon became apparent. The New York Times reported that â€Å"in some primary and caucus states, volunteers used the Internet to start organizing themselves months before the campaign staff arrived†(Stelter, 2008). The real gains of Obama’s new media strategy however can be counted in dollars and cents; in April 2008, as the campaign entered a crucial stage, Obama’s teams raised $31m, whilst Hilary Clinton managed $20m (Sullivan, 2008). This gave Obama $38m for the remainder of his campaign, whilst Hilary $6m for hers (Sullivan, 2008). Such figures should not fool the reader into thinking that Hilary Clinton’s fundraising efforts were in some way ineffective – far from it, as Peter Ley den of the think-tank New Politics Institute explains: â€Å"What’s amazing is that Hillary built the best campaign that has ever been done in Democratic politics on the old model – she raised more money than anyone before her, she locked down all the party stalwarts, she assembled an all-star team of consultants and she really mastered this top-down, command-and-control type of outfit. And yet she’s getting beaten by this political start-up that is essentially a totally different model of the new politics†(cited in Sullivan, 2008) This new model was partly influenced by recent changes in the U.S. in laws pertaining to campaign funding. Due to concerns that massive donations by big business to campaign coffers could potentially cause a conflict of interest once a candidate was in office, the maximum amount allow for an individual donation was limited to $2,000 ($2,300 for the 2008 election). This shifted the emphasis away from the courting of wealthy donors towards attempts to encourage individuals to get their friends, family members and so on to also contribute the maximum donation. This strategy was the one which enable George W. Bush to amass the enormous sums spent on his Presidential bid, through the means of fundraising events and dinners, in which attendees paid considerable sums to rub shoulders with the candidate themselves (Sullivan, 2008). However, Obama’s team use of social networking led to two significant consequences in relation to campaign finance. Firstly, social networking created fund raising events by the grass roots supporters themselves, with no input from the candidate necessary. Secondly, rather than seek the maximum $2,300 from each individual, Obama’s team realized that a greater number of smaller donations meant a higher overall contribution. Of the $31m raised by Obama in April 2008, almost all of it came from online donors (Sullivan, 2008) and 94% came in donations of $200 or less (Sullivan, 2008). In comparison, 26% of Hilary Clinton’s donations and 13% of John McCain’s were under $200 (Green, 2008). Let us be clear; the amount that Barack Obama has raised online is unprecedented. Howard Dean was feted for raising $27 million online in 2004. So far, Obama has raised nearly $200 million (Green, 2008). A great example of how the ‘snowballing effect’ of social networking worked to create donations for Barack Obama is given by Joe Erwin (2008: â€Å"A friend I know, whos an Independent voter and who had never made an online campaign contribution, recently went online and donated $50 to the Obama campaign. Within two minutes she received a thank-you for the contribution and an acknowledgement that someone in Ohio had matched her contribution as a way of also saying thank you. Two minutes after that, she received another e-mail from the campaign asking if she, too, would be willing to match the $50 contribution of a new donor, and whether her e-mail address could be shared so that the new donor could thank her for her match. You get the picture.†The tactic of asking supporters just to give a little was inspired. Not only did it deliver a vast number of donors – over two million (Stelter, 2008).– but as the vast majority did not contribute the maximum amount, Obama was able to continue to ask them for another ‘little’ donation time and time again as his campaign went on. Furthermore, such a request is one that he can make again once the Presidential race against McCain begins in earnest. As The Times declares, â€Å"This is a money machine unlike any other†(Sullivan, 2008). Obama’s method of online fundraising meant that it minimized the amount of time he actually had to be present at events and dinners. In February 2008 the Obama campaign raised $55m ($45m from the internet) without Barack Obama personally hosting a single fundraiser (Sullivan, 2008). There are always multiple demands on a candidates’ time during a campaign, so the opportunity to spend less time trying to sweet talk people into emptying their wallets and purses and more on working on policy, speeches and suchlike is invaluable. Not only were the demands on the candidates time lessened but the campaign team soon found that fundraising events were springing up spontaneously, independent of any official involvement, as Andrew Sullivan (2008) explains: â€Å"This spring, many friends who had never previously been interested in politics suddenly told me about their Obama fundraisers. I was stunned by their activism. No one had asked them. They were arranging the parties or performances or gatherings through Facebook and MySpace, without any formal leadership from Obama headquarters. Just as Obama’s most famous web videos were never commissioned by the candidate – they were created and disseminated spontaneously online – so his fundraising began to take on a life of its own†¦There is no question in my mind that this is the future of political organisation and fundraising†Joshua Green (2008) witnessed first hand how Obama supporters became empowered to get involved in a meaningful way. Upon visiting the local Obama headquarters in Silicone Valley, Green found it to be â€Å"jammed with volunteers†who were listening to a Obama speech asking volunteers to phone wavering delegates in Iowa in order to try to get them to back him. Soon these volunteers did exactly that. The next day, Obama had gained nine delegates. What struck Green most about this episode was that: â€Å"that the headquarters is entirely self-sufficientâ€â€not a dime has come from the Obama campaign. Instead, everything from the computers to the telephones to the doughnuts and coffeeâ€â€even the building’s rent and utilitiesâ€â€is user-generated, arranged and paid for by local volunteers. It is one of several such examples across the country, and no other campaign has put together anything that can match this level of self-sufficiency†As Obama’s online director Joe Rospars states, â€Å"the idea is to give them the tools and have them go out and do all this on their own†(cited in Green, 2008) Another distinct advantage to the social networking system was that it allowed the campaign team to amass a wide array of personal information regarding Obama’s support. This data went far beyond the usual demographic indicators usually utilized in elections. The subsequent data mining of the information allowed Obama’s team to yet again maximize campaign contributions, as well as giving them a stronger, more organized presence at the grass-roots level. Upon visiting you are prompted to either log-in to your account or sign up if you are not already an existing user. This means that, unlike with traditional candidate websites, to access the full range of services you must provide your email address as well as your zip code. Other personal information can also be volunteered. As a result of his internet presence Barack Obama has over five million people signed up to his email list (Madden, 2008). What is significant however is not how much data was ava ilable to Obama’s people, but rather how it was used. After all, too much information can be overwhelming; how this information was utilized, the way in which it was broken down and ‘sliced up’ meant that the campaign could achieve greater efficiency and function in a much more streamlined manner. Targeting the right demographic is crucial, there is little point in pouring in money and time attempting to recruit voters who are by inclination Clintonites (or in the forthcoming Presidential campaign, right-wing Republicans). By knowing a voter’s age, gender, race, household income, academic qualifications and suchlike, predicting who they are planning to vote for (or indeed if they are likely to vote at all) is made all the more easier. Not only did Obama’s people collect data from their own supporters, they also used information that was already in the public domain, such as census records and voter registration records (Madden, 2008). Statistical software and market research tools used in the corporate domain were then used to isolate trends or common factors that indicated whether someone would be likely to vote Republican or Democrat, for Hilary or Obama. Whilst such research cannot guarantee to predict an individual’s voting behaviour it does allow for more educated guesses. For example, Obama’s campaign team would know that members of the American Civil Liberties Union would be more likely to vote for their candidate than members of the National Rifle Association. This data mining process meant that time and money could be more efficiently targeted and channeled. In the Iowa caucus the Obama team used sophisticated tracking mechanisms to firstly identify supporters, then hold their support . Internet sources were used to build mailing lists based on political, professional and personal interests. To gather information o voters his team trawled social networking sites, and not just MySpace and Facebook but also more niche sites that catered for white collar professionals, baby boomers, African-Americans, Latinos, Asians and the homosexual community (Slevin, P. Vargas, J.A., 2007) Data mining for political ends is nothing new. During the 2004 Election George W. Bush used consumer data to target potential new supporters (Madden, 2008). The Democrats used similar information to target wealthy donors (Madden, 2008). The difference with the Obama campaign is that his team used far more detailed information in pursuit of far wider reaching aims. For Obama’s people even information that may at first seem to have little or no relevance was utilized in order to accrue an advantage. The time at which people on the mailing list read the emails sent to them was monitored and if a consistent pattern emerged, they would always send them at that time of day. As Michael Bassik, a Democratic consultant with online advertising company MSHC Partners explains, â€Å"the marginal benefit of sending some people an email at 2 oclock vs. 3 oclock vs. 4 oclock might not make sense [at first] but once you start getting an e-mail list thats 3 million, 4 million, or 10 million p eople, increasing the returns for a fundraising e-mail by 5 or 10 percent means additional returns of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars (cited in Madden, 2008). A user of would have their usage tracked so it would be known how often they visited and when and thus their commitment to the campaign could be measured. All members – nearly a million people (Stelter, 2008) – were asked to complete a detailed survey of their voting habits, previous contributions to political campaigns, the political groups and issues they care most about and if and when they visited church (Madden, 2008). All of this information was then collated in order to build a profile of an Obama supporter. This information was then put to use via traditional electioneering methods. Neighbourhoods in which the data showed the highest percentage of likely Obama supporters were extensively canvassed. This integration of old and new methods is what made Obama’s data mining a success. Online information was joined up with offline data, everything became integrated, as the following example given by Andrew Sullivan (2008) shows: â€Å"Obama’s trademark mass rallies†¦aren’t just media draws. Everyone who wanted to get into the 75,000-strong rally in Portland†¦had to provide an e-mail address. By the time they came home from the event, an e-mail was waiting for them, asking them for money or for referrals to other friends, and encouraging them to form â€Å"affinity groups†to spread the network wider and wider†The information gleaned from data mining was combined with the advantages of social networking by Obama’s team when users of were encouraged to help the campaign by canvassing in their own areas. They were supplied with information that told them which of their neighbours were most likely to vote Democrat and who in their area was registered as an independent voter (Stelter, 2008). The final key element of Barack Obama’s political marketing strategy that we will discuss is branding. In his campaign Obama applied practices used for the branding of consumer products by corporate entities. He realized that consistency was the watchword; consistency of message and consistency in the way in which that message is delivered The use of consistent and expertly designed fonts, logos, slogans and web design prompted Newsweek to declare that â€Å"Obama is the first presidential candidate to be marketed like a high-end consumer brand†¦ in a way that transcends the mere appropriation of commercial tactics to achieve the sort of seamless brand identity that the most up-to-date companies strive for†(Romano, 2008). Just as with much else of the campaign, the operation to create ‘brand Obama’ was consistent and wide ranging. The online efforts were joined-up and synchronized with offline marketing. Obama’s team again took what can be desc ribed as a holistic approach. All of the graphics were in the same typeface, the Gotham font. This is true of the website, placards, leaflets and other literature. At Obama rallies all non-homemade signs are in the same font, which, according to graphic designer and critic Michael Bierut, is a more impressive feat than one might initially imagine; â€Å"every single non-handmade sign is in that font. Every single one of them. And theyre all perfectly spaced and perfectly arranged. Trust me. Ive done graphics for events and I know what it takes to have rally after rally without someone saying, ‘Oh, we ran out of signs, lets do a batch in Arial’†¦Theres an absolute level of control that I have trouble achieving with my corporate clients†(Romano, 2008). There were even occasions at rallies when supporters were requested to trade their home-made signs and placards for official Obama material so as to maintain the aesthetic cohesion (Brady, 2008). The typography used by Obama is significant for the message that it relays to us. His use of the Gotham font is fitting, as like the man himself it is a modern American creation. It was devised in 2002 for New York’s public buildings (Romano, 2008; Heller, 2008; Brady, 2008). Experts in the field insist that it is â€Å"assured, elegant, and plain-speaking†(Brady, 2008), â€Å"conversational and pleasant†(cited in Romano, 2008) and â€Å"substantial yet friendly†¦Up-to-date yet familiar†(cited in Heller, 2008). Various experts have waxed lyrical abut their admiration for how consistent, comprehensive and professional Obama’s branding campaign has been, whilst insisting that to successfully orchestrate such a huge, nation-wide branding effort in such a short and concentrated time-frame is something that even the major players in the corporate world have not been capable of (Romano, 2008; Heller, 2008; Brady, 2008). As we have seen with the adoption of social networking, the Obama campaign was as comfortable in dealing with new media sources as well as traditional media outlets. His campaign was transmedia, he understood that many people, especially those in the younger demographic, no longer get their news and other information from solely the television, radio or printed word. Instead many diverse platforms are used; websites, email, podcasts, mobiles phones and other such devices. Obama’s branding strategy, along with the rest of his political marketing operation utilized all media forms to deliver a coherent message. Keith Reinhard of the major advertising agency DDB Worldwide sees Obama as the ideal political product; â€Å"Barack Obama is three things you want in a brand. New, different, and attractive. Thats as good as it gets (cited in McGirt, 2008). His inspirational rhetoric, his promise of change, his idealism are his unique selling points, they differentiate him from the other candidates. The ‘Yes We Can’ message appeals to the younger, perhaps more cynical and apathetic segment of the demographic, it resonates with an audience tired of negative campaigning and broken promises. His is a message in of inclusivity, of empowerment; Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other timeWe are the hope of the future (cited in McGirt, 2008). In conclusion, Barack Obama’s use of political marketing has been crucial in making him the Democrat’s choice to contest the 2008 election. The use of social networking strategies was perhaps the most impressive and important element. The Obama campaign exploited the new opportunities of social networking far better than any other. The ‘Yes We Can’ attitude of his speeches took hold so strongly with his grass-roots support because the opportunities that new media provided for them to become part of the campaign. Supporters were enabled to organise events and engage in political activism with minimal ‘top-down’ management from the campaign team. The amount of money raised online, and the number of donors is unprecedented. Instead of reaching out to the wealthy elite and big business in the hope of large donations, Obama’s fundraising methods have conclusively shown that greater funds can be gathered by receiving smaller donations in much higher amounts. The data mining used meant that targeting potential supporters was made easier and more efficient. Having better information on the political issues that voters were interested in also helped to maximise donations and build support. The Obama brand achieved a remarkable level of consistency, professionalism and aesthetic cohesion and was delivered across a whole host of media, both old and new. His campaign, particularly the way in which the internet was utilised, could well signal a seismic shift in political marketing. Regardless of whether not he becomes President it seems almost certain that Barack Obama has changed the way politicians market themselves to the electorate. Bibliography Ambinder, M., 2008. HisSpace. Atlantic Monthly, June Brady, W., 2008. Obamas media campaign branding our consciousness. The Guardian, 10 July Cohen, N., 2008. The Wiki-Way to the Nomination. The New York Times, 8 June Erwin, J., 2008. How They Grew Brand Obama. Advertising Age, 27 February [internet]. Available from: [cited 29/07/2008] Green, J., 2008. The Amazing Money Machine. Atlantic Monthly, June Heller, S., 2008. To the Letter Born. The New York Times, 2 April Heller, S., 2008. To the Letter Born. The New York Times, 2 April Kator, J., 2007. Obama’s Online Strategy Seeks Big Bonus From Small Turnout. The New York Times, 1 April Madden, M., 2008. Barack Obamas super marketing machine. Salon, 16 July [internet] Available from: [cited 29/07/2008] MacAskill, E., 2008. Obama sends out army of volunteers. The Guardian, 14 June McGirt, E., 2008. The Brand Called Obama. Fast Company, April [online]. Available from: [cited 31/07/2008] Rawsthorn, A., 2008. Brand Obama, a leader in the imagewar. International Herald Tribune, 6 April Romano, A. 2008. Expertinent: Why the Obama Brand Is Working. Newsweek, 27 February Schifferes, S., 2008. Internet key to Obama victories. BBC News, 12 June [online] Available from: [cited 29/07/2008] Slevin, P. Vargas, J.A., 2007. Obama Tries New Tactics To Get Out Vote in Iowa. The Washington Post, 31 December Sifry M., 2008. President 2.0 The Guardian, 25 June Stelter, B., 2008. The Facebooker Who Friended Obama. The New York Times, 7 July Sullivan, A., 2008. Barack Obama is master of the new Facebook politics. The Times, 25 May
Monday, August 19, 2019
Soliloquy Term Paper: Hamlet’s Soliloquies -- GCSE English Literature
Hamlet’s Soliloquies      Reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet, it seems that at every other turn in the narrative the prince is alone and uttering another soliloquy. What is the nature of his various soliloquies? How many are there? What are their contexts? This essay will answer these questions and more. John Russell Brown in â€Å"Soliloquies and Other Wordplay Let the Audience Share Some of Hamlet’s Thoughts†explains that soliloquies are but one form of wordplay Hamlet uses: By any reckoning Hamlet is one of the most complex of Shakespeare’s characters, and a series of soliloquies is only one of the means which encourage the audience to enter imaginatively into his very personal and frightening predicament. The play’s narrative is handled so that a prolonged two-way chase is sustained between him and the king, during which the audience knows more than either one of them and so thinks ahead and anticipates events. In interplay with Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and Polonius, and perhaps with Claudius, Gertrude and Ophelia, Hamlet has asides to draw attention to what dialogue cannot express. (55-56) The first soliloquy, or â€Å"act of talking to oneself, whether silently or aloud†(Abrams 289), occurs when the hero is left alone after the royal social gathering in the room of state in the castle of Elsinore. He is dejected by the â€Å"o’erhasty marriage†of his mother to his uncle less than two months after the funeral of Hamlet’s father (Gordon 128). His first soliloquy emphasizes the frailty of women – an obvious reference to his mother’s hasty and incestuous marriage to her husband’s brother:  O, that this too too solid flesh would melt     Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!     Or that the Everlasting had not... An Impulsive but Earnest Young Aristocrat.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Masks of Hamlet. Newark, NJ: Univ. of Delaware P., 1992.  Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.  West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.  Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. â€Å"Hamlet: A Man Who Thinks Before He Acts.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Ed. Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar. N. p.: Pocket Books, 1958.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Vegetarian Diets Essay examples -- Healthy Lifestyle Essay
Growing up in India, I have heard much about vegan diets. Many people take on vegetarian diets due to religious beliefs, personal interest, ethical issues, and many other reasons. So what exactly is a vegetarian diet? Is it better for the body? Vegetarian diets can provide the necessary nutrients; as well, as reduce the likelihood of chronic diseases caused by unhealthful diet; however, if the food intake is not closely monitored it can lead to deficiencies. Then the question becomes, if vegetarian diets are better, then why exactly do we need meat products in our diet? In this research paper, I want explore the pro and cons of vegetarian diet and its implications. The vegetarian society defines a vegetarian as one who consumes predominantly fruits, vegetables, grains and plant products without eating animal products such as meat, fish, poultry (â€Å"Vegetarian society†). Although vegetarians are defined as those who do not consume animal products, there are different levels of vegetarianism: semi-vegetarian, pescovegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian, lacto vegetarian, ovovegetarian, strict vegetarian, macrobiotic diet, and fruitarian. The level of strictness in food intake varies with each type of diet that it becomes harder for the person to acquire the daily requirements of nutrients. Semi-vegetarian is also known as Flexitarian. This type of vegetarian consumes a large amount of plant products, eggs, dairy items and from time to time eat red meat, poultry, at times even fish (Thompson, Manore, Vaughan, 2011 pg. 223). A flexitarian as the name sounds does not give up meat completely but they take on this diet because they have become more conscientious of their health and the ecology. Since they are not completely limiting an... ...Based on research, it seems that all vegetarian diets other than strict vegetarian, macrobiotic diets and fruitarian diet provide the body with essential proteins derived from animal products. In any type of diet, the individual must follow the requirements in order for it to have good benefits to health. References Becoming a vegetarian. (2009). Harvard Women's Health Watch, 17(2), 4-6. "Lacto Ovo Vegetarian Diets." Lacto Diets, Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian Diet. Retrieved on March 25, 2012. MacMunn, A., & O'Malley, R. (2009). Eat right. Retrieved March 25, 2012 from Thompson, Manore, Vaughan, 2011. The Science of Nutrition. Benjamin Cumming, San Francisco. Vegetarian society. (n.d.). Retrieved March 25, 2012 from
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Solve a Problem
Solve a Problem Paper Laura Cud university to Phoenix PHALLI Creative Minds and Critical Thinking Jansen Buckler August 07, 2013 The concept of creativity in processing a strategic plan was not implemented in a professional scenario of consolidating two warehouses together; a consolidation that creates a centralized operation to maintain transparency for customer satisfaction. The creative process has two broad applications to open the thought process of being creative: solving problems and resolving controversial Issues (Ruggeri, 2009).More to the point the terms problem and issue noticeably overlap; both terms refer o an unpleasant condition that challenges the resourcefulness to provide a satisfactory remedy to an explosive problem. Although the term Issue divides personnel against each other, both sides have created barriers against the opposing party. By evaluating the four stages of creativity will gain an understanding to have a productive project while maintain transparency t o the customer. The tour stages to creative process that should have applied to a consolidation project begin with (a) searching for challenges (Ruggeri, 2009).Frequently challenges are presented with issues that create an evidential dilemma. Problems that include longer than expected customer wait time due to multiple warehouses to execute a response of materiel issue to the customer. To meet this challenges In an original yet effective way management must (b) express the problem or issue to identify the problematic areas for consolidating the warehouses. Recognizing the problems within an issue will yield a plausible solution.Furthermore having to transport materiel issue documents between building causing double and sometime triple handling of materiel hard copy issue documents. Only after the (c) investigating to problem or issue will management discover the pertain Information necessary to deal effectively with customer dissatisfaction of having to wait long periods of time to receive materiel, especially under urgent conditions. The investigating stage allows the process to be mapped out to see where fresh Ideas can be Implemented and old processed might be evicted bring about a new and improved management of hard copy documents.These fresh concepts will be the source of (d) producing ideas that generates credible consideration to decide what action to take In order to mitigate the current customer wait times. Although there are two obstacles to overcome: the unwitting tendency to limit Ideas regarding familiar habits and creating barriers to the â€Å"unknown†to change (Ruggeri, 2009). The Ana in our project tell short in this stage, as a team on this consolidation project we taunt ourselves tempting to hold tight to the current processes. It seemed that the new processes were alien and the creativity within this project fell short.Because we fought the inevitable the turn-around time of the projects cradle to grave life line went from a two mon th expected closure to a six month lingering of barriers to change. Understanding the techniques used to break down the barriers of change and have a successful consolidation closed the fourth stage of creative processes. The techniques used in this consolidation challenge were trim-fold, stake holders that included the employees, management, and customers. Both employees and management was observant to the change that was occurring.Both parties were involved in his or her internal reveries causing them to miss the bulk of what was causing the change to occur. The customers were frustrated by observing the constraints in receiving materiel and watching the installation fall apart due to miss-communication between employee and management. Management was looking for the imperfection in the current processes and provided training to the employees before the change was executed. All three parties saw imperfections of their own and learned how to handle those changes when they searched f or their causes.Management had to be sensitive to the implications of this consolidation and recognize the controversy from the change. To properly investigate the currently problem, management must first identify the problems that need to be solved. Management had to search out the facts behind the change; they would use eye witness testimony from the customer (Ruggeri, 2009). This testimony will give the customer a chance to vent their frustrations. Expert opinions from other entities that have consolidated their processes to see were their problematic issues were and what worked smoothly.Conduct surveys with the employees who would experience the change in the processes and how that will affect daily production. Finally management shall review their own experiences to see where in the problem lays on their end. By taking in all these prospective will allow management to have a 360 degree view of the problem and possible solutions to resolve the constraints in the consolidation pr oject. Questions to be answered before the consolidation can be implemented: * What will the new management hierarchy look like? How will the new processes fall into the old processes of issuing materiel? * Will we still use hard copy documents? * How will the customers be affected by this change? * How will the customer overcome their current frustrations? To better understand the problem behind this consolidation project, the stakeholders were on the verge of experiencing a change that had a variable of unknowns. Yes, the consolidation would reduce the turn-around time for the customers to receive their materiel, and the use of hard copy documents prolonged the issues rates.There were several advantages for technology and computerized documents to expedite the materiel issues. Although the hierarchy would change moving employees into a centralized location, the employees would see a minimal impact because the management system was not going to change Just the location. The new pro cesses would fall into the old process nicely due to the computerized issue documents and the track-ability of the eateries will show a positive chain of custody with an exchange of hands.The Old nard copy documents cause constrains Witt the loss to paperwork and past issue to materiel. Currently there are no hard-copy documents they were resolved when the documents became electronic. The customers will experience a bottle neck effect during the consolidation but once the materiel is moved into the new building it will have a stronger turn-around time. The customer will overcome their frustration by keeping an open like of communication and give a advance notice of intent with urgent items that need to be expedited.At the conclusion of this project it was noticed that the Seems were customer constraints and the lost of materiel transparency during the move. And the Jewels were that communication between the stakeholders kept the material movement seamless, as well as the advances in technology. Ultimately this project was a success, although if we would have used the creative process within our implantation we would not have experience the various constraints. References Ruggeri, V. R. (2009). The art of thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought (9th deed. ). New York, NY: Pearson Longhand.
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